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China Ain’t All That: The U.S. Is Still Tops

a blogger who says so? oh cool.

here is one for you ... in china

and this one was not ONE person's opinion. Survey: Half of Chinese men abuse their partners: Shanghaiist

Or here where you govt makes laws about it....China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage

Can we not make this rape thread because I have tons of links to counter yours.. yeah kiddo? :no:

LOL said the op that strated this thread with a yahoo blog
http://finance.**********/blogs/the-...194311509.html ***** = y a h o o . c o m

get a life ya if you have one

Only @JayAtl could make such a stupid thread. You just keep getting more pathetic each day with new anti-China threads.
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i don't think we should blame JayAtl and JayAtls for posting anti-China threads day and night.just imagine if all India members realize or admit they're far far far behind China in every field,then we would lose a lot of happiness.it would be worse if all 1.2 billion Indians stop trolling and start to work harder and learn from us .
luckily we don't see that tide.thanks to the India mainstream medias ,which poison them everyday.
As usual with these types of analysis they talk about the myriad of problems facing China but barely touches what is happening in the US. Of course if the US has a well run economy then China overtaking the US would be a far stretch indeed. But however the US economy is a huge mess and things are getting worse by the day. People are piling into inflated assets from houses to stocks to bonds. The economy is creating huge bubbles and when it pops it will make the 2008 crisis look like a picknick and whipe out the aforementioned. For instance about 3/4 of all the jobs in the US that are created this year are actually part time jobs where people work for 15 to 20 hours a week for about 7 to 11 dollars a hour. Its telling that despite the US economy creating anywhere between 150000 to 180000 jobs per month the U6 unemployment is still ticking up.

And now they are once again redefining what GDP is in order to make the US economy look bigger as they have redefined what inflation is to make it look lower. These days when people like 50 Cents are spitting rhymes its consider GDP. The only way for the US to pay its bills is to let the central banks print trillions of dollars out of thin air. If you have a situation in the US where you have 0% interest rate for the past now nearly 5 years and you have a trillion dollar a years deficit and where there is about 3,6 trillion dollars of QE money created out of thin air. And after all of that you only have a 1,5 to 2% growth rate then you got some serious structural problems with your economy. It means that for every 1 dollar of GDP growth the US needs to get into 5 to 6 dollars of debt. How long do you think that is able to continue ?

And what about the rule of law in the US ? Well, why is Franklin Rains not in prison while we all know he has stolen 125 million dollars when he was the head of Fannie Mae. Why is John Corzin not in prison when he stole 1,25 billion dollars from his customers accounts to cover his betting losses and bankrupted MF Global. Why is Henk Paulson the former treasury secretary not in prison when he clearly lied under oath during his testimony in front of congress in 2008 and had colluded with his banker buddies the night before. More than that NO ONE HAS BEEN ARRESTED FOR THE 2008 FINANCIAL CRISIS. Accountability and rule of law in the US is a joke. But in the mean time someone could go behind bars for stealing a pack of cookies from a supermarket.

Then of course there is simply the debts out right in the US. The overall debt in the US is about 59 trillion dollars or 375% of GDP and rising fast. The US shadow banking system in 2011 was 23 trillion dollars or 154% of GDP.

But still despite all these problems in the US China is still far behind the US and it will take a long time for China to come close to the US.
China is not the most powerful nation on the planet. Chinese accept that. Why do people have to post stupid articles like this?

I see China as the most powerful nation by 2040-2050...It would be a good counter-weight to the United States/West...

The only thing worrying about China is the mentality of some dumb, young Chinese posters here who think Chinese are "genetically" superior to others or are "inherently" better than the rest blah blah..This makes China look like a joke. West was like this in 19th century etc...and now they have grown out of it and become mature for the most part. I hope Chinese act maturely and don't fall for this retarded and laughable notion of 'inherent' superiority. Nothing is 'inherent', you have to work hard to get greatest--a thing Chinese generations have done. I hope young generation of China doesn't lose that...
China is not the most powerful nation on the planet. Chinese accept that. Why do people have to post stupid articles like this?

I see China as the most powerful nation by 2040-2050...It would be a good counter-weight to the United States/West...

