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China Ain’t All That: The U.S. Is Still Tops

JayAtl usual shenanigans, flees when he gets schooled usual. Give it a few hours, he is scrounging the interwebs for more breaking news to post.
This is just insane

I've never seen one report produced by the Mainland's literature or media about we are overtaking usa by xxx years.

It is all the fanning of flames by the cheerleaders or the western media/academics/Sinophobes

a blogger who says so? oh cool.

here is one for you ... in china

and this one was not ONE person's opinion. Survey: Half of Chinese men abuse their partners: Shanghaiist

the report only said "domestic violence" which included "rape" and among those women who were raped 60% were done by their partner. And the sample size is rather small. In addition, the survey only concentrated in South China while the other part of China was vastly ignored

dont repeatedly quote this kind of biased report and take it as the cheerleaders' bible to diffuse your countries' horrendous records. india is worst in this regard.

you never see a rape case committed by Chinese that hit the media worldwide. You're in world wide news which cover these crimes - multiple multiple times

Or here where you govt makes laws about it....China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage

of course we have the law - Article 236 which protects our kids against the heinous crimes:


If China is going to muscle aside the United States—as many global citizens apparently believe—it’s going to have to generate wealth at a pace that would be astounding even for China.
A recent Pew Research Center poll has gotten a lot of attention because a majority of people in many nations—and even 47% of Americans—believe China has either eclipsed the U.S as a world power, or soon will.

The facts suggest that is ridiculous. China’s per-capita GDP is just $9,300, according to the CIA World Factbook. That ranks 123rd in the world. U.S. GDP per capita is $51,000, which ranks 14th. The only countries richer than the U.S. tend to be small, homogenous places such as Qatar, Luxembourg and Singapore.

No competition
For all its manufacturing might, China still has a huge population of 1.3 billion that includes hordes living in poverty or subsistence conditions. That saps resources and distorts economic policies at least as much as lobbying interests and me-first politics do in the United States. In the World Economic Forum’s annual competitiveness rankings, China ranks 29th, many spots behind the U.S., which ranks seventh.

Military might derives directly from economic wealth, which is why the U.S. military vastly outclasses that of any other nation. China spends about $166 billion a year on national security, or 2% of its GDP, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. That’s significant, but it’s only about one-fourth the U.S. defense budget of about $650 billion per year, or 4.4% of GDP.

China does have nuclear weapons, intercontinental missiles, modern submarines and other trappings of a superpower, yet it lacks the stealth technology, sophisticated command and control systems, thorough professionalism and other assets that make the U.S. military a standout. In a military confrontation, China could bloody U.S. forces, but it couldn't prevail.
China undoubtedly has a lot going for it, since it’s growing rapidly and in many ways executing smart national policies meant to cement its stature as a world power. There’s also some evidence the power and prestige of the U.S. is waning. The U.S., though, would have to fall quite a long way—and China rise just as far—before the Middle Kingdom could ever displace America as an economic and geopolitical power.

The WEF classifies China as a Stage 2 nation, which means it has become adept at the efficient production of commodities. Other nations with the same designation include Indonesia, Jordan and South Africa. According to the WEF, the U.S. is a Stage 3 nation with a more productive economy that runs on innovation. China, by contrast, tends to steal trade secrets rather than developing its own new technologies, which is just one reason it remains a long way from Stage 3 status.

Slowing growth
Many people seem to assume China will continue to grow at the near-double-digit rates of the past 20 years. But that’s dubious. Growth comes more easily when nations are in the earlier stages of development. Then it becomes harder to sustain as advantages, such as low labor costs, don’t provide such an edge anymore. With economic growth slowing and worries about a big credit bubble mounting, China may be approaching such a point of diminishing returns now. In the U.S., it was big news last September when the latest WEF rankings came out showing it had slipped two places from the previous year. Less reported: China also slipped two places.

