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The diaspora of Muhajirs - An unacknowledged fact

So you will decide who lives in Pakistan or not? And you call yourself Progressive. Kaddu mera


They should go back to India (those who dont have any connection to native Pakistani groups). Government should facilitate their respectable repatriation.
i think you have lots of hatred in your heart against muhajrin or urdu speaking who migrated from india to Pakistan whats wrong did they stolen your Buffalo or are they come here only for going back after a long blood shade...
Calling yourself muhajir which means refugee will take all rights from you as of normal citizen

Either stop callin muhajir and become Pakistanis or be muhajir and live as refugees with no rights to vote and to get govt jobs etc

Stop playing duplicity games we gave you nationality which you do not charish and keep calling your self refugees look like you will return to india
This is idiotic. There are hardly any ppl left that can even be called Muhajirs, it has been more than 70 years since independence. Most of the ppl now calling themselves "muhajir" are born and raised in Pakistan. This BS "muhajir" thing needs to end, so much political unrest and so much blood has been spilled bcuz of this needless drama. My grandparents also migrated from India into Pak...and they put their heads down and worked hard rather than crying "muhajir" and expecting some sort of "rights".
@Syed Atiq ul Hassan
Actually it was 10 Million who crossed into Pakistan and 3 million were killed. The land and housing given was for equivalent value/size they left in India and only the Hindu/Sikh vacated land /houses given in exchange. No charity was given, it was a political deal signed by contract. The Hindus/Sikhs who left Pakistan were given equivalent deals in India.

Yup. Largest mass movement of humans in the history of humankind.

15 million. Half and half.

These muhajirs are also the reason why Pakistan still retains an Indian culture.

And why reunification one day is an inevitability.

Cheers, Doc
Yup. Largest mass movement of humans in the history of humankind.

15 million. Half and half.

These muhajirs are also the reason why Pakistan still retains an Indian culture.

And why reunification one day is an inevitability.

Cheers, Doc
Over our dead bodies.
Over our dead bodies.

Look at Pakistan society. And deep state. And politics.

You will see what I am talking about.

Your muhajir may hate us the hardest.

But they are what kept your fledgling nation from descending into the middle eastern goulash.

Of course not discounting native Punjabis and Sindhis here.

But the muhajir tipped the scale.

The birthing and evolution of Pakistan was a civilizational continuum.

Excised and laid open to us and the world as an isolational sampling cohort.

And at a very Basel probably also reflects how two linked civilizations look at blood.

@Oscar @Horus @Indus Pakistan @I.R.A @lastofthepatriots @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Nilgiri @Sam. @jamahir

Cheers, Doc
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Look at Pakistan society. And deep state. And politics.

You will see what I am talking about.

Your muhajir may hate us the hardest.

But they are what kept your fledgling nation from descending into the middle eastern goulash.

Of course not discounting native Punjabis and Sindhis here.

But the muhajir tipped the scale.

The birthing and evolution of Pakistan was a civilizational continuum.

Excised and laid open to us and the world as an isolational sampling cohort.

And at a very Basel probably also reflects how two linked civilizations look at blood.

@Oscar @Horus @Indus Pakistan @I.R.A @lastofthepatriots @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Nilgiri @Sam. @jamahir

Cheers, Doc
What's your point?
What's your point?

I respond poorly to one liners.

Cheers, Doc
I respond poorly to one liners.

Cheers, Doc
Your English language is poor and you don't make sense-"Your muhajir may hate us the hardest."
Improve your vocab, no such word as Basel- "And at a very Basel probably also reflects how two linked civilizations look at blood"
Look at Pakistan society. And deep state. And politics.

You will see what I am talking about.

Your muhajir may hate us the hardest.

But they are what kept your fledgling nation from descending into the middle eastern goulash.

Of course not discounting native Punjabis and Sindhis here.

But the muhajir tipped the scale.

The birthing and evolution of Pakistan was a civilizational continuum.

Excised and laid open to us and the world as an isolational sampling cohort.

And at a very Basel probably also reflects how two linked civilizations look at blood.

@Oscar @Horus @Indus Pakistan @I.R.A @lastofthepatriots @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Nilgiri @Sam. @jamahir

Cheers, Doc

Indian culture my ***, people who came from Delhi or Agra or anywhere else dont give a dime on what they had in Hindustan. People who migrated and indians have nothing in common, we have maintained our life style the Pakistani way (our own way) opposes to miser indian who could drink a pepsi can for 2 days. Shortly we have nothing in common when we left india we left that shit behind us, there are still common traditions for which you should not be that proud of as they had existed way before partition

