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Who's More Powerful, China Or The United States?

Our China is just a third world country,
The us is the world hegemony countries,
Of course is the U.S.
The US will continue to be the world leader for at least another 50 years before anyone (including China) will be able to effectively challenge US supremacy.
At this point the US is more powerful but i'm not sure about the next 50 years.
US is more powerful and will remain on top for minimum 10 more years...
ref : globalfirepower
Why do you have to compare their strengths to our weaknesses? Is it not more prudent to compare your strengths to their weaknesses as well? Every Chinese should know the story of 田忌赛马, and learn from it. To be objective, not knowing your own strengths is just as dangerous as ignoring weakness.

Law and order? Modern governing practice?? CULTURAL AFFINITY??? Really? The hell does cultural affinity even mean? Some of the things you said are objectively true, but those 3 stick out to me as just pure subjective opinion.

In case you mistake my argument: I am not arguing either for, or against, your position. I am just pointing out some things I find annoying.
Those are soft power, which takes much much longer to build up than bridges and railways. The U.S. has already taken Britain before 1st World War in terms of economy and infrastructure. But it took the U.S. another hundred years to build up soft power that gravitate the world around it. You cannot deny that the Chinese government is still very inefficient, and corrupted. Ask around the world and see how many countries want to set up a government like the Chinese government. Gee, get real. The Chinese government itself also says it is still reforming itself! In terms of law and order, have you seen those “医闹?" The government always tries to settle disputes through administrative means in favor of patients. I doubt many talented Chinese would even choose to be doctors, which are considered the best and most respected profession in most of the world.

I really doubt China can overtake the U.S. in terms of soft power in hundreds of years. Britain has laid ground for the U.S. in terms of language, cultural penetration etc. through colonies. But then, China has always been a reclusive culture that prizes itself on unique civilization. I think few Chinese even want to dominate the world.
After 50 years, China will be no more .Occupied by vietnam, philippines, japan , korea .taiwan and india
The Chinese government itself also says it is still reforming itself! In terms of law and order, have you seen those “医闹?" The government always tries to settle disputes through administrative means in favor of patients. I doubt many talented Chinese would even choose to be doctors, which are considered the best and most respected profession in most of the world.

It is irrelevant how many countries want to set up a government like the Chinese. The assumption in popularity contests is that everyone will make the best choice possible. Hey the most popular majors in college are liberal arts, not science. Guess science must be useless. People make suboptimal choices all the time.

The reason being a doctor is highly respected in many countries is because they are highly paid due to a medical labor limitations which artificially limits the supply of doctors by making people jump through more hoops to become a doctor, rather than just pass classes. Look at the UK; they don't have those hoops. Removing the artificial market barriers to being a doctor means it is just any other job, like it should be.
After 50 years, China will be no more .Occupied by vietnam, philippines, japan , korea .taiwan and india

just came to know from a japanese member that japan's defense budget for 2014 is over $340 billion. certainly this makes japan next to usa in terms of military spending. now, japan's constitutional change will help them build weapons for long range offensive firepower, seems they are gonna make history, pax japanica is coming

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