As China’s stature improves, big problems that stand in the way of its march toward superpower status become more evident. For one thing, corruption is endemic throughout the Communist Party that governs China, which wrecks business confidence and stokes public cynicism. State-run banks may be riddled with hollow loans granted on orders from party apparatchiks. And many western businesses don’t trust what passes for the rule of law in China, since it tends to favor whatever policies benefit home-grown firms. “To sustain 6% or 7% growth, China will have to go through major reforms, which in the last 10 years they haven’t done,” says Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at forecasting firm IHS Global Insight. “If anything, the current structure could become more rigid and more entrenched, with the elite gaining much and only some of it trickling down.”

Rather than China’s rise, the biggest risk to the U.S. may be self-inflicted damage. With the whole global economy in a swoon, the United States is poised once again to lead the way back toward prosperity, with a repaired financial system, breakthrough industries, stellar universities and the penchant for ever-better mousetraps. But it could squander such advantages through lousy government, a myopic electorate and plain old complacency.

It’s certainly possible that China could one day catch up to the U.S., or even overtake it. But if that happens, there will only be one real explanation: We let them.

http://finance.**********/blogs/the-exchange/china-ain-t-u-still-tops-194311509.html ***** = y a h o o . c o m

Mr Jayatl i Seriously want you to consider to stop posting & opening China Bashing threads
As they Create a lot of friction for some members Hint-Indian
& these posts in these threads are Troll posts & not something serious

Your Indian Friend to NRI [Never Returning Indian]
I am american , you are a "made in china" product imported here, and as typical of your countries product - you are in a broken state and need to be returned back. This country though it Visa policies have shown, you are not really welcome vs Indians . You and your kind are also a distant second to Indians Americans contributing to this country, be it in wealth, education and every measure of success ...have a nice day says the fortune cookie!

I'm sorry posting an article about this country, the one whose bosoms you chose to come and lay in comfort---perturbs you :P BUT BUT in the same vein , you would not dare step into China - well they would not allow you to move there vs. amerika

Please stop.... No you're not, and you are making an embarrassment of us real Americans.

We don't talk like that, threatening other nations, showing off how bullying we can be...

Seriously, you are waving the Indian flag on your profile as you lecture some Chinese 'American' guy as to whether he is American enough? And yet you yourself are just some squatter on American territory, while putting up the Indian flag?

This is so typical..... Foreigners all look at America thru the media complex presented to them via TV or internet because their family has NO first hand American traditions, mores, or customs. (Not even a shared language in many cases.) There is no family history of normalcy functioning within the culture. No long term investment in the national good. So what you see on TV, you think the US really is that way. Then you end up living lives here in the false media complex that fosters the mental states of people like Nidal Hassan and Jokar Tsarnaev. Personally Mr. XYZ, I hope they screen you extra good, and keep a close eye.

You have no real loyalties as a first gen American. Likely no family at risk. You have some capital, assets, property? Doubtful. Just do whatever MTV tells you to do. Maybe now you just do whatever the bureaucrats tell you to do. Whatever HuffPo tells you to do. Thats normal. This is not an indictment of foreigners, simply stating facts and logical observations. Keep an eye on the news. Look who does the next bombing. The next act. The next Faizal Shazad. The next Tamerlan. Just take brief moment to look at their history. No loyalties. No one to hold them accountable. No one for them to let down.
Please stop.... No you're not, and you are making an embarrassment of us real Americans.

We don't talk like that, threatening other nations, showing off how bullying we can be...

Seriously, you are waving the Indian flag on your profile as you lecture some Chinese 'American' guy as to whether he is American enough? And yet you yourself are just some squatter on American territory, while putting up the Indian flag?

This is so typical..... Foreigners all look at America thru the media complex presented to them via TV or internet because their family has NO first hand American traditions, mores, or customs. (Not even a shared language in many cases.) There is no family history of normalcy functioning within the culture. No long term investment in the national good. So what you see on TV, you think the US really is that way. Then you end up living lives here in the false media complex that fosters the mental states of people like Nidal Hassan and Jokar Tsarnaev. Personally Mr. XYZ, I hope they screen you extra good, and keep a close eye.

