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Why Pakistanis lack rationality and common sense?

Not true. The road goes both ways. Both countries are extremely obsessed with each other to an extent where it is sickening. It's true that literally anything with Pakistan in it is bound to have Indian attention on it. Doesn't matter whatever website/forum if there's a discussion about Pakistan there's going to be some Indian commenting (usually uninformed) on the matter.

At the same time, while I can't say for sure about all social media right here on PDF you can see obsession from our end too. Look in the social events section right now and out of 10 you're bound to see atleast 3 threads related to India. Hell, there are lowlifes who have literally dedicated their lives to scavenging articles about India and starting threads about them, you can even see them cracking rape and toilet jokes around the forum.

We are not them; they are not us. We have seperate lives and destiny.

Screw 'em; and they have the equal right to say screw us. Divorce occured over 70 years ago. Let's move on.
Going to Pakistan and having conversation with them regarding local politics, world politics, economics, technology gives me a headache...they are on a totally different wave length and mostly send me aw stuck from hearing there logic and reasoning.
Going to Pakistan and having conversation with them regarding local politics, world politics, economics, technology gives me a headache...they are on a totally different wave length and mostly send me aw stuck from hearing there logic and reasoning.

And how do you Cope with it?
It has awe struck me with more force than a sledge hammer that average Pakistan no matter how qualified is totally devoid of common sense and rational thinking. The lack of rationality promotes various dark cults, obsession, religious fundamentalism, feudal mindset and backward-ism. It also gives negative powers undue iron grip over the society which leads to weakening of law enforcement and lacking respect for rule of law.

Pakistanis are always comparing themselves to India..why dont they compare themselves to USA, EUROPE, Russia etc ? As per Pakistani theory, India is an inferior state therefore which self respecting person compares themselves to inferior cast?

What kind of mentally sick and hyper obsessive nation Pakistan has become?
Don't worry whole world lacks common sense this is not specific to Pakistan . Study the history of conflicts between nations or individuals you will be enlightened
And how do you Cope with it?

1. ban these stupid talk news shows
2. establish educational TV channels and make educational shows that it captures interest of common people.
3. educate mothers, create interest in educational shows than those phatey puraney social dramas with the same stories that I watched as a kid. You watch even a stupid TV english TV show and you learn something why cant Urdu drama do the same instead of giving woman idea about how to harm other women in their family.
Its not right to makes such sweeping statement or generalization because very society has all sort of people in them i.e clever, smart, dumb, educated, ignorants, religious, non religious, emotional, biased, neutral, coservative, liberal, etc . I have seen dumb people with no reasoning abilitie in every race. Its not bad either to be emotional because emotion are important part of our personality . We need a balance between emotion and rationality which come when you get experience to ineract with people of different cultures and beliefs and with knowledge. I also get annoyed with dumbness of some people but then i realize that we are all different so its not right to expect from others to think in same way as i do
Rationality is totally missing from Pakistanis... what they speak actually defy facts.
Having the ability to think beyond the box is a far cry.
Self loathing guilt stricken pakistanis are the reason why the country suffers.

Strap on a pair and starting owning and embracing all shades of Pakistan.

Sod off insecure sissies
Everyone needs everyone
Very, very true.

Going back to the subject thread Pakistani's lack good quality education the lack of which produces ignorant mass who are not fit to handle the modern world. Education is the number one need of the times for Pakistan. Even if defence budget has to be tweaked more money needs spent on education. Primary education should be 100% by now.Rationality and progress would follow.

Why do we have to import Chinese engineers to build our roads? It's not like we have shortage of people. The reason is Pakistan produces way too many madaris graduates who know way too much about the after life but fcuk all of about life here. All those madaris students should studying maths, physics, chemistry, aeronautics, civiul engineering, matarials engineering, electronics engineering.

Then we won't need to bring in Chinese engineers to build our roads or import Ukrainian tanks or import Russian helicopters. We would have then wo(men) to do that in Pakistan. It's called having human assets.
Very, very true.

Going back to the subject thread Pakistani's lack good quality education the lack of which produces ignorant mass who are not fit to handle the modern world. Education is the number one need of the times for Pakistan. Even if defence budget has to be tweaked more money needs spent on education. Primary education should be 100% by now.Rationality and progress would follow.

Why do we have to import Chinese engineers to build our roads? It's not like we have shortage of people. The reason is Pakistan produces way too many madaris graduates who know way too much about the after life but fcuk all of about life here. All those madaris students should studying maths, physics, chemistry, aeronautics, civiul engineering, matarials engineering, electronics engineering.

That we won't need to bring in Chinese engineers to build our roads or import Ukrainian tanks or import Russian helicopters. We would have then wo(men) to do that in Pakistan. It's called having human assets.
The problem is that the dumbest of the society (usually, not all) go to the Dar-ul-Uloom and the smartest usually go to engineering, medicine, etc etc etc. But you are right the Dar ul Uloom should also teach maths, physics, etc etc, like once upon a time....

The last I checked, Malala was greeted by the Prime Minister of Pakistan and accorded warm welcome personally and through the media in Pakistan. Perhaps the anti-Malala sentiments are because of some anti-West sentiments in some segments of Pakistan? Perhaps because, in recent history, there is a perception that to gain 'traction' in the West you have to badmouth Pakistan?

Trust me: If roles are reversed, Americans, who are already very increasingly xenophobic, would practically lynch Malala.

As for the OP--his mindless, sectarian, breast-beating, closed-minded rantings are best be ignored--except this time I decided to respond.
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