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China Ain’t All That: The U.S. Is Still Tops

Proof of your illiteracy. Go ahead and quote me slum dog... where did I say that?

Those were inventions by AMERICANS, not INDIANS. My people, NOT your people.

And I'll say this one last time... expect me to continue to denigrate you the more you insult our American servicemen and women you anti-American pig...

Does anyone else here find it funny that this dirty POS hates us so much, yet wants to be with us at the same time?

stop claiming KKK is Americana- Flat_Top56. You are the result of in-breeding, a medical anomaly existing due to a propensity to use your siblings- as a baby making machine. sure some of you have infiltrated our military but that does not mean you reflect our nation's military.

You are a stain a black mark , a mistake in this countries history! :omghaha:

U.S. Military Battling White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis In Its Own Ranks

This is your people


Proof of your illiteracy. Go ahead and quote me slum dog... where did I say that?

Those were inventions by AMERICANS, not INDIANS. My people, NOT your people.

And I'll say this one last time... expect me to continue to denigrate you the more you insult our American servicemen and women you anti-American pig...

Does anyone else here find it funny that this dirty POS hates us so much, yet wants to be with us at the same time?

Hey Yankee. The effects of all your posts are that the USA is getting colonized by all these Indians and other people ..blah blah blah. Yup I totally agree with you that a person of Indian or Chinese or Pakistani descent etc shouldn't be calling themselves an American since that term is reserved for all those glorious White Americans and for the descendants of the slaves :D. The reason why I agree with you on that point is that the recent emigrants to the USA do not regard it as their home. My cousin is a third generation American and when questioned he naturally reverts to calling himself an Indian. Then again economic colonization of these former white homelands has just began. The UK is starting to see the effects of Indian and Pakistani economic colonization which commenced many years ago. Who knows, in a few years time your kid will be cleaning the garden of an Indian/Pakistani/Chinese 3rd generation emigrant who has the gall to call themselves an American. After all these emigrants do also exploit by paying minimum wage. I suggest that you do invest in that trailer for your kid from now ;)
Hey Yankee. The effects of all your posts are that the USA is getting colonized by all these Indians and other people ..blah blah blah. Yup I totally agree with you that a person of Indian or Chinese or Pakistani descent etc shouldn't be calling themselves an American since that term is reserved for all those glorious White Americans and for the descendants of the slaves :D. The reason why I agree with you on that point is that the recent emigrants to the USA do not regard it as their home. My cousin is a third generation American and when questioned he naturally reverts to calling himself an Indian. Then again economic colonization of these former white homelands has just began. The UK is starting to see the effects of Indian and Pakistani economic colonization which commenced many years ago. Who knows, in a few years time your kid will be cleaning the garden of an Indian/Pakistani/Chinese 3rd generation emigrant who has the gall to call themselves an American. After all these emigrants do also exploit by paying minimum wage. I suggest that you do invest in that trailer for your kid from now ;)

He does not need to invest in a trailer, it is a generational inheritance among his kind here in the US. he and his ilk are the fringe in the US, the kind of in-bred whites that gets laughed off and shunned by vast majority of Americans. They sit around in trailers, drink " beaaaaar" ,watch NASCAR re runs all day, occasionally getting up to cook some meth and procreate through siblings.

he has already been banned here for his KKK rantings as Flat_Top56 and now has created another account.
stop claiming KKK is Americana- Flat_Top56. You are the result of in-breeding, a medical anomaly existing due to a propensity to use your siblings- as a baby making machine. sure some of you have infiltrated our military but that does not mean you reflect our nation's military.

You are a stain a black mark , a mistake in this countries history! :omghaha:

U.S. Military Battling White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis In Its Own Ranks

This is your people

Nope, those people are yours.

I don't hate Blacks like you nasty wannabe-White Indians.

And who the heck is flattop? Are you really so enraged right now that you started making things up? Where is this Aeronaut? Why don't you call him RIGHT NOW?? Oh yea, because you know for a fact that this FlatTop is not me... this is all just a show. Who are you trying to impress? Yourself?