You have no real loyalties as a first gen American. Likely no family at risk. You have some capital, assets, property? Doubtful. Just do whatever MTV tells you to do. Maybe now you just do whatever the bureaucrats tell you to do. Whatever HuffPo tells you to do. Thats normal. This is not an indictment of foreigners, simply stating facts and logical observations. Keep an eye on the news. Look who does the next bombing. The next act. The next Faizal Shazad. The next Tamerlan. Just take brief moment to look at their history. No loyalties. No one to hold them accountable. No one for them to let down.

I know lately we have been inundated with the storm front guys here- go figure. Your boorish chants of the MSM is lame , the anti immigration shrill repeated here and in this other posts and your tea party / tea baggers meme- does not speak for us Americans.

What America needs to and fears is that before there was a Faisal and Tamerlan, we had your brethren the KKK group terrorizing this country, with all your " deep family ties" in tow. And that we continue to see a resurgence of the KKK now under the banner of Tea party in america.

More than two centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin worried that too many German immigrants would swamp America’s predominantly British culture. In the mid-1800s, Irish immigrants were scorned as lazy drunks, not to mention Roman Catholics. At the turn of the century a wave of “new immigrants” — Poles, Italians, Russian Jews — were believed to be too different ever to assimilate into American life. Today the same fears are raised about immigrants from Latin America and Asia. But we came out a better nation because of the immigrants. Contrary to the meme from you tea baggers that nation was built on one gene pool, even if you guys consider your siblings as "friends w/ benefits".

So sure, be perturbed we are here, get agitated about the flags we use on a forum- but facts remain that immigrant population, of which you were one time, the new immigrant population is holding up and contributing more to the country than your previous generations and you.

On the other hand, we see your " anti -immigration, KKK influenced groups" contribution to mass killings and terror plots in this country.

This has been your contribution of your special group and an to be continued one in this country

Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center

4 Georgia Men Arrested in Terror Plot
Soldiers in murder case targeted WA dam, apples in terror plot | kgw.com Portland






I know lately we have been inundated with the storm front guys here- go figure. Your boorish chants of the MSM is lame , the anti immigration shrill repeated here and in this other posts and your tea party / tea baggers meme- does not speak for us Americans.

What America needs to and fears is that before there was a Faisal and Tamerlan, we had your brethren the KKK group terrorizing this country, with all your " deep family ties" in tow. And that we continue to see a resurgence of the KKK now under the banner of Tea party in america.

More than two centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin worried that too many German immigrants would swamp America’s predominantly British culture. In the mid-1800s, Irish immigrants were scorned as lazy drunks, not to mention Roman Catholics. At the turn of the century a wave of “new immigrants” — Poles, Italians, Russian Jews — were believed to be too different ever to assimilate into American life. Today the same fears are raised about immigrants from Latin America and Asia. But we came out a better nation because of the immigrants. Contrary to the meme from you tea baggers that nation was built on one gene pool, even if you guys consider your siblings as "friends w/ benefits".

So sure, be perturbed we are here, get agitated about the flags we use on a forum- but facts remain that immigrant population, of which you were one time, the new immigrant population is holding up and contributing more to the country than your previous generations and you.


As much as you want to be an American, you are not. Underlining, bolding, and capitalizing "us" and "we" and "I'm" and adding "American" to it will not make an iota of difference as to what people consider you. You are embarrassing this country with your pretending to represent us. It is the equivalent of me flying over to Norway, squatting in their country for 5 years, and then coming onto the internet speaking of how superior our public healthcare system is to the rest of the world. You do NOT represent us, and judging by what you have just said, there have been quite a few people who have communicated this to you already. I say GOOD; maybe when you realize that more people think this way then do not you'll come to realize that you are in fact an Indian.