The only thing worrying about China is the mentality of some dumb, young Chinese posters here who think Chinese are "genetically" superior to others or are "inherently" better than the rest blah blah..This makes China look like a joke. West was like this in 19th century etc...and now they have grown out of it and become mature for the most part. I hope Chinese act maturely and don't fall for this retarded and laughable notion of 'inherent' superiority. Nothing is 'inherent', you have to work hard to get greatest--a thing Chinese generations have done. I hope young generation of China doesn't lose that...

The genetic superiority is bullcrap, if most Chinese youths believe this, then China's future would be doomed.

I believe most the credit should go to our government CPC, without them, China would remain as a sh1thole, their collective policy makes our nation stronger.

When without CPC, our country sucked, we were dead meat in front of the Japanese and letting 30 million getting slaughtered and 200 million getting starved to death.
The genetic superiority is bullcrap, if most Chinese youths believe this, then China's future would be doomed.

I believe most the credit should go to our government CPC, without them, China would remain as a sh1thole, their collective policy makes our nation stronger.

When without CPC, our country sucked, we were dead meat in front of the Japanese and letting 30 million getting slaughtered and 200 million getting starved to death.

Exactly. It is always the sound policies of the state, and hard work of the people that generate prosperity. Nothing "genetic" at all.

But this idea of genetic superiority have existed with everyone...every greatest civilization of its era claimed to be "better" than others inherently.

I was reading Arab texts from medieval era, Arabs also talked about how they are the most 'superior' people because they are in the "middle" and due to other factors blah blah...

Best of luck to Chinese. I hope the great Chinese wisdom will protect its youth from falling for this stupid theories of inherent superiority..
Exactly. It is always the sound policies of the state, and hard work of the people that generate prosperity. Nothing "genetic" at all.

But this idea of genetic superiority have existed with everyone...every greatest civilization of its era claimed to be "better" than others inherently.

I was reading Arab texts from medieval era, Arabs also talked about how they are the most 'superior' people because they are in the "middle" and due to other factors blah blah...

Best of luck to Chinese. I hope the great Chinese wisdom will protect its youth from falling for this stupid theories of inherent superiority..

The West also faced another problem, too many stormfront kids, when most these kids are highschool dropouts, bragging the achievement created by a small elite groups of their race, while themselves are still bottomfeeders who have contributed nothing to their society, such large number of pathetic losers are dragging the West down to the hill.

The Arabs aren't as lucky as us, they are geographically closer West, thanks to the West intervention from West, they never got a chance to become united in the modern era.

We should appreciate what our government has done for our country and makes it strongly united, and we also wish the best luck for the Arab people, hopefully the light of in the future will come to them.
Military superiority is not about who can take over ones land, although we can IF a conventional war is fought. But let's not debate that. rather it is about who can exert influence around the world for their interests, you can't. we can can go into Libya and chuck you out. We can attack Syria and everyone of those you covet at will and you can't do jack about it.

I have no delusional that you will not be innovative to a certain extent, but a copy paste culture will inherently always be one. You don't have , although have a bigger population, much coming out from your country, there are no out of box thinkers, like apple, face book and .. and .... you are simply relying on copy/ paste, make it cheaper, lower quality and sell to the world.

you are only qualified to represent India, not the US. Americans do not want you here.
you are only qualified to represent India, not the US. Americans do not want you here.

I am american , you are a "made in china" product imported here, and as typical of your countries product - you are in a broken state and need to be returned back. This country though it Visa policies have shown, you are not really welcome vs Indians . You and your kind are also a distant second to Indians Americans contributing to this country, be it in wealth, education and every measure of success ...have a nice day says the fortune cookie!


Only @JayAtl could make such a stupid thread. You just keep getting more pathetic each day with new anti-China threads.

I'm sorry posting an article about this country, the one whose bosoms you chose to come and lay in comfort---perturbs you :P BUT BUT in the same vein , you would not dare step into China - well they would not allow you to move there vs. amerika
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There is no culture, it's easily changed when the situation is right. China has innovation, but not a lot why because as I said we are catching up.

It's like Math, you can't say Newton was not innovative when he was a boy, he just didn't know enough to start innovating. But once we come of age it will happen.

If China has this "copy/paste" culture, then why do all eastern Asian countries follow our customs and everything Chinese. Be more countries, but unlike Europe we didn't break into so many different countries when our many empires fell.

As to military, why not argue about it, what's the difference at this point, isn't that why you posted this in the first place.

China can call up over 10 million trained men in short amount of time to fight US, if US were to invade our HOMELAND, you think Iraq is bad, in a conventional war, you may have early advantage, but as you get more in land, you will face being surrounded on all side, and harsh terrain and all type of crap.

