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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

Amusing stuff

An 'Elite Member' like you should be able to explain the 'personally' part? You are far too respectable than the EXTREMEBozo who started this thread.

I maintain that Pakistan, being a much smaller and weaker country in 1947, has been in an unwinnable competition against India. But there's nothing wrong in competition per se: It CAN advance us to the next level in our existence. But for that to happen--no lowering of guards. No flirting with Zia ul Haq kind of Islam. No tolerance for suppression of free speech. No suppression of dissent and minorities. No tolerance for the Dharnas like 2014 and its consequential loss of billions to the economy.

Punching above the weight against a pragmatic, big, powerful neighbor backed by a superpower carries enormous risks. Nukes only buy you M.A.D.
An 'Elite Member' like you should be able to explain the 'personally' part? You are far too respectable than the EXTREMEBozo who started this thread.

I maintain that Pakistan, being a much smaller and weaker country in 1947, has been in an unwinnable competition against India. But there's nothing wrong in competition per se: It CAN advance us to the next level in our existence. But for that to happen--no lowering of guards. No flirting with Zia ul Haq kind of Islam. No tolerance for suppression of free speech. No suppression of dissent and minorities. No tolerance for the Dharnas like 2014 and its consequential loss of billions to the economy.

Punching above the weight against a pragmatic, big, powerful neighbor backed by a superpower carries enormous risks. Nukes only buy you M.A.D.

As far as the state is concerned it does not compete with India.

Citizens of the state do and can freely as much as the state of pakistan doesnt compete with the indian state. It negates it.

Nothing deeper than that possible if you really give elite or full member any regards. I just happen to have time at my disposal for this so became elite just by post count.
We are not them; they are not us. We have seperate lives and destiny.

Screw 'em; and they have the equal right to say screw us. Divorce occured over 70 years ago. Let's move on.

We are not them; they are not us. We have seperate lives and destiny.

Screw 'em; and they have the equal right to say screw us. Divorce occured over 70 years ago. Let's move on.

India would be one glad nation if you guys moved on. Attacks like 26/11, Uri remind us we still have an enemy who is hell bent to destabilise us.
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?
Lots a reason for that :

When we were young we were taught Arts in school. It was replaced by Arabic. By studying art you create new ideas, think and fearlessly apply your thinking. This thing was discontinued.

Religious teachers are incompetent, therefore have disallowed free thinking in religion. They can not answer your question, therefore they have inculcated this thought that asking question about religion is blasphemy. In fact one who ask question about religion is actually the one who is interested in religion.

Unfortunately, there is also a "key farq painda" culture in Pakistan, where people have started to disregard social ethics and laws by justifying it as "key farq painda ai" culture. This thing is also endorsed by the culture given to us by our television.

India or Indians are not inferior, this mind set is also bad and dangerous. Every one is equal, every person is beautiful. However I do agree fully with the fact that yes we should try to attain the standards of west (work, social ethics etc) and neither India nor Pakistan should be comparing with each other, trust me we both are no standards.
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?

Pakistan was a very vibrant society with a great composite culture. I have heard of Lahore a lot where there were Muslims, Hindus and shikh in equal numbers and they used to live in harmony. However, those Nawabs of US and other part went to Pakistan and startred radicalizing the society. Then came the guys like Zia ul haq who inflicted the dosage of radicalization on the name of Islam. Since these people were dictators and ruthless, civilized civil society could not raise the voice aginst it and that continued. PA became the de facto ruler did whatever they wanted by force . They had to continue anti India sentiment to justify their existence and so they keep injecting the dosage into the mind of humble pakistani people. Pakistan will require a strong civil society to stand strong against the whatever wrong is done to them. Pakistan as a nation will have to change their mentality
India would be one glad nation if you guys moved on. Attacks like 26/11, Uri remind us we still have an enemy who is hell bent to destabilise us.

There is no evidence it was done by Pakistan. Stop your ethnic cleansing of Kashmirs.

Stop your hundreds of terror attacks in pakistan as well.
Lots a reason for that :

When we were young we were taught Arts in school. It was replaced by Arabic. By studying art you create new ideas, think and fearlessly apply your thinking. This thing was discontinued.

Religious teachers are incompetent, therefore have disallowed free thinking in religion. They can not answer your question, therefore they have inculcated this thought that asking question about religion is blasphemy. In fact one who ask question about religion is actually the one who is interested in religion.

Unfortunately, there is also a "key farq painda" culture in Pakistan, where people have started to disregard social ethics and laws by justifying it as "key farq painda ai" culture. This thing is also endorsed by the culture given to us by our television.

India or Indians are not inferior, this mind set is also bad and dangerous. Every one is equal, every person is beautiful. However I do agree fully with the fact that yes we should try to attain the standards of west (work, social ethics etc) and neither India nor Pakistan should be comparing with each other, trust me we both are no standards.

Wherever we have gone, People have praised our ethics, Standards and work culture. We are a community having least crimes, highest per capita income and education. In India too, our work culture and ethics have increased a lot and that is why we have been able to establish many world class centers of excellence here in India and we are able to give tough competition to many developed countries. So we are excelling. Our march towards excellence has begun.
Define what is rationality? and is it the only ontological construct that should be followed?
How practical is rationality..especially when empiricism offers more practical solutions.
bhai yeh question aap kaptan say pochain us nay positive rating di hai. :)
Even tho somebozo is the most dumbest and crappiest poster on this forum but i would still say issue of lack of rationality exists ,tho looking at bozos own retarded views i would say rationality could very much be called a subjective thing , but yet pakistanis have issues in it. And the blame here very simply goes on education system which does NOT AT ALL encourage critical and rational thinking. Heck even our teachers are stupid ,lack creativity and are highly uninspiring.

