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China Ain’t All That: The U.S. Is Still Tops

That's because pride clouds your judgement. Even in the poorest redneck neighbourhoods, people are not defecating on the street, raping women left and right, drinking cow pee and using it as gel for the hair.

Get this: The minimum wage in the USA is 15x higher than the AVERAGE wage in India. Your pride in your worthless country clouds your judgement. Indians are mentally moving mountains to immigrate to the USA, even if many of them have to serve us Whites for a living as taxi drivers and Kwik-E-Mart shopkeepers.

My apologies, I forgot that Bill Gates is Indian. I could have sworn that he was an American, descended from Europe, but my White superiority got the better of me.

Ok fine, let's play by the Indian set of ever-changing rules. The most profitable companies are either Western or East Asian, but not Indian. The most innovative individuals and companies have historically been Western, or dare I use my innately racist mind, White.

The onus was (and still is) on you to support your points. Unfortunately, I have supported a rebuttal to your now-defeated points even before you could support your now incorrect statements.

Did you hear that from a fellow corrupt and prideful Indian? Maybe he wants to corner the market so he can make more than the $1,500 years average wage of a family in India?

1. True indeed. In your redneck neighborhood, they don't defecate on the streets, rape women on the streets, pee on whatever...they just do it in their bedrooms and in the privacy of their homes. They defecate on their wives and sisters and mothers, rape them in the privacy of their homes and pee on them in their perverted idea of explorative sex. Hey, Old Glory sure knows how to make a star and stripe of everything including sex. Just keep it private as per your redneck constitution ;)

2. Minimum wage ? Serve you ? Yeah sure. Did you forget the old redneck movies including that chief redneck John Wayne who went up to the Red Indians with that old famous saying ..."How...I've come to serve you". Then they scalp the Indians and take their land and their profit. Guess what ...the East Indians are returning the favor. Taxi drivers and motel owners some of them maybe yet. Plenty of them employ your sisters as their housekeeps though and your sons as their gardening weeders as I've pointed out earlier. heck your son is most probably a minimum wage on the clock hire to some Indian employer in the USA who calls him stuff such as "mardar chord" or "bhein chord" when he is angry, hence your anger at my people. Relax dude ..we have just began with your pathetic country. Ask your Whitey cousins in the UK and Europe about our influence there before you get all edgy about us yet.

3. Don't bother about the average wage in India. If dropping two buildings in your huge country could bring down the average wage to 25% within 12 years to the extent it did ....heaven help your superficially created nation. Superficial in the political, economic and historic sense.
1. True indeed. In your redneck neighborhood, they don't defecate on the streets, rape women on the streets, pee on whatever...they just do it in their bedrooms and in the privacy of their homes. They defecate on their wives and sisters and mothers, rape them in the privacy of their homes and pee on them in their perverted idea of explorative sex. Hey, Old Glory sure knows how to make a star and stripe of everything including sex. Just keep it private as per your redneck constitution ;)

2. Minimum wage ? Serve you ? Yeah sure. Did you forget the old redneck movies including that chief redneck John Wayne who went up to the Red Indians with that old famous saying ..."How...I've come to serve you". Then they scalp the Indians and take their land and their profit. Guess what ...the East Indians are returning the favor. Taxi drivers and motel owners some of them maybe yet. Plenty of them employ your sisters as their housekeeps though and your sons as their gardening weeders as I've pointed out earlier. heck your son is most probably a minimum wage on the clock hire to some Indian employer in the USA who calls him stuff such as "mardar chord" or "bhein chord" when he is angry, hence your anger at my people. Relax dude ..we have just began with your pathetic country. Ask your Whitey cousins in the UK and Europe about our influence there before you get all edgy about us yet.

3. Don't bother about the average wage in India. If dropping two buildings in your huge country could bring down the average wage to 25% within 12 years to the extent it did ....heaven help your superficially created nation. Superficial in the political, economic and historic sense.

Let me assure he is not what it means to be "american". hell is not even what the white race in america is about. He mistakes his skin tone to mean that it has the same affinity as the great innovators in america. he only shares the skin tone but not the gene pool. he belongs the lowest pool among whites.

Who Are Rednecks?
Rednecks are progeny of the mighty Scots-Irish Presbyterians who pioneered the southern Appalachians and the American West. Few of today's Rednecks understand the true meaning and heritage of the word. This term originated with Lowland Scottish Presbyterians who would wear red scarves or stiff red collars around their necks, demonstrating that they were Covenanters, members of the National Covenant, which was the Scottish Presbyterian Church. They had literally signed their oaths with their own blood at Greyfriar's Kirkyard in 1638. For the wearing of their distinctive insignia, they received the pejorative appellation, Rednecks. For their refusal to accept the Church of England, which they described as "Popery without the Pope", these Scots were persecuted by the British.

