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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

Very, very true.

Going back to the subject thread Pakistani's lack good quality education the lack of which produces ignorant mass who are not fit to handle the modern world. Education is the number one need of the times for Pakistan. Even if defence budget has to be tweaked more money needs spent on education. Primary education should be 100% by now.Rationality and progress would follow.

Why do we have to import Chinese engineers to build our roads? It's not like we have shortage of people. The reason is Pakistan produces way too many madaris graduates who know way too much about the after life but fcuk all of about life here. All those madaris students should studying maths, physics, chemistry, aeronautics, civiul engineering, matarials engineering, electronics engineering.

Then we won't need to bring in Chinese engineers to build our roads or import Ukrainian tanks or import Russian helicopters. We would have then wo(men) to do that in Pakistan. It's called having human assets.

Pakistani engineers are widely participating in the effort.

Some projects are just chinese speciality. But i wholeheartedly agree wth your concerns about the education system.

Every education system needs evolving to keep pace with time.

Ours is stuck in the 19th century.
The problem is that the dumbest of the society (usually, not all) go to the Dar-ul-Uloom and the smartest usually go to engineering, medicine, etc etc etc. But you are right the Dar ul Uloom should also teach maths, physics, etc etc, like once upon a time....
Every society has dumb. We still need toilet cleaners, porters etc. But no country can get anywhere without making sure that every person gets a chance to develop whatever nature endowed him/her. While no country has quite achieved that 100% but in Pakistan way too much talen is wasted which is tragic for the individual and a loss to society. I know Pakistanis are smart. Indeed I think we are very smart. More so then Indians. But the problem is most of thie talent is wasted. Way too many olf our young either do not get education or if they do it is poor quality that fails to leverage their ability.

Look Pakistanis should be designing stealth fighters, Pakistanis should be building helicopters, Pakistanis should be building world class infrastructure. But all that is not happening. Instead Ukranians, Russians, Chinese produce stuff and we import it like. That points to having no human assets in Pakistan that can make those things? Why not? Because we don;t educate our people. It's that simple.

Pakistani engineers are widely participating in the effort.
With our population we should not be paricipating as juniors in our own country but being contracted out by Chinese, Turks, Egyptians, Kenyans, Nigerians, Russians to construct their bridges, buildings and tunnels.
With our population we should not be paricipating as juniors but being contracted out by Chinese, Turks, Egyptians, Kenyans, Nigerians, Russians to construct their bridges, buildings and tunnels.

We are fast learners. We are doing fine.

7-10 years we will have what we need to colonize the ones you mentioning.
In UK Pakistanis are shat on by everybody but then consider this. The first Asian to break into being a boxing champ is Pakistani. No sign of bragging Indians who number more then us in UK. Then have a look at the highest ranking ethnic military officer in UK. Again a Pak origin admiral. Ditto the police. Ditto London Mayor. Fact is we have incredible talent but all too often [even in UK] it is waylaid into cul de sacs. For instance I read a paper by a friend on the poor performance of Pakistanis children in particular boys in UK. One thing that came out was the number of hours they spend in after school religious classes which of course eat into the time and also divert/alienate the students from mainstream education. What is lacking is balance.
Every society has dumb. We still need toilet cleaners, porters etc. But no country can get anywhere without making sure that every person gets a chance to develop whatever nature endowed him/her. While no country has quite achieved that 100% but in Pakistan way too much talen is wasted which is tragic for the individual and a loss to society. I know Pakistanis are smart. Indeed I think we are very smart. More so then Indians. But the problem is most of thie talent is wasted. Way too many olf our young either do not get education or if they do it is poor quality that fails to leverage their ability.

Look Pakistanis should be designing stealth fighters, Pakistanis should be building helicopters, Pakistanis should be building world class infrastructure. But all that is not happening. Instead Ukranians, Russians, Chinese produce stuff and we import it like. That points to having no human assets in Pakistan that can make those things? Why not? Because we don;t educate our people. It's that simple.

