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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

You are a religious bigot(!) Pakistan's problems are due to people like you(.) Why the hell should we learn Arabic, we are not Arabs and so what the Quran is in Arabic, its not like rational people take "Divine revelation" seriously in the 21st Century(?) We should be learning French, English etc, languages of the Civilised nations(.)
Secularism is the best(!) Look at the 19th and 20th Centuries how much progress Man has made(.) Never mind WWI and WWII and the break up of the family system in the West. And the invasion of so many weaker countries by the Civilised countries in order to spread democracy(!) I wish they would do that to Pakistan(.)

Here we have the confused Al-Bakistani denying western progress made in the past couple centuries.Blaming secularism for the world's problems (even when their countries are doing alot better). Worried about the "family system" because he prefers desi families with 9 starving children as compared to FAHASH FEMENIST (and sustainable) family system.

Pakistan, like any other country on the planet has its ills, but stop over-exaggerating. Stop believing in Tom Clancy's dooms day scenarios.

Why should Pakistanis compare themselves with anyone at all? We are PAKISTANIS. Pakistan has its own culture and history. We don't want to look at anyone.

Instead of looking at others have faith in yourself for once.

I try so hard to take what you're saying seriously but I can't help giving a little chuckle each time I see that red blue and white flag. It's okay continue with you WE WUZ PAKISTANIS rant.
You guys are entertaining/interesting, that's why.

the way i see it Pakistanis see you as potential jizya givers and slaves.
So really buddy easy on the moral highground and insults.
Open season on Enndians on PDF was announced today.
the way i see it Pakistanis see you as potential jizya givers and slaves.
So really buddy easy on the moral highground and insults.
Open season on Enndians on PDF was announced today.

Look what I said. ;)

Pakistan, like any other country on the planet has its ills, but stop over-exaggerating. Stop believing in Tom Clancy's dooms day scenarios.

Why should Pakistanis compare themselves with anyone at all? We are PAKISTANIS. Pakistan has its own culture and history. We don't want to look at anyone.

Instead of looking at others have faith in yourself for once.

COmparitive study is important for progress!
Islam is the state religion and 1949 Objective resolution places it as the foundation of the federation of Pakistan.

the government nor does the state tells you what to worship and how to worship in Pakistan as well.

If that's the case, then by default Pakistan is secular.
Can you tell me the upshot of the "Islamic republic" part? Besides the name of course.
Its our education system which is at fault.Our education system is not run by Molvis,rather by NGOs,Politicians and Beauracrats.

Not by Molvis.

Politicians and NGO's make a bad education system leading to dumb people.

Molvis in madrassah's made terrorists.
I'll take the dumb people any day.
Politicians and NGO's make a bad education system leading to dumb people.

Molvis in madrassah's made terrorists.
I'll take the dumb people any day.
Both together created the terrorists.... its a dialectical process...
Politicians and NGO's make a bad education system leading to dumb people.

Molvis in madrassah's made terrorists.
I'll take the dumb people any day.

Millions of Pakistanis are studying or have studied at Madrasas.Out of them how many are terrorists?
Not even 1%.

And not all terrorists are religious extremist. Most are secular,ethnic terrorists or just simple guns for hire.Like BLA,MQM,BLF and etc.

And most of the terrorists belonging to religious extremists groups are not even religious themselves.They don't even have basic knowledge of Islam. Most are fighting for money,not religion.Only the media and NGO's are portraying them as religious fighter to give bad name to Islam.

And the reason they take part in terrorists activities is because of poverty and injustice.

The problem of poverty is created by our secular Elite of the country and NGO's back them.

If the secular Elite of the country had been honest towards Pakistan and it's people, there would have been no terrorism in the country.

Secular Elite are responsible for the terrorism.NOT MADRASAS.
Millions of Pakistanis are studying or have studied at Madrasas.Out of them how many are terrorists?
Not even 1%.

And not all terrorists are religious extremist. Most are secular,ethnic terrorists or just simple guns for hire.Like BLA,MQM,BLF and etc.

And most of the terrorists belonging to religious extremists groups are not even religious themselves.They don't even have basic knowledge of Islam. Most are fighting for money,not religion.Only the media and NGO's are portraying them as religious fighter to give bad name to Islam.

And the reason they take part in terrorists activities is because of poverty and injustice.

The problem of poverty is created by our secular Elite of the country and NGO's back them.

If the secular Elite of the country had been honest towards Pakistan and it's people, there would have been no terrorism in the country.

Secular Elite are responsible for the terrorism.NOT MADRASAS.

Oh really ? Do enlighten me how the secular elite are responsible for terrorism (also today I learned that the BLA are considered secular terrorists lol)
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