They fled first to Ulster, Ireland, then to America, where they became the Scots-Irish ethnic group. The word Redneck in early America referred to a descendant of those Scottish Protestants or, more generally, a southern Scots-Irish American. At the time of the American Civil War, the Yankees began referring to all white Southerners as Rednecks. Ironically, the word Yankee comes from the Dutch and is based on a word implying greed.

This guy@American_Milleniumis the SAME banned flat_top56 . He got banned back then for the same white power, supremacist talk. I have posted above some his greatest hits from the last time he was here under that account.

here it is again. there is loads more, him as Flat_top56
Maybe because they are smart enough to separate fact from fiction, unlike you Indians.

Who other than you people would have the audacity to claim that you are more innovative than the White race?

You have yet to list one of these so-called inventions.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...ly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-14.html#ixzz2dZa2dpnl

Go ahead and try it. You'll be back in the slums again. America belongs to Americans!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...rly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-3.html#ixzz2dZbPn9XZ

What a bunch of stupidity. My people built this country, Indians did not. Indeed, most Indians have no heritage in America; they just come here to make money because what we built over here is a lot better than what your people built over there.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...rly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-3.html#ixzz2dZbPn9XZ

It was we who landed on the Moon; we who built the most powerful nation the world has ever seen; we who built the computer, discovered most of the elements, and together with our European kin, have invented almost everything of modern convenience. Can any of you Indians really tell me what you have done in the last 2,000 or so years? Of course other than the numeral system, blah blah blah...

Look, you come here because what WE built is much better than what your dumb people built over there. That's the reason. We are more productive, far more educated, and even the most idiotic hicks have lives far more prosperous than the average upper-middle class Indian. It really does say a lot about the differences between us.

They hire you because you work for slave-like wages, and we do not. The Chinese slave laborers are making more than us Americans exporting their goods. Their goods must be world-quality then right? Far superior to Americans?

Sorry to say, it's not.

If you Indians are so smart, go and build up your own country, and stop making pathetic excuses as to why you continue to fail to this very day (over 50 years after my British cousins chose to give you your freedom).

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...rly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-4.html#ixzz2dZbvlrfb

America was 90% White, and almost 10% Black during the Moon Landings. Even today, NASA is almost exclusively White.

More complete and utter bull from you. It was our people who built it, not yours. Your people were on the reciting end of a tiny island nation invasion, owning you for an entire century. You wouldn't even not what a rocket is without the White man's knowledge..

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...rly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-5.html#ixzz2dZcHUgeY

More productive? Can you name 15 things that your people have invented? I mean, you guys are so much more productive and intelligent compared to us lowly White people.

We only discovered all of the elements, invented electrical motor, dynamo, transformer, and electric light, and indeed most of the familiar electrical appliances, the ship's chronometer, the screw propeller, the locomotive, bicycle, automobile, and aeroplane, the telegraph, the telephone, radio, television, communication and navigation satellites, mobile phone, and the Internet, the pencil, ballpoint pen, CRT, LCD, LED, photograph, photocopier, laser printer, ink jet printer, plasma display screen and world wide web, concrete, aluminum, clear glass, synthetic rubber, synthetic diamond and the plastics polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polystyrene, iron and steel ships, bridges and skyscrapers, the transistor, integrated circuit, memory chip, and computer, Eyeglasses, the telescope, the microscope and electron microscope, all the varieties of chromatography, protein and DNA sequencing, computerised tomography, NMR, x-rays, and light, ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy, vaccination, anesthesia, and all the pure antibiotics, radiography, Computed tomography, Positron emission tomography and Medical ultrasonography, vitamins, hormonal contraception, hormones, insulin, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, along with a host of other medically proven drugs, discovered evolution, chromosomes, DNA, genetics and the methods of molecular biology, the atom, nucleus, electron, neutron and proton, AND MANY MANY MANY MANY MORE

Seeing as how Indians are more productive, can you name some more advanced inventions, and of course in much greater number?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...rly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-6.html#ixzz2dZcYdP5w

Is that all you have? That Indians earn more? Well, of course they do! They are the most intelligent of all Indians. Of course, you think this is due to the either genetic or cultural superiority of Indians, so you believe that flooding America with MORE Indians will make you look even more great! Too bad, the average Indian tends not to be too intelligent. Or else, why is India just one big slum?