Anyway, every single American out there, no matter if they are Democrats, Republicans, Moderates, or Libertarians, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or Native American, would ever consider some slum-dog smelly Indian who hates our military, to be American. Trust me, don't go and express your opinion in public. Even the nastiest of liberals will give you a good beating.

The only Americans are those that have bled in for this country, shared our common history, our common culture, our common defeats and our common victories.

America was established due to our HISTORY. Blacks, Whites, Amerindians, and even some Hispanics, have shared in the history of this great nation... When people see some Indian walking the street with his prick in his hand, jacking it to the White women that go by, do you think "oh hey there is just another salt-of-the-Earth American with rapist tendencies" or maybe "yet another nasty, sexually harassing Indian, just laid off from his call-center, hitched a ride on his slum-boat to jump illegally into California".

We all know what we think, so please cut the acting. It does no one here any good...
I know lately we have been inundated with the storm front guys here- go figure. Your boorish chants of the MSM is lame , the anti immigration shrill repeated here and in this other posts and your tea party / tea baggers meme- does not speak for us Americans.

What America needs to and fears is that before there was a Faisal and Tamerlan, we had your brethren the KKK group terrorizing this country, with all your " deep family ties" in tow. And that we continue to see a resurgence of the KKK now under the banner of Tea party in america.

More than two centuries ago, Benjamin Franklin worried that too many German immigrants would swamp America’s predominantly British culture. In the mid-1800s, Irish immigrants were scorned as lazy drunks, not to mention Roman Catholics. At the turn of the century a wave of “new immigrants” — Poles, Italians, Russian Jews — were believed to be too different ever to assimilate into American life. Today the same fears are raised about immigrants from Latin America and Asia. But we came out a better nation because of the immigrants. Contrary to the meme from you tea baggers that nation was built on one gene pool, even if you guys consider your siblings as "friends w/ benefits".

So sure, be perturbed we are here, get agitated about the flags we use on a forum- but facts remain that immigrant population, of which you were one time, the new immigrant population is holding up and contributing more to the country than your previous generations and you.

On the other hand, we see your " anti -immigration, KKK influenced groups" contribution to mass killings and terror plots in this country.

This has been your contribution of your special group and an to be continued one in this country

Hate Map | Southern Poverty Law Center

4 Georgia Men Arrested in Terror Plot
Soldiers in murder case targeted WA dam, apples in terror plot | kgw.com Portland







The last picture is an anti-tea party guy, you idiot. From your post, its clearly that you are back in India and only learn about America from MSNBC. Tea party is not a racist organization and its not KKK. Its a group that support the constitution of the US and believe that the US government is too big and over step is bounds. Tea party groups protect American liberty and I support this them
Hey Yankee. The effects of all your posts are that the USA is getting colonized by all these Indians and other people ..blah blah blah.

No, that's not true retard. The US will never become an Indian colony. You guys should focus on speaking your own languages first before you try and influence ours. Indians are what? 1% of the population? Congrats, I could care less. I care more about people like JayAtl misrepresenting American opinions.

JayAtl wants to send our military into Syria. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this. We know the history of such interventions... we also know that we have FAMILY and FRIENDS who would be at risk of injury (or worse) if such a thing comes to pass. People like JayAtl can't understand this because they have no connection to the American people. His only connection to us is written on a piece of paper somewhere. So what? Malik Hasan was a US citizen... Tamerlan was a US citizen.... I will never consider them American though, nor will we do so for JayAtl. He just doesn't understand us.

My cousin is a third generation American and when questioned he naturally reverts to calling himself an Indian

Absolutely, I'm happy to see we agree on one thing... I wonder how JayAtl feels about that? Well, I think he shares a lot in common with your cousin, judging by his proudly waving the Indian flag over the American one.

Who knows, in a few years time your kid will be cleaning the garden of an Indian/Pakistani/Chinese 3rd generation emigrant

I don't think so, and I'm not just talking about my individual wealthy family. Indians have shown themselves to be not at all creative, and don't seem to have the capacity to produce new and innovative ideas. Even though it is well known that the Indian immigrants to the USA have been on the high-end of the cognitive-scale, even these geniuses of their country don't match-up in innovation, patents, and discovery with *average* Americans.

