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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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y get very surprised and always say we are the same country.

A couple of Indians have said that to me too (and that too during the world cup match last year) and I didn't know what to say to that.

I think on people to people level, Pakistanis and Indians tend to get along okay.
Didn't get any hint? if a so called failed state has become an un acheiveable challenge to the indian desire of dominance in the region, than what will be a stable & prosperous state to the west of india be? hope you get the point.:woot:

Maybe the challenge lies not in taking you over but keeping you where you are.
That guy is trying to do same here by dragging fabrication.
this thread has gone on same line since page 2 onwards.....What Op had asked a simple question and people were ready to pull out daggers even on that.seriously people do lack patience to listen to others viewpoint that what the inferences i draw on both these threads.Then somewhere you have to put the foot down forcefully.
Point of contention is Kashmir, otherwise Pakistan wants nothing to do with India, after all it is Pakistan that called for separation, borders need to be permanently settled before tensions can be lowered.

As for why there is so much bickering and arguments on this forum between Pakistanis and Indians, is one they are allowed to mass flood this forum, they're obsessed with Pakistan, trolling reasons, and again they're obsessed with Pakistan as well as this forum.
Indian and Pakistanis are now different people. 60 years of separation has caused our cuisine, culture, arts, tradition to evolve in separate ways. So much so that I can easily tell who is Indian and who is Pakistani.

If I hang out with a bunch of Indians I feel I am not hanging out with a bunch of fellow compatriots but with foreign people like I am hanging out with Japanese people. And I have also noticed that Pakistanis are more welcoming than Indians. So if 1 Indian hangs out with 10 Pakistanis, he won't feel like an outsider where as if 1 Pakistani hangs out with 10 Indians he will feel like an outsider.

Although I support peace between India and Pakistan I know full well that India due to its recent spotlight has become too arrogant and self-conscious to achieve peace with.

Just look at Bollywood and how they malign Pakistan and India keeps buying billions worth of arms and deploying them on the Western Border with Pakistan forcing Pakistan to continue to have a watchful presence.

Even U.S shows anti russian movies so?
and how many times india attacked pakistan and vice versa??

48 u started...65 u started.....kargil u started...even in 71....u started all mess and u blame us? :lol:

Hypocrisy starts n ends in ur country only...

A couple of Indians have said that to me too (and that too during the world cup match last year) and I didn't know what to say to that.

I think on people to people level, Pakistanis and Indians tend to get along okay.

i can give u loadz of videos in which pakistanis saying same...:lol:
so dont flatter ur self much....and u know from where ur genes come from ;)
There will be no peace in the region or in the world unless the Saffron menace to the east is destroyed and rebuilt.

And we Indians will always be entertain by clown Zaid Hamid. :rofl::rofl:
Point of contention is Kashmir, otherwise Pakistan wants nothing to do with India, after all it is Pakistan that called for separation, borders need to be permanently settled before tensions can be lowered.

You are in no position to do anything about either your contention or the tension. All escalation or otherwise is up to us.

Yes you can fight by proxy. But beyond a point, its just an irritant.
Maybe the challenge lies not in taking you over but keeping you where you are.

And will you care to explain where do you think it should be? Cuz until now even having a billion + population & almost 4 times the land of Pakistan you are failed to become dominant.
Meengla, what do you mean by make peace with Pakistan?

How is that to be done when we are not at war?

Absence of war is not peace, as you know.
If intellectuals from both countries were to sit together for a week and were pushed to come up with creative solutions based on the premise that large swathes of miserable population in either countries is not good for any of them in the long run then solutions could be found. When rigorous cost-benefit analyses are done it will reveal that, while both countries could provide for half-decent standard of living to their respective citizens without genuine peace and friendship the benefits will be much larger if there were genuine peace and friendship. And I might add it the peace and friendship may not be so much liked by the Chinese, the Americans etc.
i can give u loadz of videos in which pakistanis saying same...:lol:
so dont flatter ur self much....and u know from where ur genes come from ;)

Oh please.

Majority of Pakistani do not consider that "flattering"
Words I learned from Indians here in the US.

BHINDASS. I had no idea wtf this meant. I asked my indian friend he explained it means awesome.

It would be equivalent to how we say zabardast.

Always calling me out with ABBAY ABBAY. It sounds funny to me. I usually say oy.

There's some other words that are unintelligible to me.
And will you care to explain where do you think it should be? Cuz until now even having a billion + population & almost 4 times the land of Pakistan you are failed to become dominant.

Have you taken a look back home to see where you are?

Do we really need to do anything more?
Even U.S shows anti russian movies so?
and how many times india attacked pakistan and vice versa??

48 u started...65 u started.....kargil u started...even in 71....u started all mess and u blame us? :lol:

Hypocrisy starts n ends in ur country only...

i can give u loadz of videos in which pakistanis saying same...:lol:
so dont flatter ur self much....and u know from where ur genes come from ;)

Fact is we don't want anything to do with you, we don't want to look at you, talk to you, touch you, nor be in your presence, we are a different nation and different people and history has forced us in this path. I wish many patriotic Indians such as yourself would simply leave the forum.

We're not interested in your opinions, stories, nor version of history just as you're not interested in our opinions, stories, nor version of history so no point for you being here. With other nationalities Pakistanis, Chinese, Turks, Iranians, Arabs-Saudis, Jordanians, Syrians,etc , even Israelis, etc we get along just fine with everyone.

So do us a favor and just leave us alone.
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