Pretty much same deal as Germans faced. Our military production, due to many reasons, mostly just not as crazy as Hitler are not producing at that rate, we could produce hundreds of thousands of tanks, unlimited guns, and ammo and enough missiles to bomb the world into mars, but why do that in peace.

And we could do things about it, and btw, Russia is the one pissed about the middle east not us. Your thinking is very weird, if the US just randomly goes into countries you will be destroyed. Also we do still have MAD. The button is just as powerful today as it was then, maybe more so.

Also we can screw the US into a coma by shutting down all US interests in China and stop all shipments to US and refuse payment on all US goods. We will of course also die, but the option is there.

following your customs? Chinese food is not custom we follow, it is a taste bud.

You want to argue about the military? why- we know that wars are won on the war front, and we win one hands down. We are not interested in ruling your land rather just wining the " war"

you are not pissed about the middle east? then all the statements " warning" america about an attack is just Chinese blather-- I agree, you can't do jack besides spew hollow words. Try and stop us...like you did in libya or with taiwan :lol:

You don't have MAD, you have hollow words about it. because MAD is never going to take place

You will screw the US? how do suppose that you can screw us , where you economy depends on the NATO countries. Yeah we can see how you screw us when you keep buying year after year our bonds. All we have to do is not pay up if we go to war! we gave you a paper note for all that money you gave us :rofl:
I am american , you are a "made in china" product imported here, and as typical of your countries product - you are in a broken state and need to be returned back. This country though it Visa policies have shown, you are not really welcome vs Indians . You and your kind are also a distant second to Indians Americans contributing to this country, be it in wealth, education and every measure of success ...have a nice day says the fortune cookie!

I'm sorry posting an article about this country, the one whose bosoms you chose to come and lay in comfort---perturbs you :P BUT BUT in the same vein , you would not dare step into China - well they would not allow you to move there vs. amerika

You might be in America or maybe even received your green card. But you are not an American. No matter how much you want to be, you will never be one as deep down inside, you are an Indian. Be proud of your Indian self and stop trying to be someone that you are not. America treat you well by allowing you to answer our tech support questions. I might have spoke to you over the phone before when I have issues with my Amazon.com purchase.
following your customs? Chinese food is not custom we follow, it is a taste bud.

You want to argue about the military? why- we know that wars are won on the war front, and we win one hands down. We are not interested in ruling your land rather just wining the " war"

you are not pissed about the middle east? then all the statements " warning" america about an attack is just Chinese blather-- I agree, you can't do jack besides spew hollow words. Try and stop us...like you did in libya or with taiwan :lol:

You don't have MAD, you have hollow words about it. because MAD is never going to take place

You will screw the US? how do suppose that you can screw us , where you economy depends on the NATO countries. Yeah we can see how you screw us when you keep buying year after year our bonds. All we have to do is not pay up if we go to war! we gave you a paper note for all that money you gave us :rofl:

- Eastern Asia, when did India move to the coast of Japan. Check history, dude, all eastern countries sent people to China to study and trade.

- yea, it's totally an option for Indians to rule China. When is the best time? When you were colonized or when you can't finish a 4th gen fighter.

-Russians said something, we also got to say something. We did vote against it. When was the last time China sent troops to middle east. The answer is never, the Russians obviously care, cause they did, recently too. Not really sure what happened in Libya, but we been doing the same to Taiwan in recent times and US didn't come, want to tell me why. Can't be because China isn't the same as in the 90s could it...

- By MAD never taking place hence it doesn't exist is stupid. If a woman carries a gun in her purse for all her life, dies without using it, does it mean the gun doesn't exist.

- Did you not understand where I said we would both be dead if we did do what I said we could do. World's second biggest economy stops everything and America lives? China "slows down" a little and America feels the impact.
I am american , you are a "made in china" product imported here, and as typical of your countries product - you are in a broken state and need to be returned back. This country though it Visa policies have shown, you are not really welcome vs Indians . You and your kind are also a distant second to Indians Americans contributing to this country, be it in wealth, education and every measure of success ...have a nice day says the fortune cookie!

Hahaha... Sure, you're an American. Your passport says so, your white masters say so, but you'll always be brown. You can't wash it off even if you've used ACID.
Or, you might want to go into the trend of the next Michael Jackson? :rofl:
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