The difference in the immigrants of the past is that they all came from more or less the same stock; they were all European. We all came from the same people. I can't really tell if someone is of Polish, Irish, Italian, English, Russian, Jewish, or German stock! We all became the same, no different from one another. None of us stuck out like a sore thumb after we assimilated.

Black Americans were forced here, and have a history as long as the people who DID build this country (my people). Black Americans are indeed true Americans.

You Indians on the other hand will always be Indian. You say that you have contributed more to this country than us? Well, can you name the things your people have contributed? I seem to recall the Moon Landings having been performed not by Singhs and Vishrakrjassandanamans, but Armstrongs and Schmits. I seem to recall World War II being fought largely by Smith's and Goldsteins and Baldwins, not Patels and Guptas. Shall I go on? I think you get the point.

By the way, thanks for the copy-paste... more proof of that stereotyped lack of creativity amongst your people. You couldn't even bring up a rebuttal of my argument without doing a Google search to find something that sounds better than what could come out of your own small and uncultured mind. You brought India with you to America. Your values are not our values.

Oh and by the way, that Stormfront and "tea party" ad hominem crap won't cut it for me. I'm more liberal than conservative, and most liberals want America to stay American, even if they don't sing to this same tune publicly.

Go away, you bore us with your trolling. If I didn't know any better, you are purposefully trying to ruin our relationship with other countries out of spite for your Indian inferiority complex, because of how crap other nations treat you and look at you. Problem is, you are hijacking our country to comfort your own lack of self-esteem because of your peoples' lack of accomplishment historically and nationally. I suggest you stop, lest you find more and more and more Americans coming and embarrassing you even further than I have.
As much as you want to be an American, you are not. Underlying, boldening, and capitalizing "us" and "we" and "I'm" and addicting "American" to it will not make an iota of difference as to what people consider you. You are embarrassing this country with your pretending to represent us. It is the equivalent of me flying over to Norway, squatting in their country for 5 years, and then coming onto the internet speaking of how superior our public healthcare system is to the rest of the world. You do NOT represent us, and judging by what you have just said, there have been quite a few people who have communicated this to you already. I say GOOD; maybe when you realize that more people think this way then do not you'll come to realize that you are in fact an Indian.

The difference in the immigrants of the past is that they all came from more or less the same stock; they were all European. We all came from the same people. I can't really tell if someone is of Polish, Irish, Italian, English, Russian, Jewish, or German stock! We all became the same, no different from one another. None of us stuck out like a sore thumb after we assimilated.

Black Americans were forced here, and have a history as long as the people who DID build this country (my people). Black Americans are indeed true Americans.

You Indians on the other hand will always be Indian. You say that you have contributed more to this country than us? Well, can you name the things your people have contributed? I seem to recall the Moon Landings having been performed not by Singhs and Vishrakrjassandanamans, but Armstrongs and Schmits. I seem to recall World War II being fought largely by Smith's and Goldsteins and Baldwins, not Patels and Guptas. Shall I go on? I think you get the point.

By the way, thanks for the copy-paste... more proof of that stereotyped lack of creativity amongst your people. You couldn't even bring up a rebuttal of my argument without doing a Google search to find something that sounds better than what could come out of your own small and uncultured mind. You brought India with you to America. Your values are not our values.

Oh and by the way, that Stormfront and "tea party" ad hominem crap won't cut it for me. I'm more liberal than conservative, and most liberals want America to stay American, even if they don't sing to this same tune publicly.

Go away, you bore us with your trolling. If I didn't know any better, you are purposefully trying to ruin our relationship with other countries out of spite for your Indian inferiority complex, because of how crap other nations treat you and look at you. Problem is, you are hijacking our country to comfort your own lack of self-esteem because of your peoples' lack of accomplishment historically and nationally. I suggest you stop, lest you find more and more and more Americans coming and embarrassing you even further than I have.

