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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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The Indians have an inferiority complex and stalk Pakistanis where ever we go whether it be online or in different countries.
Q. Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

A. Because Pakistani establishment teaches Pakistanis that:

a.) India = hindu
b.) One should hate hindus
b.) pakistanis have ruled India for 1000 years
d.) India wants to invade and take over pakistan
e.) 1 pakistani = 10 Indians
f.) Indians can't fight
g.) Its India which is responsible for everything bad for pakistan
h.) Its Pak army which is responsible for everything good or positive if any in Pakistan.
i.) Indian Muslims are Munafiqs and slaves of yindoo baniya

Indians only responds due to the:

a.) 4 wars that pakistan started.
b.) Terrorist attacks
c.) Fake currency, piracy and smuggling
d.) Get angered over ungratefulness on our hospitality and generosity

Bhai Zakir there's a thread for you on PDF, started a couple of days ago regarding attack on some MATA please go there's and give your expert opinion instead of babbling BS here..
Pakistan and india can never be friends, it is because the indian state is built upon neo-imperialistic fascist policies, on a individual level have had many indian's work for us, the girls especially have shown themselves to be loyal, brave and extremely ingenious - some have gone on to become permanent employees.

And we are not the same people, not even close - just a bit of language - and that is about it. IMHO india is Pakistan's eternal enemy - it is what is holding india together, ie their hatred for us.
The Indians have an inferiority complex and stalk Pakistanis where ever we go whether it be online or in different countries.
As i see it..its good for indians to stalk pakistanis atleast inferior indians will learn something good from superiro pakistanis to do well in life:cool:
There will be no peace in the region or in the world unless the Saffron menace to the east is destroyed and rebuilt.
Bhai Zakir there's a thread for you on PDF, started a couple of days ago regarding attack on some MATA please go there's and give your expert opinion instead of babbling BS here..
That thread is total khichdi stuff with indiviual lives pulled into it.
As i see it..its good for indians to stalk pakistanis atleast inferior indians will learn something good from superiro pakistanis to do well in life:cool:

Whenever I meet Indians in the US, they usually ask me where I'm from. When I tell them Pakistan they get very surprised and always say we are the same country. Inside I'm laughing, but to be polite I say sure.
There will be no peace in the region or in the world unless the Saffron menace to the east is destroyed and rebuilt.
Why not mix saffron with green to get true blue-blood ones. As one sees from west(USA) eat is already destroyed with extreme east fighting back to limit/contain the damage.
Whenever I meet Indians in the US, they usually ask me where I'm from. When I tell them Pakistan they get very surprised and always say we are the same country. Inside I'm laughing, but to be polite I say sure.

Looks like we are all polite when we meet each other abroad then.
bhai we have bigger plans and several things to take care of rather than worrying about a failed state all time

Didn't get any hint? if a so called failed state has become an un acheiveable challenge to the indian desire of dominance in the region, than what will be a stable & prosperous state to the west of india be? hope you get the point.:woot:
That thread is total khichdi stuff with indiviual lives pulled into it.

That guy is trying to do same here by dragging fabrication.
Whenever I meet Indians in the US, they usually ask me where I'm from. When I tell them Pakistan they get very surprised and always say we are the same country. Inside I'm laughing, but to be polite I say sure.
why you ve to meet indians in usa when you can find them inside pakistan.Next time i suggest you laugh out loud instead on curbing ur laugh when you face such questions from indians that will be good for your health and you will live long to wait for india's destruction.:D
Indian and Pakistanis are now different people. 60 years of separation has caused our cuisine, culture, arts, tradition to evolve in separate ways. So much so that I can easily tell who is Indian and who is Pakistani.

If I hang out with a bunch of Indians I feel I am not hanging out with a bunch of fellow compatriots but with foreign people like I am hanging out with Japanese people. And I have also noticed that Pakistanis are more welcoming than Indians. So if 1 Indian hangs out with 10 Pakistanis, he won't feel like an outsider where as if 1 Pakistani hangs out with 10 Indians he will feel like an outsider.

Although I support peace between India and Pakistan I know full well that India due to its recent spotlight has become too arrogant and self-conscious to achieve peace with.

Just look at Bollywood and how they malign Pakistan and India keeps buying billions worth of arms and deploying them on the Western Border with Pakistan forcing Pakistan to continue to have a watchful presence.
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