I see tonnes and tonnes of my countrymens potential getting wasted due to pathetic schooling n inability to think outside of the box.

Having said that I would also add many pakistani posters I see on this forum ;regardless of what country they are based in, where they were actually raised at ,what schooling system or educational stream they came out of , the kind of political system they support or have secular, liberal or religious dispositions, regardless of anything they follow, have disturbingly low iqs.

I see pak origin posters , commentators hailing from uk, sweden, usa, pakistan , islamabad with all sorts of secular, liberal, conservative , religious views and mindsets showcasing the shoddiest type of intellects and lack basic of iq. Those who are already based abroad i thank God that He spared pakistan from the horror of hosting those but those who are staying there i can only pray somehow their iqs see a northwards trend.
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India makes up about 20% of the world's population, so of course you will have a large GDP. The sad thing is; despite having 20% of the world's population, India only contributes about 2.83% to the global GDP.

The only place you can boast in is sub-saharan Africa, even then; there are many countries there that have better living conditions than India.

There are more Indians that shit on the streets than the entire population of Pakistan, so don't put "India" and "civilised" in the same sentence.

2030 never mind, Japan would be trailing India (even by whiskers).
But if there is a two and half war, the 3rd place (winners podium) would belong to Japan and not India.


Modians have habit to show off in India's favor with false projections.
Wherever we have gone, People have praised our ethics, Standards and work culture. We are a community having least crimes, highest per capita income and education. In India too, our work culture and ethics have increased a lot and that is why we have been able to establish many world class centers of excellence here in India and we are able to give tough competition to many developed countries. So we are excelling. Our march towards excellence has begun.

The answer to that is good for you. Should you be comparing with us !!! answer is no.
Yes when people from our land go out, they follow rule and excel. But not in our respective countries. Sorry but with all that knowledge, work ethics etc, both the countries are "shit holes" aren't they ??? So something is really wrong. We are the people who invented "zero" (by we i mean both you and us)

Yes Zia era really messed us up, it was a dictatorship, but with all the democracy you guys are also crawling towards that pit ...... since you and I are the same people, so there is seriously wrong with us both.

I know this started as a problems for Pakistan thread so lets just stay with that thing.
The answer to that is good for you. Should you be comparing with us !!! answer is no.
Yes when people from our land go out, they follow rule and excel. But not in our respective countries. Sorry but with all that knowledge, work ethics etc, both the countries are "shit holes" aren't they ??? So something is really wrong. We are the people who invented "zero" (by we i mean both you and us)

Yes Zia era really messed us up, it was a dictatorship, but with all the democracy you guys are also crawling towards that pit ...... since you and I are the same people, so there is seriously wrong with us both.

I know this started as a problems for Pakistan thread so lets just stay with that thing.

Its not me who has compared us both. I am not comparing Indians with anybody else because we are different people (In the sense of belief and values not in authenticity). We have excel outside and we are excelling here as well. Our take off is great and country is under transformation. I am not saying that we will work well outside but we are downing bad here. in fact, our second grade people just go outside who are not smart enough to compete with local guys. Still they excel there. Just wait till 2025. You will see a different India. It will have excellent infrastructure, Excellent freedom (Even today we have it ), VIllages fully developed, very low poverty, full of resources and lots of nice stuff to eat. Our people shall be seating on the top of each and every field. What i say has happened with a rapid space here and it is gathering momentum

so far as Pakistan is concern, I am very hopeful as well. Some course correction will put Pakistan on the right track and then there will be only progress and progress at much faster rate.

2030 never mind, Japan would be trailing India (even by whiskers).
But if there is a two and half war, the 3rd place (winners podium) would belong to Japan and not India.

View attachment 466837

Modians have habit to show off in India's favor with false projections.

Your Zhihadi figures do no0t match with the authentic figures here.


This one say that India will be 19.5 tr USD economy by 2030 which is a 7+ time growth in 12 years.
Its not me who has compared us both. I am not comparing Indians with anybody else because we are different people (In the sense of belief and values not in authenticity). We have excel outside and we are excelling here as well. Our take off is great and country is under transformation. I am not saying that we will work well outside but we are downing bad here. in fact, our second grade people just go outside who are not smart enough to compete with local guys. Still they excel there. Just wait till 2025. You will see a different India. It will have excellent infrastructure, Excellent freedom (Even today we have it ), VIllages fully developed, very low poverty, full of resources and lots of nice stuff to eat. Our people shall be seating on the top of each and every field. What i say has happened with a rapid space here and it is gathering momentum

so far as Pakistan is concern, I am very hopeful as well. Some course correction will put Pakistan on the right track and then there will be only progress and progress at much faster rate.

Your Zhihadi figures do no0t match with the authentic figures here.


This one say that India will be 19.5 tr USD economy by 2030 which is a 7+ time growth in 12 years.

Good for you.
I see tonnes and tonnes of my countrymens potential getting wasted due to pathetic schooling n inability to think outside of the box.

Because our country continues to use the colonial era education system which above all things teaches blind obedience to higher authority. I remember when I started studying in Sweden my grades fell drastically because the teachers felt I was making no effort to analyse and understand the questions in tests. In Pakistan we used the "ratta" theory were we just memorised facts and threw them out on a piece of paper during tests without ever questioning their authenticity. Here they wanted us to ask "why?" all the time. Present both sides of an argument. Eventually got a grip on it and grades improved but also realized how the Pakistani education system is still stuck in the colonial era.
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