@Aeronaut. check his ip for being from Florida, the same guy you banned weeks ago here.

Aha- you are the same guy who got banned here from Florida and you have come back with your KKK themes and your tea bagger meme . your white power meme did not work back then and wont now.

The same meme of show me what you Indians have done, show me what you have invented, white people built this country blah blah. immigrants were chastised for being alcoholics, speaking a differently , for dressing differently even for being catholic- even back then.

as I told you before , before you got banned and now with your other account, your ilk have the worst success rate in america. You are a stain on america!
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@Aeronaut. check his ip for being from Florida, the same guy you banned weeks ago here.

Aha- you are the same guy who got banned here from Florida and you have come back with your KKK themes and your tea bagger meme . your white power meme did not work back then and wont now.

The same meme of show me what you Indians have done, show me what you have invented, white people built this country blah blah. immigrants were chastised for being alcoholics, speaking a differently , for dressing differently even for being catholic- even back then.

as I told you before , before you got banned and now with your other account, your ilk have the worst success rate in america. You are a stain on america!

Wow, your English has just collapsed. You must be foaming at the mouth because of my strong rebuttals... I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

I hope this Aeronaut checks it quite quickly. I'll be happy to watch you become even more illiterate in the hours to come. More importantly, there appears to have been a person questioning your EXACT SAME responses! Haha! It's just further proof that no one takes your statements seriously!

Come on then retard, how have you guys contributed more than us? In specifics please, I want everyone to read this.

your ilk have the worst success rate in america

Timeline of United States inventions (before 1890) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timeline of United States inventions (1890

Timeline of United States inventions (1946

Timeline of United States inventions (after 1991) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timeline of United States discoveries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


JayAtl is a true American and you know why. Just read his post and you will figure it out.





Slum dog calling his own people Slum dogs... ooohhhh wait!! JayAtl will call me a racist for calling him a Slum dog!! ONLY HIS PEOPLE CAN USE SUCH TERMS!

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Wow, your English has just collapsed. You must be foaming at the mouth because of my strong rebuttals... I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

I hope this Aeronaut checks it quite quickly. I'll be happy to watch you become even more illiterate in the hours to come. More importantly, there appears to have been a person questioning your EXACT SAME responses! Haha! It's just further proof that no one takes your statements seriously!

Come on then retard, how have you guys contributed more than us? In specifics please, I want everyone to read this.

so you have now fully embraced being the storm front KKK poster who got banned from here a few weeks ago. It took me all of what couple of rounds with you to pull you out of your shadow.

don't try to claim the success of decent Americans as yours by showing me the links. :lol: bagger .

This is your family tree's legacy in america. Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center
so you have now fully embraced being the storm front KKK poster who got banned from here a few weeks ago. It took me all of what couple of rounds with you to pull you out of your shadow.

Proof of your illiteracy. Go ahead and quote me slum dog... where did I say that?

don't try to claim the success of decent Americans as yours by showing me the links

Those were inventions by AMERICANS, not INDIANS. My people, NOT your people.

And I'll say this one last time... expect me to continue to denigrate you the more you insult our American servicemen and women you anti-American pig...

Does anyone else here find it funny that this dirty POS hates us so much, yet wants to be with us at the same time?
Proof of your illiteracy. Go ahead and quote me slum dog... where did I say that?

Those were inventions by AMERICANS, not INDIANS. My people, NOT your people.

And I'll say this one last time... expect me to continue to denigrate you the more you insult our American servicemen and women you anti-American pig...

Does anyone else here find it funny that this dirty POS hates us so much, yet wants to be with us at the same time?

The problem is that tea baggers think if you just hide behind the " but we have black friends" we are not racist, bigoted at all- you will be not caught out Flat_Top56

You are @Flat_Top56 who got banned for being a racist KKK clown here and have created a new account here.

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