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Global Wars and Peace: Insanity against Humanity: What is Next?

No offense taken. :)

Though I too want to discuss after the 23rd.

I want to address one thing here.

Amazon is testing smart delivery quadcopter drones and trying to get government license. But there are obvious concerns here :

1 .Privacy ( path of the drone's overflight ).
2. Safety ( drone crashes ).
3. Security ( a weapon-carrying drone masquerading as a goods delivery drone ).
Those sort of issues come up with any new technology that emerges. If the technology is useful enough, humans accept it with all its drawbacks.
Those sort of issues come up with any new technology that emerges. If the technology is useful enough, humans accept it with all its drawbacks.

Last year someone in Venezuela used two drones to try to assassinate President Maduro. This is the link to the New York Times video analysis of the attempt.

On the other hand, drones are useful too, within a limited context. An acquaintance of mine has started a company, one of whose research projects is drone-base detection of water-bodies in remote areas, like jungles.

Okay, toodle doo. :sleep:
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Last year someone in Venezuela used two drones ito try to assassinate President Maduro. This is the link to the New York Times analysis of the attempt.

On the other hand, drones are useful too, within a limited context. An acquaintance of mine has started a company, one of whose research projects is drone-base detection of water-bodies in remote areas, like jungles.

Okay, toodle doo. :sleep:
Idiots will be idiots...not much one can do about it other than catching them and punishing them to make an example. The drones are just the latest examples of idiots using it for nefarious purposes such as killing. Since the dawn of time man has used things as primitive as stones all the way up to modern times, where u hear the news of someone using their car to kill. This doesn't mean that we should get rid of stones, cars, drones or whatever else...progress must continue...we(humans) should just come up with better ways to deal with idiots.
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I think you are correct. Even when we will have colonies on Mars and the asteroids ( which we will ), we will have wars. Crimes also will exist, though in societies which have less religion and are not money-based and are more scientific, the crimes will be lesser.


So called "non-nationalists" have fought each other quite viciously.

I don't have to acquaint you just how far and personally Stalin took things with Trotsky.

Trotsky got the "point" of Stalinist-communism in the end....literally.

Gibbs is overall more correct about organised religion (superceding morality + spirituality) being a war sustaining force compared to nationalist vs. non-nationalism (given those are just basically continuation of the earlier stuff i.e political/social tribalism.... by other means/names)

. Crimes also will exist, though in societies which have less religion and are not money-based and are more scientific, the crimes will be lesser.

Doubt they will be lesser. Underlying crime rates once you have stable society are pretty much always the same...and simply wax and wane by how you define and measure them.
I suspect it will be related to economics. A global recession and competition for resources may yet trigger catastrophic conflicts, but I remain hopeful that mankind will evolve to a higher level of resolution of such issues.

As long as alien not invaded earth first
As long as alien not invaded earth first
Actually don't u think that would be a perfect way to unite humanity? The "common enemy" concept has been successfully used many times to unite a ppl...to create an "us vs them" narrative. The only difference is that this narrative has been used for creating divisions and starting infighting...e.g. Hutu vs Tutsi, Germans(the superior Aryans) vs Jews(and other "lesser" ppl), whites vs blacks, etc. With an external threat like the "aliens", this can serve as the basis on which to unite humanity.
@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @RealNapster @jamahir
Actually don't u think that would be a perfect way to unite humanity? The "common enemy" concept has been successfully used many times to unite a ppl...to create an "us vs them" narrative. The only difference is that this narrative has been used for creating divisions and starting infighting...e.g. Hutu vs Tutsi, Germans(the superior Aryans) vs Jews(and other "lesser" ppl), whites vs blacks, etc. With an external threat like the "aliens", this can serve as the basis on which to unite humanity.
@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @RealNapster @jamahir

Yes over-arching existential threats unite like no other (given you simply go well over the different identities the smaller fights take place over...and make them irrelevant basically).

I am reminded of the "humankind's" war against the Machines in the animatrix (Matrix prequel) for example. Barring the major logic holes for sake of argument, it definitely hit my raw emotion pretty well as I am sure it would in the broader concept for any human being faced with it in reality. They even made sure to show different religions side by side "donning their spiritual armor" in the human army iirc. Man now I have to go chill out to that overseer theme...thanks buddy :)
Yes over-arching existential threats unite like no other (given you simply go well over the different identities the smaller fights take place over...and make them irrelevant basically).

I am reminded of the "humankind's" war against the Machines in the animatrix (Matrix prequel) for example. Barring the major logic holes for sake of argument, it definitely hit my raw emotion pretty well as I am sure it would in the broader concept for any human being faced with it in reality. They even made sure to show different religions side by side "donning their spiritual armor" in the human army iirc. Man now I have to go chill out to that overseer theme...thanks buddy :)
I remember a concept similar to what i mentioned earlier...shown in Code Geass. Yes it is an anime and fictional and what not...but it has an overarching philosophical theme. The main character is a somewhat peace loving person who is tired of all the infighting between various nations that seems to never end. He gains power and influence as the plot progresses...and uses that immense power to create chaos and destruction...in order to get the whole world to hate him. In that moment the world sets aside their differences like nationalities/allegiances/etc...and they all unite to bring down the main character...which was the main character's plan all along.
Humanity is a mistake
It doesn't have to be...theoretically we could be the best versions of ourselves...as per the words of John Lennon
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"
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It doesn't have to be...theoretically we could be the best versions of ourselves...as per the words of John Lenin
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"

John lenin? Never heard him before, maybe fusion of lenin and lenon

Actually don't u think that would be a perfect way to unite humanity? The "common enemy" concept has been successfully used many times to unite a ppl...to create an "us vs them" narrative. The only difference is that this narrative has been used for creating divisions and starting infighting...e.g. Hutu vs Tutsi, Germans(the superior Aryans) vs Jews(and other "lesser" ppl), whites vs blacks, etc. With an external threat like the "aliens", this can serve as the basis on which to unite humanity.
@Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @RealNapster @jamahir

Well depends on the level of tech the alien had, if they are far far more advanced and got absurd tech with a single move capable to destroy earth and they just need to pick up the remaining mineral they needed then there is no chance for us at all. But if our tech is not too far away from them except their means of transport to doing intergalaxy voyage, there is chance....
John lenin? Never heard him before, maybe fusion of lenin and lenon
My mistake...I meant to write Lennon.
Well depends on the level of tech the alien had, if they are far far more advanced and got absurd tech with a single move capable to destroy earth and they just need to pick up the remaining mineral they needed then there is no chance for us at all. But if our tech is not too far away from them except their means of transport to doing intergalaxy voyage, there is chance....
Yeah of course that's a different debate whether or not we(humans) will stand a chance against the aliens.
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