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Lessons and observations for pakistani nation

You go to hajj as corruption thing .that's the weirdest part..
Sarkari hajjs
My FIL had to file his work related papers to a bearded guy in some ministry in Karachi. The guy said I am going Haj so please arrange the bribe asap.

Ye to haal hai is mulk ka.

I am surprised Allah (SWT) has not sent more wrath upon this nation. Maybe there are a few good men who’re between Pakistan and total wrath.
I truly believe, where there is a will there is a way.

If we had a dictator that wanted to make a change, he would certainly find a way, it could involve various methods but a solution would be found eventually. and over time it would become embedded

What needs to be studied closely here is Pakistan's recovery from the lows of October 1999 till relative stability by Sept. 2001 under President Musharraf as Chief Executive Office (CEO) by taking power from Nawaz Sharif. Mind you, Pakistan was under American 'democracy' sanctions due to the Musharraf takeover and in fact Bill Clinton barely spent afew hours in Pakistan while he enjoyed days of good time in India in 2000.
Pakistan was lucky enough to get only $50 million from foreign countries while Musharraf was the CEO. So what worked then?? Less corruption. Hard work. Focus. Stability.
That era is well worth studying!! It is not rocket science!!
I truly believe, where there is a will there is a way.

If we had a dictator that wanted to make a change, he would certainly find a way, it could involve various methods but a solution would be found eventually. and over time it would become embedded

Dictator is not a solution, better solution is Presidential System with 10 years limitation. Great leaders will likely become unfocused and stubborn after their first ten years like

1. Soekarno
2. Soeharto
3. Erdogan

This is why despite Jokowi approval rating is at 72 % currently, majority of Indonesians doesnt want him to continue into third term. Our current law limits President to only in power maximum at 10 years but parliament can still change it if they can have support of 2/3 votes in parliament.

Party should be weaken as well by introducing Presidential, Governor, Major direct election. From there we can get many proven leadership talents.

With more than 200 million people, there are more than 10 Imran Khan in Pakistan and even can be much better than him if the election process is better and democratic


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Dictator is not a solution, better solution is Presidential System with 10 years limitation. Great leaders will likely become unfocused and stubborn after their first ten years like

1. Soekarno
2. Soeharto
3. Erdogan

4. Putin
This should be framed and put on every street instead of useless political posters in hopes of instilling some shame in this qoum.

Bravo, couldn't agree more.
Dictator is not a solution, better solution is Presidential System with 10 years limitation. Great leaders will likely become unfocused and stubborn after their first ten years like

1. Soekarno
2. Soeharto
3. Erdogan

This is why despite Jokowi approval rating is at 72 % currently, majority of Indonesians doesnt want him to continue into third term. Our current law limits President to only in power maximum at 10 years but parliament can still change it if they can have support of 2/3 votes in parliament.

Party should be weaken as well by introducing Presidential, Governor, Major direct election. From there we can get many proven leadership talents.

With more than 200 million people, there are more than 10 Imran Khan in Pakistan and even can be much better than him if the election process is better and democratic


A single revolutionary dictator is needed, to set things straight, after that this system can be implemented
A single revolutionary dictator is needed, to set things straight, after that this system can be implemented
massiah complex- stop looking for one powerful man

systems >>>>> one man, overtime fix your system of governance, that means democracy, maybe a presidential democracy but democracy nonetheless
goal should be to make a better country for the next generation
massiah complex- stop looking for one powerful man

systems >>>>> one man, overtime fix your system of governance, that means democracy, maybe a presidential democracy but democracy nonetheless
goal should be to make a better country for the next generation
I say it because Pakistan is a failed system that won't fix itself

A powerful system can only be created by a revolutionary. Right now your Showbaz Sharifs and Bhuttos and what not are not going to do anything
it may be a bit out of fashion these days but only redemption for Pakistani youth living in Pakistan is to start educating them about their shared ancestry with Indians and give them a ray of hope that they can also succeed just like their Indian cousins.

All this muslim ruled hindus nonsense has gone to the prior generation's (may be two or three) head and they have wasted their miserable lives trying to be accepted as arabs and macedonians and what not. result of that wastage is what you see now - a country in bankruptcy, with no repute or character, people hating their military, population hypothecated to the shylocks of shanghai.

if you still like or love your country and want to redeem Pakistan teach your kids truth about your mistakes that brought you here. 1947, 1971, Kargil, cpec, abbottabad, the coups,....accept these mistakes that derailed your nation from civilization.

teach your kids to accept or compartmentalize things like Kashmir to correct perpective. teach them the truth about the peace of your religion as well as the savagery in it - so that they can adopt the former and eschew the latter. show them there is no gain in being a barbarian.

stop selling clowning of wwf as mma. it is ridiculous how so many of you sound
Have Indians done the same? Have Indian hindus done the same?
1937 elections and congress rule -
Communal hatred
Caste based system
Satti and so on?

Or is it just applicable to Islam because you are bigoted against it?
I dont think its anything but genetic. I mean people in Japan leave their doors unlocked, there are videos of people leaving their wallets, only to find them returned by a bypasser. A good indication of the potential of any nation is the capacity for obeying traffic rules/forming straight lines. Nothing about this is socio cultural. Obeying rules is something even ant colonies do.
Just my two cents.
We do follow rules. Rules on how to dress, what to eat, how to address our elders. We don't follow rules on traffic or queuing.

We just haven't switched from the middle ages to modern times yet.
Dazed, confused, each glued to the news... yet so disconnected and far away from reality. Easily fed false, unable to distinguish and drowned in conspiracies.

When Sikhs made a false copy imitating Islam all became Singhs... little did they know that they had scored an own goal. While Islam embraced all Arab clans in a bond of brotherhood, Sikhs eliminated it... it created a vacuum long affecting the locals, to this day. The elimination of clan structures and their leadership meant that British got these lands virgin and ready for exploitation. Goes on to this day... it was easy to co-opt the Punjabis... Sikhs had created such strong resentment in by far the larger Muslim community that they first and those yet spared from their rule readily accepted British suzerainty... temporary though that was them, it forever made Sikhs inclined to, subservient, covetous and a slave to the interests that be...

That, however, played a number on the masses what later became Pakistan... a pliant people born generations later out of tune with reality and readily available.

The influx of aristocracy and beneficiaries of the British largesse assembled in the new founded state... reuped on their previous commitments... unfazed... locals though became pliant servers... Bhutto's and the likes, on the receivership and locals masses as they were under the new command, indentured!

What really changed?
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