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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

STOP the TERROR supporting activities THEN india can be LEFT to march towards its RIGHTFULL PLACE

IE the 3RD MOST POWERFUL GDP ECONOMY on the THE planet by 2030

what terror? Its fed to you by your ultra nationalist propaganda to keep you obsessed with Pakistan so you couldnt not question the failure of your leadership. You lost less people in so called Pakistani terrorism in Kashmir last year then people died while cleaning gutters in gangaland according to your own media report which your kind ignore purposefully just like you ignore other multitude of issues in your shithole, so you can spend your time barking on Pakistan, China..CPEC etc.

You are simply obsessed inferiority stricken bhangis who cant live without poking nose in Pakistan and its affairs..

And to the OP, what obsession you are talking about? well i couldnt surf online without facing some obsessed eastern pests barking on Pakistan.. Even i have unsub Pakistani media pages on social media bcoz of the flood of sanghi trolls who couldnt let our poeple discuss the issues. while i see no Pakistani on bharati sites..

Just type Pakistan in youtube and click on any video, you will find more inferiority stricken attention seeking sanghi swine barking in comment section then, Pakistani comments. While its not the case with bharati videos.
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Lack of proper education is one of the big problems in Pakistani society and then you have totally misguided indoctrination of different ideologies. In my opinion one of the biggest culprit was ZIA's islamization process starting in 1970s!
Look even in the UK there is lack of proper education...the amount of people whom I met who cannot read English properly. (I am talking about English people).
Real education starts with the Quran.
(I am not defending Zia's policies),
Pakistanis need to learn this thing called the Quran. They claim they are Muslims, right?
They need to get rid of the" Mullah mentality"
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Now THAT's called irrational!! In an 'educated' society which happens to be the largest economy in the world.

What are you doing in that uneducated society? What should I analyse from your choice of living among them? Obviously you have chosen to live over there as opposed to your Pak Sar Zameen, is a story in itself to tell. Dont piss in the plate your feed from.

Look even in the UK there is lack of proper education...the amount of people whom I met who cannot read English. (I am talking about English people).
Real education starts with the Quran.
(I am not defending Zia's policies),
Pakistanis need to learn this thing called the Quran. They claim they are Muslims, right?
They need to get rid of the" Mullah mentality"

Real education starts with Quran..now is that Quran in English or Arabic ??
Pakistanis needs to start with learning Arabic, then only Quran would civilize them and not turn them into barbarian suicide bombers.
What are you doing in that uneducated society? What should I analyse from your choice of living among them? Obviously you have chosen to live over there as opposed to your Pak Sar Zameen, is a story in itself to tell. Dont piss in the plate your feed from.

Real education starts with Quran..now is that Quran in English or Arabic ??
Pakistanis needs to start with learning Arabic, then only Quran would civilize them and not turn them into barbarian suicide bombers.
You are right. Muslims need to learn the arabic of the Quran. That is the first step. There are online courses that do this. And as a state Pakistan ought to teach her children the Arabic of the Quran as per school curriculum.
STOP the TERROR supporting activities THEN india can be LEFT to march towards its RIGHTFULL PLACE

IE the 3RD MOST POWERFUL GDP ECONOMY on the THE planet by 2030

Countries with less GDP than this have become global power..A country becomes powerful by education and civilization..not by GDP alone..
What are you doing in that uneducated society? What should I analyse from your choice of living among them? Obviously you have chosen to live over there as opposed to your Pak Sar Zameen, is a story in itself to tell. Dont piss in the plate your feed from.

Real education starts with Quran..now is that Quran in English or Arabic ??
Pakistanis needs to start with learning Arabic, then only Quran would civilize them and not turn them into barbarian suicide bombers.

I am not $pissing in the plate that feeds me. Merely stating what's known to many 'liberal' Americans about the electoral stupidity of sections of American population.

And your remark: "learning Arabic, then only Quran would civilize them" shows your backward mentality. I have rarely launched personal attacks in this fourm but you, sir, are a true piece of work in this forum!!!

My advice: Get out of that Wahabbi stifled land, breathe some fresh air, stop thinking along sectarian lines, stop expecting all citizens of any country to toe the official lines. And stop INSULTING PAKISTANIS by starting threads like these!!
Countries with less GDP than this have become global power..A country becomes powerful by education and civilization..not by GDP alone..








By the at only educated civilised nations HAVE LARGE GDPS
Rationality? Let me tell you this: I live in the 'South' part of America. They are among the poorest in America. It's the Democrats who are far more likely to provide 'benefits'. And yet these bozos overwhelmingly vote for Republicans because of racism and some imagined Christian fairy tales. The result is that the actual 'benefits' they get are constantly under threat under Republicans and yet they continue to vote Republicans and blame the 'liberal media' for their problems.

Rinse and Repeat!!

Now THAT's called irrational!! In an 'educated' society which happens to be the largest economy in the world.

PS. The OP is mostly a shallow troll in PDF.
Totally concur sir...







By the at only educated civilised nations HAVE LARGE GDPS
India makes up about 20% of the world's population, so of course you will have a large GDP. The sad thing is; despite having 20% of the world's population, India only contributes about 2.83% to the global GDP.

The only place you can boast in is sub-saharan Africa, even then; there are many countries there that have better living conditions than India.

There are more Indians that shit on the streets than the entire population of Pakistan, so don't put "India" and "civilised" in the same sentence.
Pakistanis do not have an obsession with India. It is India that has an obsession with us.

1. Look online... Almost everything about Pakistan is infiltrated by Indians.
2. There are more CPEC posts by Indians than by Pakistanis
3. There are Indians here on Pakistan defence forum ....than Pakistanis on Indian defence forums
4. Indians are jealous of us not the other way around.

  • Finally, it is us who seeked independence from them... just to get away from them... Yet they keep stalking us like rapists.. We just want to be left alone.

Not true. The road goes both ways. Both countries are extremely obsessed with each other to an extent where it is sickening. It's true that literally anything with Pakistan in it is bound to have Indian attention on it. Doesn't matter whatever website/forum if there's a discussion about Pakistan there's going to be some Indian commenting (usually uninformed) on the matter.

At the same time, while I can't say for sure about all social media right here on PDF you can see obsession from our end too. Look in the social events section right now and out of 10 you're bound to see atleast 3 threads related to India. Hell, there are lowlifes who have literally dedicated their lives to scavenging articles about India and starting threads about them, you can even see them cracking rape and toilet jokes around the forum.
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?
1. Narrow minded thinking and seeing from only one perspective is the root cause of lack of rationality. When you see things from multiple (people's) perspectives and multiple points of view, things get more clearer. I am a multi perspective thinker, whether it is the case of religion, politics, society, so it helps a lot in understanding the social problems.

2. (not)Minding our own business is also one of the main cause of problems of us Pakistanis. Half of the problems will be solved when we start minding our own business and the other half problems will be solved when Pakistanis will dump SHORTCUTS (of every type).
Rationality? Let me tell you this: I live in the 'South' part of America. They are among the poorest in America. It's the Democrats who are far more likely to provide 'benefits'. And yet these bozos overwhelmingly vote for Republicans because of racism and some imagined Christian fairy tales. The result is that the actual 'benefits' they get are constantly under threat under Republicans and yet they continue to vote Republicans and blame the 'liberal media' for their problems.

Rinse and Repeat!!

Now THAT's called irrational!! In an 'educated' society which happens to be the largest economy in the world.

PS. The OP is mostly a shallow troll in PDF.
Republican Party is similar to PMLn in Pakistan, They pretend to be religious but they have all kinds of immoralities and evils in them. But still their idiot and brain dead followers keep voting for their cults.
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