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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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All you Inshalas pertain to your hope for the future.

Allow us to also have our own.

It was anyways the present I was referring to.
Indians in NY are funny. When they talk amongst eachother they say bad things about Pakistanis. When they get into a problem with someone they run to Pakistanis and try to talk us into being "desi" and the "same people". :lol:
I personally meet a lot of pakistanis here.Basically there are a set of people who use their country/region/religion instead of personality and interests to hang out,socialize and form a group.

There are a decent number but a shy minority who dont care about all that and just like/dislike people based on their own will and not from history or anything.

Everyone has stereotypical likes/dislikes.I am bengali,my wife is south indian and we dont try to tell any pakistani we are the same country or same people but we only speak in urdu/hindi to the pakistanis we meet as we like to speak in the native tongue and makes us miss home less.

Honestly we dont get into any politics or opinion,i have some pakistani friends especially so from karachi who are chilled out and we discuss some politics with them but we are the liberal gang and perhaps pacifists.

Most Indians see pakistanis as a fierce rival and terrorist supporters.Most of the people who migrated from pakistan to India during 1947 have fierce visceral hatred for Pakistan as a result of their memories.

Some UP/Bihar Muslims still see pakistan normally as many of their people live in karachi but that generation is gone now and the new kids are just regular indian muslims with perhaps slightly less hatred for pakistan/pakistanis.

Of course you have the seculars/liberals who see pakistanis as normal people until they perhaps get to meet razpak/rafi.

On the pakistani side,there are all kinds of them.I interact with many for work,i like sufi music and like old pakistani hockey players/cricket players a lot.

My cousin-in-law is a wing commander in the Indian air force and he brought a PAF officer once,they worked together in Sudan.

He was chilled out and they are great friends,did some great work in Sudan together.

Largely i saw defence personnel from both countries with minimum hatred and saw war and fighting as a profession and dont take things to heart as they have a real job and they know the value of life more than bickering civillians.

Rest is all time pass,The Arab world and the west see indians and pakistanis as the same bunch,how much ever we differentiate ourselves.
Indians in NY are funny. When they talk amongst eachother they say bad things about Pakistanis. When they get into a problem with someone they run to Pakistanis and try to talk us into being "desi" and the "same people". :lol:
Are you in queens??? just for info sake
I personally meet a lot of pakistanis here.Basically there are a set of people who use their country/region/religion instead of personality and interests to hang out,socialize and form a group.

There are a decent number but a shy minority who dont care about all that and just like/dislike people based on their own will and not from history or anything.

Everyone has stereotypical likes/dislikes.I am bengali,my wife is south indian and we dont try to tell any pakistani we are the same country or same people but we only speak in urdu/hindi to the pakistanis we meet as we like to speak in the native tongue and makes us miss home less.

Honestly we dont get into any politics or opinion,i have some pakistani friends especially so from karachi who are chilled out and we discuss some politics with them but we are the liberal gang and perhaps pacifists.

Most Indians see pakistanis as a fierce rival and terrorist supporters.Most of the people who migrated from pakistan to India during 1947 have fierce visceral hatred for Pakistan as a result of their memories.

Some UP/Bihar Muslims still see pakistan normally as many of their people live in karachi but that generation is gone now and the new kids are just regular indian muslims with perhaps slightly less hatred for pakistan/pakistanis.

Of course you have the seculars/liberals who see pakistanis as normal people until they perhaps get to meet razpak/rafi.

On the pakistani side,there are all kinds of them.I interact with many for work,i like sufi music and like old pakistani hockey players/cricket players a lot.

My cousin-in-law is a wing commander in the Indian air force and he brought a PAF officer once,they worked together in Sudan.

He was chilled out and they are great friends,did some great work in Sudan together.

Largely i saw defence personnel from both countries with minimum hatred and saw war and fighting as a profession and dont take things to heart as they have a real job and they know the value of life more than bickering civillians.

Rest is all time pass,The Arab world and the west see indians and pakistanis as the same bunch,how much ever we differentiate ourselves.

After having family members killed by Saffrons scums during partition I personally don't like Indians at all. That doesn't mean I will be rude to them.
Like I said Pakistanis and Indians get along fine on a people to people level in whatever country they are in.
it is more correct to say with north western Indians like Punjabis,Delhiites and Western UP.
Nope, utter nonsense, 48 you occupied Kashmir but heavy fierceful fighting forced you to ask UN to intervene, 65 you attacked Lahore at night hoping to have breakfast in Lahore but were crushed badly & suffered heavily, 71 is totally different scenerio & has been discussed in 71 related threads, 99 again you guys were crushed, although Pakistan won 99 militarily but lost due to corrupt government of nawaz, it was diplomatic loss but still Pakistan holds the highest point that it captured in indian Occupied Kashmir.

Sab kuch hath se nikal gaya aur tum bolte ho, "we crushed you" :rofl::rofl:
Indians in NY are funny. When they talk amongst eachother they say bad things about Pakistanis. When they get into a problem with someone they run to Pakistanis and try to talk us into being "desi" and the "same people". :lol:
look it's a bird,no it's a udan khatola.noooo it's razpak man saviour of indians in new york:lol:
Rest is all time pass,The Arab world and the west see indians and pakistanis as the same bunch,how much ever we differentiate ourselves.

I live in US, many people consider Pakistan as Middle East. Don't know about others & no offense to any friend here but when someone call me or Pakistanis as indian i feel embarressing & blood boils alot.

IMO Pakistan should be declared a Federation of Pakistan as it holds various ethnicities such as Central Asians, South Asians, Middle Easterns, Africans, Europeans, Chinese, etc.
i have said thousand times one year ago to many indians that indians economy would be delined due to some resons ..now see.....:blink:
Islam and its followers have way too much baggage of their own and shared with their ancestral faith and its followers in the Indian subcontinent for there ever to be mutual trust and acceptance.

I have seen the light over the past few years, not so much during my interaction here, but off the Internet and on the ground.

Within India, there will be an uneasy status quo, till the Islamists push too far. And then there will be a purge that will put into the pale all purges up until now.

Between India and Pakistan, there will be skirmishes and Aman ki Asha's alternating, till an opportunity presents itself. And then there will be war, and this time it will be for keeps. Both Kashmir as well as the Pakistan issue will be solved once and for all

Swiftly and efficiently. Like the Soviet shock troops.

Eventually, India will be one again. And Islam will rise once more - but as a mature and tolerant and totally Indianized faith.

I see eventually, an Indian union/confederation of what is currently India, along with Afghanistan, Pakistan(NWFP, Balochistan, Punjab, and Sindh), Nepal, Bhutan, East Bengal (current Bangladesh), Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.

With Tibet restored as a neutral bufer zone.

Thats true,

Basically Indians have conceded defeat.

When the status quo becomes uneasy like say Hindus go below 70%,the action will start.

It will be a 3 way fight with the christian chaudaries manipulating it like hell,siding with one another to emerge as a victor.

In the end people ll make peace and live together.

There is no other way to solve it,all the pent up anger will find and outlet,sad but true.

This is why we dont need pacifist leaders for a trigger hungry nation.
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