A better comparison would be Indian Americans vs the 1% of White Americans... That way we can gauge what the actual intelligence of Indians is (in such a comparison Indians would be playmeat).

I suggest that you do invest in that trailer for your kid from now

I don't know, I think my kid's monthly allowance is probably larger than the average annual income of your people (for a family of four). ;)

The last picture is an anti-tea party guy, you idiot. From your post, its clearly that you are back in India and only learn about America from MSNBC. Tea party is not a racist organization and its not KKK. Its a group that support the constitution of the US and believe that the US government is too big and over step is bounds. Tea party groups protect American liberty and I support this them

The funny thing is, I'm not even a conservative! I keep telling him this, but he refuses to listen because it would hurt his feelings that even liberal Americans don't want his kind here.
Nope, those people are yours.

I don't hate Blacks like you nasty wannabe-White Indians.

And who the heck is flattop? Are you really so enraged right now that you started making things up? Where is this Aeronaut? Why don't you call him RIGHT NOW?? Oh yea, because you know for a fact that this FlatTop is not me... this is all just a show. Who are you trying to impress? Yourself?

Anyway, every single American out there, no matter if they are Democrats, Republicans, Moderates, or Libertarians, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or Native American, would ever consider some slum-dog smelly Indian who hates our military, to be American. Trust me, don't go and express your opinion in public. Even the nastiest of liberals will give you a good beating.

The only Americans are those that have bled in for this country, shared our common history, our common culture, our common defeats and our common victories.

America was established due to our HISTORY. Blacks, Whites, Amerindians, and even some Hispanics, have shared in the history of this great nation... When people see some Indian walking the street with his prick in his hand, jacking it to the White women that go by, do you think "oh hey there is just another salt-of-the-Earth American with rapist tendencies" or maybe "yet another nasty, sexually harassing Indian, just laid off from his call-center, hitched a ride on his slum-boat to jump illegally into California".

We all know what we think, so please cut the acting. It does no one here any good...

poor child, you do know that your postings here as Flat_Top56 is still on record, that even if you learn how to spoof your ip here. your verbatim rantings give you away .

I am however glad to see you now include some Hispanics :lol: oh how kind of you. Although throwing the proverbial I am not racist, because I have no ill will towards blacks - WHILE! you spout every neo nazi wet dream of white power here...is not fooling anyone with half a brain.

I have no desire to be white, I am actually happy with my tones and all shades people come with. You on the other hand may want to be Indian, given how successful that immigrant group is here , to be precise NO 1 in america. Now go ahead and tell me how that is so because Indians with higher IQ came here , like you used to ;).

this is you and has always been you
Still waiting for Jay-Hind to call the Moderators... Waiting.... Waiting....

Funny thing, Jay-Hind says he has a history of fighting with Americans on this... Why am I not surprised? With his hate of our military and our multi-party democracy, he would easily be considered a foreign fascist amongst even the most liberal of liberals.
JayAtl wants to send our military into Syria. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this. We know the history of such interventions... we also know that we have FAMILY and FRIENDS who would be at risk of injury (or worse) if such a thing comes to pass. People like JayAtl can't understand this because they have no connection to the American people. His only connection to us is written on a piece of paper somewhere. So what? Malik Hasan was a US citizen... Tamerlan was a US citizen.... I will never consider them American though, nor will we do so for JayAtl. He just doesn't understand us.

I know I don't care what you think I am, but I know what you are- a white trailer park KKK trash. This is how dumb you KKK baggers are. My opinion of going into Syria is just that an opinion. Understand that difference. Funny though you KKK morons were all for the Iraq war...
poor child, you do know that your postings here as Flat_Top56 is still on record, that even if you learn how to spoof your ip here. your verbatim rantings give you away .

For the last time, where are the mods? Why are you so desperate to avoid calling them??

You on the other hand may want to be Indian, given how successful that immigrant group is here , to be precise NO 1 in america

I've already seen the threads on Indian numbah-1. India numbah-1 in rape.... and that's about it

This is you and will ALWAYS be YOU no matter how much skin-whitening cream you put on.