With our population we should not be paricipating as juniors in our own country but being contracted out by Chinese, Turks, Egyptians, Kenyans, Nigerians, Russians to construct their bridges, buildings and tunnels.
But before this, Pakistanis should be eliminating corruption, promoting virtue and morals...
these are the first steps...
Pakistanis need to read the Pakistani ideologue the late Muhammad Asad, director of the defunct Dept of Islamic Reconstruction....
Pakistani engineers are widely participating in the effort.

Some projects are just chinese speciality. But i wholeheartedly agree wth your concerns about the education system.

Every education system needs evolving to keep pace with time.

Ours is stuck in the 19th century.
Indeed in system when the Colonial master ruled....
Pakistanis need to read the Pakistani ideologue the late Muhammad Asad, director of the defunct Dept of Islamic Reconstruction...
You mentioned him before. Sounds interesting. I need to read up on him.
I wish I was as optimistic as you. If it happens I will be dancing. Even as old man like Christopher Walken.

I hope that day coincides with you being a dancing grand dad as well busting salsa moves on the mrs.

I am bound by faith to be optimistic.

Indeed in system when the Colonial master ruled....

I choose my words wisely Sometimes on purpose
But no country can get anywhere without making sure that every person gets a chance to develop whatever nature endowed him/her. While no country has quite achieved that 100% but in Pakistan way too much talen is wasted which is tragic for the individual and a loss to society. I know Pakistanis are smart. Indeed I think we are very smart. More so then Indians. But the problem is most of thie talent is wasted. Way too many olf our young either do not get education or if they do it is poor quality that fails to leverage their ability.

Chicken or egg first kind of argument. Why, if Pakistanis are smarter, then why the 'talent' is wasted? Smart people wouldn't waste their talent, would they?

I think average Pakistanis ARE smarter than average Indians if IQs were a determinant, and, to quote Musharraf, have '400% better accents'. And Pakistanis are better looking too. But Pakistan is a much smaller country with a smaller pool of talent. India can afford to have entire Utter Pradesh be 'dumb' to equal Pakistan's population and still have productive people.

Ever wondered about South American countries? They are mostly not in global conflicts. Have favorable climates. Are mostly at peace with each other. Have sizable populations. And yet they are mostly 3rd world violent countries where populations find Virgin Mary reflected in waterfalls all too often.

For Pakistan's problem, the cause is obvious: In my opinion, and I have said it before, Pakistan is in an unwinnable competition against India since 1947 and Pakistan's enormous energies and resources are focused against India. And India now has a very powerful ally--the only standing superpower in the world. Either Pakistan becomes a super efficient state or risks always being dependent on external powers.
India is not a competition for us. Maybe for you personally

No, not to me personally. Why would India be to me personally? But, yes, from from the Partition onwards, Pakistan has been competing against India. Competition itself is not a bad thing. And I believe it has done many good for Pakistan otherwise Pakistan would be another Afghanistan. Well, maybe not that bad. But Pakistan cannot win against India unless 'the house' is in order or there is powerful external patron.
No, not to me personally. Why would India be to me personally? But, yes, from from the Partition onwards, Pakistan has been competing against India. Competition itself is not a bad thing. And I believe it has done many good for Pakistan otherwise Pakistan would be another Afghanistan. Well, maybe not that bad. But Pakistan cannot win against India unless 'the house' is in order or there is powerful external patron.

Amusing stuff
Chicken or egg first kind of argument. Why, if Pakistanis are smarter, then why the 'talent' is wasted? Smart people wouldn't waste their talent, would they?
There are many exogenous factors to talent like geography, history, geopilitics and even plain luck. When you see that dumb Arab drives past you in his Lambo because oil spurted out of his dads patch of desert that is lady luck. The consequences are profound.

It is too late in the evening for me to address why we have failed to reach our potential but lot of it has to do with pre 1947 and post 1947 history. And competition is good. I am glad we have rivalry with India. it pushes us up. If you are student of European history you will know that continent took the lead because all those countries were in continous wars. conflicts, rivalriies till 1945. That is what drove them where they are today.
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