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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

I maintain that Pakistan, being a much smaller and weaker country in 1947, has been in an unwinnable competition against India.
Shhot for the stars and you might land on the moon. Shoot to stand up you might end up sitting. As I said before rivalry per se against India has not hurt Pakistan one bit. As I explained competition is stuff of human nature. I have always been competitive in my life and found that placed in a demanding situation I pushed further and harder. It;s human nature and applies to nations. As I mentioned before I majored in European history being as I was brought up in UK. The history of Pakistan was something I read up as a hobby. But one thing that comes out of European history post 1500 which coincides with rise of Western Europe is the continous wars, conflicts, tensions, scheming, alliances all intended to do one over other countries - this consumed millions of European dead and wrought destruction on epic scale culminating in the two world wars. Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Dutch, Russia, Italy, Portugal fought each other silly. Indeed that is what made these countries. Interestingly this five humdred years of drama and wars was entirely missed by us or our ancestors. The only Muslim people to engage with and compete during this period were Turks who also fought to death in these rivalries and out of this fire came the Turkish republic. It is no coincidence today that the most advanced Muslim country is Turkey. Because they competed while we slept.

Of course Zia, religious obscurantism, mullah politics is something I agree with you but that is more to do with the path Pakistan chose in it's domestic policy as opposed to India begining with the Objective Resolution of 1949 which effectively laid direction to where we are today.

India makes up about 20% of the world's population, so of course you will have a large GDP. The sad thing is; despite having 20% of the world's population, India only contributes about 2.83% to the global GDP.

The only place you can boast in is sub-saharan Africa, even then; there are many countries there that have better living conditions than India.

There are more Indians that shit on the streets than the entire population of Pakistan, so don't put "India" and "civilised" in the same sentence.
Ohghh. That hurt. It was a ....

All of it stems from our wretched education system which imparts more useless thoughts and traits than a late night talk show. we sorely need an upgrade in this department
Shhot for the stars and you might land on the moon. Shoot to stand up you might end up sitting. As I said before rivalry per se against India has not hurt Pakistan one bit. As I explained competition is stuff of human nature. I have always been competitive in my life and found that placed in a demanding situation I pushed further and harder. It;s human nature and applies to nations. As I mentioned before I majored in European history being as I was brought up in UK. The history of Pakistan was something I read up as a hobby. But one thing that comes out of European history post 1500 which coincides with rise of Western Europe is the continous wars, conflicts, tensions, scheming, alliances all intended to do one over other countries - this consumed millions of European dead and wrought destruction on epic scale culminating in the two world wars. Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Dutch, Russia, Italy, Portugal fought each other silly. Indeed that is what made these countries. Interestingly this five humdred years of drama and wars was entirely missed by us or our ancestors. The only Muslim people to engage with and compete during this period were Turks who also fought to death in these rivalries and out of this fire came the Turkish republic. It is no coincidence today that the most advanced Muslim country is Turkey. Because they competed while we slept.

Of course Zia, religious obscurantism, mullah politics is something I agree with you but that is more to do with the path Pakistan chose in it's domestic policy as opposed to India begining with the Objective Resolution of 1949 which effectively laid direction to where we are today.

Ohghh. That hurt. It was a ....

Not to mention the wholesale loot and plunder of the rest of the world and not to mention ethnic cleansing.
Then why are you running the 26/11 attack trial for so long. It is hard to digest the truth.
No its not pakistan its ganga land indians who run away from trials and fail to provide sufficient evidence which can lead to convictions.