Still waiting for Jay-Hind to call the Moderators... Waiting.... Waiting....

Funny thing, Jay-Hind says he has a history of fighting with Americans on this... Why am I not surprised? With his hate of our military and our multi-party democracy, he would easily be considered a foreign fascists amongst even the most liberal of liberals.

silly bagger boy, you don't call a moderator , you just draw their attention to it. They unlike you are not sitting around in a trailer doing nothing, they view it when they get the time. Just like you were banned the last time;)

For the last time, where are the mods? Why are you so desperate to avoid calling them??

I've already seen the threads on Indian numbah-1. India numbah-1 in rape.... and that's about it

This is you and will ALWAYS be YOU no matter how much skin-whitening cream you put on.

Why would I want skin whitening? what will it get me, I'm already highly successful in this country ... It is you guys who always having to go to tanning salons here :rofl:

Perhaps you are claiming that I want to look like an in-bred KKK skinhead like you?
No, that's not true retard. The US will never become an Indian colony. You guys should focus on speaking your own languages first before you try and influence ours. Indians are what? 1% of the population? Congrats, I could care less. I care more about people like JayAtl misrepresenting American opinions.

JayAtl wants to send our military into Syria. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this. We know the history of such interventions... we also know that we have FAMILY and FRIENDS who would be at risk of injury (or worse) if such a thing comes to pass. People like JayAtl can't understand this because they have no connection to the American people. His only connection to us is written on a piece of paper somewhere. So what? Malik Hasan was a US citizen... Tamerlan was a US citizen.... I will never consider them American though, nor will we do so for JayAtl. He just doesn't understand us.

Absolutely, I'm happy to see we agree on one thing... I wonder how JayAtl feels about that? Well, I think he shares a lot in common with your cousin, judging by his proudly waving the Indian flag over the American one.

I don't think so, and I'm not just talking about my individual wealthy family. Indians have shown themselves to be not at all creative, and don't seem to have the capacity to produce new and innovative ideas. Even though it is well known that the Indian immigrants to the USA have been on the high-end of the cognitive-scale, even these geniuses of their country don't match-up in innovation, patents, and discovery with *average* Americans.

A better comparison would be Indian Americans vs the 1% of White Americans... That way we can gauge what the actual intelligence of Indians is (in such a comparison Indians would be playmeat).

I don't know, I think my kid's monthly allowance is probably larger than the average annual income of your people (for a family of four). ;)

The funny thing is, I'm not even a conservative! I keep telling him this, but he refuses to listen because it would hurt his feelings that even liberal Americans don't want his kind here.

Well said. I couldn't agree with you more!
Well said. I couldn't agree with you more!

Thanks, I've been getting this a lot... I guess most people see JayAtl for what he truly is!

That is good, really good. There is nothing worse in this day and age than a false-flagger.

Why would I want skin whitening? what will it get me, I'm already highly successful in this country ... It is you guys who always having to go to tanning salons here :rofl:

Perhaps you are claiming that I want to look like an in-bred KKK skinhead like you?

No, not like me, but like an inbred KKK skinhead (which is what you truly desire). BTW, what's with the picture of the White kid? Do you guys also do pedophilia when you can't find a White female?

I'm already highly successful in this country

What do you do, other than drive me to work every day?

you don't call a moderator , you just draw their attention to it

Well then draw their attention to it you daft Indian. What's with all of the stalling? Why can't you just go to the Mods and tell them to check out my IP address and my location?
No, that's not true retard. The US will never become an Indian colony. You guys should focus on speaking your own languages first before you try and influence ours. Indians are what? 1% of the population? Congrats, I could care less. I care more about people like JayAtl misrepresenting American opinions.

JayAtl wants to send our military into Syria. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this. We know the history of such interventions... we also know that we have FAMILY and FRIENDS who would be at risk of injury (or worse) if such a thing comes to pass. People like JayAtl can't understand this because they have no connection to the American people. His only connection to us is written on a piece of paper somewhere. So what? Malik Hasan was a US citizen... Tamerlan was a US citizen.... I will never consider them American though, nor will we do so for JayAtl. He just doesn't understand us.

