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  • Salaam,

    1st time I've seen you take a strong position, kinda surprised cause you don't usually lay it out. Feels like this feeling came from deep down. I think this conflict is now starting to elicit more emotions in people.
    Salaam brother

    Been awhile we spoke, what you think of the current events in the Caucus and US/China where you see things headed.
    Assalam alaikum, I reported that post because he brought me into the discussion by trying to create flamewar with my posts and giving his own commentary, and then trying to tag members to create drama.
    Oh, I didn't know that. In general I admire Nilgiri for his financial insights. Also, I am against banning people unless they go way too far. Thank you for letting me know.
    I reported him because he was trying to instigate fights between me and Iranians by misrepresenting my posts.

    It is not the first time.

    Alhamdulilah Mods took care of it.
    yup got your message
    • Like
    Reactions: Meengla
    Have a safe trip ... enjoy your stay here dude have fun share your email or contact details
    Hey.. in Karachi.. logistics won't be easy.. we just checked into Hotel Mehran.. but still some days left in Karachi.. my email [email protected]
    check your email .. hotel mehran is not that far away its like 15 or 20 mins drive from my place, i live in DHA near Saudi Consulate
    Hello, sir..

    I intend to start a online bookstore for which I need a tagline/slogan

    Which one is best among following?

    always and forever, brings your tales, order your tales, more tales the better, books are highlights, book your tales

    So what's going on ? I hope nothing serious ?
    I can understand giving up Address could be dangerous you never know what kind of crazy person is reading or watching your videos . I have my concerns over living in SC as well, but I believe that living among them will make them feel less threatened , all the major attacks on Muslims happen where Muslims are in Large Number and these White nationalists thing they are getting invaded .
    Yes. While that's not the reason I live here--I have been here for more than half my life now--I think there's some merits to living in smaller towns. IMO, city people are often psychologically messed up and do crazy things in the name of whatever. Not for me! Thanks again, Starlord! Contact me when you and your wife are ready to meet us !
    Stay safe bro, and Right now I am under Administrative processing, once I come to US , I will contact you and we can arrange something :)
    Meengla, I did not question his right to bring up the issues on caste (discrimination is worldwide problem, just the groups and direction varies), I just said his credibility on it is damaged if he makes (same) identity politics hate on other groups at level he does. He is a mobster troll kind of person doing what he does here to get some cheap kick out of it.
    I support Apple. I enjoy their revolutionary products, their creativity and design. I do agree they have a strong fan base, why shouldn't they? What's wrong with that? Windows is a dreadful OS. Now notice how Windows 7 has copied many Apple OS X features, that is a bit revealing.

    Also don't stereotype all Apple fan-boys some are rational and some aren't. The average Apple user tends to be more sophisticated and educated than the average Windows user, now considering more users have Windows that is one reason; but Apple products are catered towards a more high end consumer base, Apple's market share is indicative of that.

    Also, as for Apple sells "over-priced items", I'll share a video of you with what Steve Jobs has to say about that.

    Check your PM for the link.

    Regards, A1
    Why? Because not only Apple sells over-priced items using clever marketing but also Apple gets hardly any criticism in the media. It is a cult and I despise cults. Apple uses false marketing--something like the US Presidential candidates use--to find real or imagine flaws in competing products. Apple's fanbois are fanatics who are always out to 'switch' other people by pointing real or imagine problems in Windows/Android/Linux systems. But, above all, I like to think that I am an iconoclast: The higher something is, the more unchallenged they are, the more it brings about the rebel in money. I believe Apple is an evil! I may even start a website about boycotting Apple and give my reasoning, including first hand accounts of how stable and good cheap Windows based computers in my house have been running for 8+ years.
    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, I realized that you hate apple and the feelings are likewise but why was my question?
    Hi, why do you have a logo with the message, Boycott Apple products??? Please share or pm me, Thank you.
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