In addition, you have STILL yet to tell me why your superior people have yet to invent things at even CLOSE to the rate my people have, or WHY you have this desire to immigrate to OUR countries to become successful.

The average Indian makes something like the equivalent of $1,500 per year!! The average American $50,000 per year... LOL! NO COMPARISON.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...rly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-9.html#ixzz2dZd8ANrP

this morbid fixation with TELL US WHAT YOU INVENTED



I already made a simple and very incomplete list of White inventions a few minutes ago:

We only discovered all of the elements, invented electrical motor, dynamo, transformer, and electric light, and indeed most of the familiar electrical appliances, the ship's chronometer, the screw propeller, the locomotive, bicycle, automobile, and aeroplane, the telegraph, the telephone, radio, television, communication and navigation satellites, mobile phone, and the Internet, the pencil, ballpoint pen, CRT, LCD, LED, photograph, photocopier, laser printer, ink jet printer, plasma display screen and world wide web, concrete, aluminum, clear glass, synthetic rubber, synthetic diamond and the plastics polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polystyrene, iron and steel ships, bridges and skyscrapers, the transistor, integrated circuit, memory chip, and computer, Eyeglasses, the telescope, the microscope and electron microscope, all the varieties of chromatography, protein and DNA sequencing, computerised tomography, NMR, x-rays, and light, ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy, vaccination, anesthesia, and all the pure antibiotics, radiography, Computed tomography, Positron emission tomography and Medical ultrasonography, vitamins, hormonal contraception, hormones, insulin, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, along with a host of other medically proven drugs, discovered evolution, chromosomes, DNA, genetics and the methods of molecular biology, the atom, nucleus, electron, neutron and proton, AND MANY MANY MANY MANY MORE

Now again, seeing as how, like you said, "the amount of unique inventions are still higher in favor of Indians", could you please enlighten us on these inventions?

Y'know, I keep hearing about your superior intelligence and innovative ability, but every time I ask for these specific inventions you keep on blabbering about, I don't get an answer.

I'm guessing that the answer I get right now will be just as stupid and pathetic.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...ly-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs-13.html#ixzz2dZerhUXv
Still waiting for Jay-Hind to call the Moderators... Waiting.... Waiting....

Funny thing, Jay-Hind says he has a history of fighting with Americans on this... Why am I not surprised? With his hate of our military and our multi-party democracy, he would easily be considered a foreign fascist amongst even the most liberal of liberals.

This guy worship white people, but at the same time hate white people for enslaving his country for 300 years. Even the one language that tie India together today is English. finally, Hinduism was created by ancient white people to keep the darker skin Indian subcontinent natives separated from the Aryan invaders. But interbreeding had diluted the Aryans people in India that pure bred Aryans has long since disappeared. Probably even over 1-2 thousand years already.
1. True indeed. In your redneck neighborhood, they don't defecate on the streets, rape women on the streets, pee on whatever...they just do it in their bedrooms and in the privacy of their homes. They defecate on their wives and sisters and mothers, rape them in the privacy of their homes and pee on them in their perverted idea of explorative sex. Hey, Old Glory sure knows how to make a star and stripe of everything including sex. Just keep it private as per your redneck constitution ;)

2. Minimum wage ? Serve you ? Yeah sure. Did you forget the old redneck movies including that chief redneck John Wayne who went up to the Red Indians with that old famous saying ..."How...I've come to serve you". Then they scalp the Indians and take their land and their profit. Guess what ...the East Indians are returning the favor. Taxi drivers and motel owners some of them maybe yet. Plenty of them employ your sisters as their housekeeps though and your sons as their gardening weeders as I've pointed out earlier. heck your son is most probably a minimum wage on the clock hire to some Indian employer in the USA who calls him stuff such as "mardar chord" or "bhein chord" when he is angry, hence your anger at my people. Relax dude ..we have just began with your pathetic country. Ask your Whitey cousins in the UK and Europe about our influence there before you get all edgy about us yet.

3. Don't bother about the average wage in India. If dropping two buildings in your huge country could bring down the average wage to 25% within 12 years to the extent it did ....heaven help your superficially created nation. Superficial in the political, economic and historic sense.

We have many more white people in this forum today because of Indian 2030 superpower video. That video had brought true diversity to this forum. the only thing left is for Indians to make a video against black people, than we'll get all the demographics covered.
This guy worship white people, but at the same time hate white people for enslaving his country for 300 years. Even the one language that tie India together today is English. finally, Hinduism was created by ancient white people to keep the darker skin Indian subcontinent natives separated from the Aryan invaders. But interbreeding had diluted the Aryans people in India that pure bred Aryans has long since disappeared. Probably even over 1-2 thousand years already.

