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30 years late the LCA in testing

they are not late. considering that jf17 was designed with f-16 Block A/B in mind. so indians decided to go with the aircraft that beats f-16, THE MIRAGE 2000. LCA is about to enter its production phase, while we have only manage to produce about 15-25 of Jf17. So they are not behind us. considering the fact that we took help from china and they went solo on their project
Sir, than anyone will post anything from hate blogs where there is no facts. How can be a fighter 30 years late when the programme started in about 22 years back? Also there are full of lies in this article.

you got to accept the terms and conditions of the forum ...
Mods decide what to regulate and what to close/delete.

In this case, a one-liner would have been enough. This helps users who are not knowledgeable about defence to know how inaccurate the article is, and that is what this forum is all about.

Discuss and learn.

Nobody learns anything while the messenger is being attacked.

This author is no different from you guys, perhaps a bit less knowledgeable as evident by the inaccuracies.
30 YEARS late?
Do you know what the word 'late' means?
Or did you assume the plane would start testing the day the project started Doofus :rofl: :rofl:
was wondering whether the article was written by a pakistani journalist who is there on pdf... sounds very familiar...

some ppl just hate it when someone succeeds ... and as they say.. there is no cure for jealousy, and jealousy should be earned..

either way... what is the point in having the best fighters... there is no war going to happen..
If the LCA doesn't enter into service this year, then its as good as scrapped.

Days after initial operational clearance, radar shock for India’s LCA fighter : Defense news

Barely three days after India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) “Tejus” received its “release to service certificate”, which means a go-ahead for air force induction, an international report claimed that Israel has barred the export of the Airborne Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) version of the EL/M-2052 radar presumably under U.S. pressure.
i would like to mention few milestones here of LCA project.

1982-83 : the plan to develop LCA is conceieved.
1984-85: th project was sanctioned by Go I
1985-89: ground for of project, visiting various countries for support.
1989-92: no work could be done as no funding allocated. the indian govt is cash starpped.
1992: the project recommences
1995: LCA roles out.
1998: sanctions by US. the fly by wire technology which was almost complete and ready to be tested is denied to india. even indian designs were not given and withheld. indian scientists were meeting lockheed martin officials on testing of fly by wire technology and they were asked to go out jus plain hand.

india has to start from scratch in fly by wire technology.

the cooperations resumes after 3-4 yrs of delay.

the main reasons for delay:

1. sanctions by america.
2. too many agenices involved like HAL, GTRE, ELRDE, ADE, IITs, BEL, ECIL, ADA and scores of other govt agencies.
3. continues upgradation of air staff requirements from IAF.
4. slow sanctioning process of govt.

not withstanding above, i think the knowledge gained in LCA could be very well utilised in AMCA. remem ber india took time to make ALH but LCH was developed so quickly.
T/R(ATransmitter/Receiver) module for the AESA radar which shows that steady progress has been made by India in this field so that they can fill the void by placing it on its home grown LCA project.


Patency Link


Infact work on the necessary transmit/receive modules was done back in 1998 itself as revealed by Dr. Harinarayana (the father of the LCA programme) in a interview.

India is working on this AESA technology to develop an AESA radar for the LCA (which presently will only have the MMR which is a PD radar.
If the LCA doesn't enter into service this year, then its as good as scrapped.

Days after initial operational clearance, radar shock for India’s LCA fighter : Defense news

we not gonna scrap tejas,even it's a bit late !!its our plane ,our proud . If you are talking about ToT manufacturing then we have a Custom here !! mig21,jaguar ,somewhat mig27 and now Su 30mki ,mmrca is coming,FGFA IS NEXT ON LINE but none is indigenious except Tejas..sorry but tejas gonna stay here for long long time sir! :lol:
if you say TOT licence production of your jf-17 a success then india is doing this since 1960....

i wish they would also have done same with ARJUN & LCA at the start it would have bin a home run just they did with brahmos,
& by the way jf17 is not mine iam bharti:partay:
Bharti Airtel Limited,an Indian telecommunications company that operates in 19 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands.
so how bharti is a failure?:undecided:
bharti has airforce too ?Bharati Air Force

ok i got it ,its INDIA

Is it not India and Bharat the synonyms???
We read the country as Bharat in our Bengali Text book and India in our English text book...

I am so confuuused..................
we not gonna scrap tejas,even it's a bit late !!its our plane ,our proud . If you are talking about ToT manufacturing then we have a Custom here !! mig21,jaguar ,somewhat mig27 and now Su 30mki ,mmrca is coming,FGFA IS NEXT ON LINE but none is indigenious except Tejas..sorry but tejas gonna stay here for long long time sir! :lol:
The biggest problem is that IAF placed orders for only 20 aircrafts. Say if those 20 don't turn into 200 it won't reach its project goals.

It may only be a token to the same Indian pride mentioned above. But as a project it would be a failure. My comment was that now even for a 20 plane order if it doesn't meet its July deadline - or say 31 Dec, 2011 deadline - it should be scrapped due to the incompetency of the agencies involved if nothing else.

If they can't deliver on THAT small an order (and by deliver I mean deliver and accepted by IAF), then its better it is scrapped.

It HAS to be delivered this year, I'm pretty sure Indians won't tolerate any more delays from DRDO and other agencies involved.
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