Secondly we hate indian to the teeth dude

This is idiotic. There are hardly any ppl left that can even be called Muhajirs, it has been more than 70 years since independence. Most of the ppl now calling themselves "muhajir" are born and raised in Pakistan. This BS "muhajir" thing needs to end, so much political unrest and so much blood has been spilled bcuz of this needless drama. My grandparents also migrated from India into Pak...and they put their heads down and worked hard rather than crying "muhajir" and expecting some sort of "rights".
@Syed Atiq ul Hassan
We migrated too and I am urdu speaking and hates to call myself a mohajir, this Mohajir term is more political satire and has zero value among general population. Yahya used it to gather votes and then Zia created MQM carried on with it resulting in segregating the whole community from the rest of Pakistan, created hatred among each other and division but finally people from Karachi and rural sindh have finally realized they have been used and I am a witness from all the murders committed by the so called MQM against their own community
Calling yourself muhajir which means refugee will take all rights from you as of normal citizen

Either stop callin muhajir and become Pakistanis or be muhajir and live as refugees with no rights to vote and to get govt jobs etc

Stop playing duplicity games we gave you nationality which you do not charish and keep calling your self refugees look like you will return to india
Who ever claims to be muhajir, should be issued a different NIC and Passport is for Nationals, Mujajir should give up Mohajriyyat before issuance of Passports.
i know there are many kinds of people here but before asking muhajirs to give up ethnicity or muhajiriyat or given different NIC,they should look at the situation of partition.it was not done alone by punjab,sindh,nwfp or balochistan.it was muslims from entire india who wanted freedom so muslims from all parts of india was present during freedom movement,even during moulana mohamad ali johar freedom struggle.they even asked ottomans for help.if any pakistani,i don't care whether sindhi,balochi,nwfp or punjabi say that they and only they made pakistan,then they are liars.punjabis specially are responsible for the partition of bangladesh.who are they to ask why we are here? we were part of struggle and don't forget all provinces in pakistan was part of india so how dare you call us refugees? if it's your land then it's also our land.i have seen lots of injustice against muhajirs but i don't want to talk about here because it will end up badly.also during lahore attack,it was bengalis alongside with punjabis who defended lahore and what we did with begalis? look at karachi.sindhis,punjabis who don't even know the spelling of english are sitting on higher ranks and muhajirs are only working on private firms.no government jobs for muhajirs.what they are doing in karachi is a disgrace but we don't say anything.we are pakistanis.you can show me your NIC if you aren't migrated.sorry but our ancestors were part of struggle.it's ridiculous to claim that pakistan belongs to you.it belongs to everyone.even hyderabad and gujarat was our part but we did nothing for them.when i meet people,they say we are balochi,punjabi,sindhi,pathan so why not muhajir.remember we were part of struggle and quaid e azam himself didn't say anything about ethnicity.you can't blame us for migration.it is our land.if you want different NIC, go change your status as refugee.i don't think that your ancestors served any purpose in the creation of pakistan.read history.also all muhajirs doesn't represent MQM just like all punjabis doesn't represent pmln or pti.have a life.we know you hate us but read the facts.you are already doing so much injustice.what else do you want? do you want to kill us or do you want us to return back to india? you should seriously consider going back to india because even your province are also a refugee.this NIC discussion just shows hatred so why not include something more in this story? if you want to check my nic then i will also check your nic and if i find the face of a person whose father did nothing for the freedom struggle then i will cancel your nic and kick you out from pakistan doesn't matter from which province you are.we don't need faces whose family history is a disgrace.
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who want different passport we love Pakistan our ancestors gives there live for it so how can you detach it from us just look at Karachi's people who suffering since 90's & still what ever going on with them but they are still working for the dignity of PAKISTAN...
Look at Pakistan society. And deep state. And politics.

You will see what I am talking about.

Your muhajir may hate us the hardest.

But they are what kept your fledgling nation from descending into the middle eastern goulash.

Of course not discounting native Punjabis and Sindhis here.

But the muhajir tipped the scale.

The birthing and evolution of Pakistan was a civilizational continuum.

Excised and laid open to us and the world as an isolational sampling cohort.

And at a very Basel probably also reflects how two linked civilizations look at blood.

@Oscar @Horus @Indus Pakistan @I.R.A @lastofthepatriots @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @Nilgiri @Sam. @jamahir

Cheers, Doc
Indian culture my foot.. It was Muslims of Indian subcontinent those taught to Indian baniya how to live your life as a civilize nation. We migrated from India on behalf of two nation theory because we knew very well the Auqat of Hindu baniya.. "Bhagal mai chori mou mai ram ram"..

Thanks to Jinnah for beautiful Pakistan.. And thanks to our elders those chose pakistan over india, Otherwise we were also the victim of eating beef and the victim of religious freedom (babri masjid).. And the victim of social life (jobless despite having merit).
No charity was given, it was a political deal signed by contract.
There was charity. When my family fled from Jammu and Kashmir in 1947; we were given free land, pension and rations until we were able to support ourselves.
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