Buddy, I can see that very clearly. He hates us, yet he wants to be so close to us at the same time. What a nasty personality.
1. True indeed. In your redneck neighborhood, they don't defecate on the streets, rape women on the streets, pee on whatever...they just do it in their bedrooms and in the privacy of their homes. They defecate on their wives and sisters and mothers, rape them in the privacy of their homes and pee on them in their perverted idea of explorative sex. Hey, Old Glory sure knows how to make a star and stripe of everything including sex. Just keep it private as per your redneck constitution ;)

While you are being facetious, I stated facts. Indians in the average neighbourhoods are worse than even the worst American neighbourhoods.

Plenty of them employ your sisters as their housekeeps though and your sons as their gardening weeders as I've pointed out earlier. heck your son is most probably a minimum wage on the clock hire to some Indian employer in the USA who calls him stuff such as "mardar chord" or "bhein chord" when he is angry, hence your anger at my people. Relax dude ..we have just began with your pathetic country. Ask your Whitey cousins in the UK and Europe about our influence there before you get all edgy about us yet.

You should take a look at how many Indian executives there are, and how many employees there are. Even the top Indians are simply serving our interests; what is there, like 2-3 Indian CEO's of major companies? I can't even name one to be honest.

So while you drive me around in Atlanta whenever I call you (hallo Mr Johnson, how can I seeerve you dooday?), we on the other hand never serve your minimum-wage people. You left India for a better life in what happens to be a White-majority country. Now you act like you own the place... Maybe we should kick you out? You have no power here.

Don't bother about the average wage in India. If dropping two buildings in your huge country could bring down the average wage to 25% within 12 years to the extent it did ....heaven help your superficially created nation. Superficial in the political, economic and historic sense.

I've noticed that the only way for Indians to make a meaningful rebuttal is to just outright lie about things. Is this your only way to win an argument? I've seen it countless times... Apparently 9/11 dropped our wages by 1/4th? Are you a retard? LOL, why do I even ask... you seem to be so enraged (as is only typical of Indians, lacking their ability to control their emotions) that you have just started to make things up out of thin air!

Wages in the United States average $50,000 as of 2012. In India they are $800-$1,500 (depending on the source).

While the USA has some of the highest wages in the world, even higher than all European countries (on a purchasing power basis), you Indian have a mean wage which is LOWER than the average sub-Saharan African wage! Yep, look that up retard! Your country is the one that can't even feed your children. Your country is the one that still has Polio! Your people are the one's that bring infectious diseases to our country that we had thought we'd eradicated centuries ago.
While you are being facetious, I stated facts. Indians in the average neighbourhoods are worse than even the worst American neighbourhoods.

You should take a look at how many Indian executives there are, and how many employees there are. Even the top Indians are simply serving our interests; what is there, like 2-3 Indian CEO's of major companies? I can't even name one to be honest.

So while you drive me around in Atlanta whenever I call you (hallo Mr Johnson, how can I seeerve you dooday?), we on the other hand never serve your minimum-wage people. You left India for a better life in what happens to be a White-majority country. Now you act like you own the place... Maybe we should kick you out? You have no power here.

I've noticed that the only way for Indians to make a meaningful rebuttal is to just outright lie about things. Is this your only way to win an argument? I've seen it countless times... Apparently 9/11 dropped our wages by 1/4th? Are you a retard? LOL, why do I even ask... you seem to be so enraged (as is only typical of Indians, lacking their ability to control their emotions) that you have just started to make things up out of thin air!

Wages in the United States average $50,000 as of 2012. In India they are $800-$1,500 (depending on the source).

While the USA has some of the highest wages in the world, even higher than all European countries (on a purchasing power basis), you Indian have a mean wage which is LOWER than the average sub-Saharan African wage! Yep, look that up retard! Your country is the one that can't even feed your children. Your country is the one that still has Polio! Your people are the one's that bring infectious diseases to our country that we had thought we'd eradicated centuries ago.

Umm ok noobjob. You just closed the debate by supposing that I live in the land of large freeways and bi-ways but with tasteless food. Look at my profile noob. I'm in Africa. Yeah the rest of the world steps on your turf. Your founding father lived with a black slave as his wife and declared his nation a free nation for the Whites. Both you bigots ain't worth my energy of argument any longer. You are descending to the pits of a slave descendant President, being overrun by a Hispanic and colorful majority. Your country is regarded as the Fourth Reich for as long as the Whiteys have a say in foreign policy. Don't even begin comparing notes with my motherland. Now fcuk off and go smoke some dope before you jump into bed with momma
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