Now next time u throw any outlandish statement back it up with proofs not random one liners pulled out of ur arse

Because our country continues to use the colonial era education system which above all things teaches blind obedience to higher authority. I remember when I started studying in Sweden my grades fell drastically because the teachers felt I was making no effort to analyse and understand the questions in tests. In Pakistan we used the "ratta" theory were we just memorised facts and threw them out on a piece of paper during tests without ever questioning their authenticity. Here they wanted us to ask "why?" all the time. Present both sides of an argument. Eventually got a grip on it and grades improved but also realized how the Pakistani education system is still stuck in the colonial era.
Yes actually true and btw i dont know should i call it colonial era education system or not cause i dont know who set it up in place,if it was brought by brits even then it sucked and if it were already in place even before brits arrived even then it was and is the shyttiest system. And very correct its a weird slave mentality breeding system where at all costs u are supposed to stay obedient towards ur teachers no matter how bitchy they are.

The concept of inquiry ,curiosity ,questioning concepts and ideas does not simply exist AT ALL. Thats why isee so many brilliant minds; who display mind blowing abilities despite being taught in such environment, go wasted and it hurts.

And even with current curriculum things could be greatly improved by training ur teachers on how to help students think critically, setting guideines for teachers behavior towards kids,that is, it should not be extremely authoritative, extreme obedience towards teachers must be discarded, and exam papers format must be completely overhauled.

I have all layouts sketched out in my mind .i know if i have to run a school how i would want things to run lol but i am sure my schools kids will turn out as weird as iam.
No its not pakistan its ganga land indians who run away from trials and fail to provide sufficient evidence which can lead to convictions.

Now next time u throw any outlandish statement back it up with proofs not random one liners pulled out of ur arse

We have to provide evidence for your trials? How logical is that?? Lakhvi and eight others are on trial since 2008 for what??

We can only provide evidence that was gathered here in Mumbai and we did that. Now it is up to you people to conduct your investigations and bring it to its logical conclusion.
Then why are you running the 26/11 attack trial for so long. It is hard to digest the truth.

No ..m fact is there is no evidence. India remains the biggest terrorist nation in the region.
No ..m fact is there is no evidence. India remains the biggest terrorist nation in the region.

It is your state which is keeping the trial going and it is not India. Maybe they don't the wider world to acknowledge the obvious about your country.
It is your state which is keeping the trial going and it is not India. Maybe they don't the wider world to acknowledge the obvious about your country.

You say my state... I say your state...

End of the day... I am right.
Yes actually true and btw i dont know should i call it colonial era education system or not cause i dont know who set it up in place,if it was brought by brits even then it sucked and if it were already in place even before brits arrived even then it was and is the shyttiest system. And very correct its a weird slave mentality breeding system where at all costs u are supposed to stay obedient towards ur teachers no matter how bitchy they are.

there is nothing colonial in Pakistan education..I could not trace single chapter..Pakistan education is backward in its own class..in 75 years it could not develop a viable school curriculum..a colonial education system would have done some real good to Pakistan instead.
Because the genes are inherently inferior. Most ethnic groups love having idols to worship and pledge loyalty to tribes and feudal lords. They refuse to give up their dogmatic cultures and infuse ancient tribal mindset with religion.

They have been doing that for 1000 years, and the only chance they had to kill these ideals off they did not.

Pakistanis arent going anywhere, changing anything or improving their mentality.
We can discuss it, slam keyboards about it; but as movement after movement has shown.. no supposed positive change is permanent and Punjabis, Pathans, Sindhis,Balochis, Hazara, etc etc that make up thr sons of soil “Pakistani” are happy exactly as they are. Be it under Alexander, Lodhi, Akbar , Victoria or Nawaz Sharif.

If you are one of the smart ones to gain this realization among this disjointed collection pf human beings.. get out of the country. If you are out now, consider yourself lucky.. please don’t buy a petrol station or grocery store and please send your kids to a good school, participate in the social and political activities of your adopted country(unless you’re in a Arab fiefdom, in that case just pretend you support them and live in ignorant bliss) . secure a future for your next generation.

Those of you in Pakistan, good luck.. keep praying, might help keep your morale up even as the rest of the world slowly decends into its cesspool of socio-economic conditions.

Remember to do the dhamal or beat/kill those who do, curse whichever of the prophet’s companion you did not support during the events 1400 years ago.. and enjoy khota karhai.
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