Absolutely, I'm happy to see we agree on one thing... I wonder how JayAtl feels about that? Well, I think he shares a lot in common with your cousin, judging by his proudly waving the Indian flag over the American one.

I don't think so, and I'm not just talking about my individual wealthy family. Indians have shown themselves to be not at all creative, and don't seem to have the capacity to produce new and innovative ideas. Even though it is well known that the Indian immigrants to the USA have been on the high-end of the cognitive-scale, even these geniuses of their country don't match-up in innovation, patents, and discovery with *average* Americans.

A better comparison would be Indian Americans vs the 1% of White Americans... That way we can gauge what the actual intelligence of Indians is (in such a comparison Indians would be playmeat).

I don't know, I think my kid's monthly allowance is probably larger than the average annual income of your people (for a family of four). ;)

The funny thing is, I'm not even a conservative! I keep telling him this, but he refuses to listen because it would hurt his feelings that even liberal Americans don't want his kind here.

Yeah compare 1% of us to the average 1% of you. I would rather live in the slums of India than in the trailer trash redneck suburbs of the USA. As Jay pointed out, inbreeding is a favorite pastime of the descendants of those great white soldiers who did the USA proud in its past wars. Must be PTSD passed on from generation to generation eh ?

Who cares about creativity. Innovation and profit is the name of the game in this global village. Ask Bill Gates et al. Or is it simply a case that when somebody else becomes better with the rules you created then you start crying foul. Typical resentful redneck mentality not worth commenting any further on.

As for Syria, that's your baby and for you to send your juveniles to die for. Isn't that what the great US of A is all about. The them and us attitude. You display it rather well here with a person of Indian descent who claims to be an American citizen. By the way great American, when did you become a spokesperson for the US government that you claim a misrepresentation of its intentions are being projected? Perhaps American and global media are misleading the international community when they claim that the USA is itching for a fight in Syria eh ? The last that I read, you guys were crying buckets of tears that the Brit parliament told its PM to tell you guys to go fight on alone.

Yeah your kid's monthly allowance would be larger than the average income of a poor family of 4 in India. I heard that there is a market for stolen hubcaps in most of the USA.
Yeah compare 1% of us to the average 1% of you. I would rather live in the slums of India than in the trailer trash redneck suburbs of the USA. As Jay pointed out, inbreeding is a favorite pastime of the descendants of those great white soldiers who did the USA proud in its past wars. Must be PTSD passed on from generation to generation eh ?

That's because pride clouds your judgement. Even in the poorest redneck neighbourhoods, people are not defecating on the street, raping women left and right, drinking cow pee and using it as gel for the hair.

Get this: The minimum wage in the USA is 15x higher than the AVERAGE wage in India. Your pride in your worthless country clouds your judgement. Indians are mentally moving mountains to immigrate to the USA, even if many of them have to serve us Whites for a living as taxi drivers and Kwik-E-Mart shopkeepers.

Who cares about creativity. Innovation and profit is the name of the game in this global village. Ask Bill Gates et al. Or is it simply a case that when somebody else becomes better with the rules you created then you start crying foul. Typical resentful redneck mentality not worth commenting any further on.

My apologies, I forgot that Bill Gates is Indian. I could have sworn that he was an American, descended from Europe, but my White superiority got the better of me.

Ok fine, let's play by the Indian set of ever-changing rules. The most profitable companies are either Western or East Asian, but not Indian. The most innovative individuals and companies have historically been Western, or dare I use my innately racist mind, White.

The onus was (and still is) on you to support your points. Unfortunately, I have supported a rebuttal to your now-defeated points even before you could support your now incorrect statements.

Yeah your kid's monthly allowance would be larger than the average income of a poor family of 4 in India. I heard that there is a market for stolen hubcaps in most of the USA.

Did you hear that from a fellow corrupt and prideful Indian? Maybe he wants to corner the market so he can make more than the $1,500 years average wage of a family in India?

In 2009, the average monthly income in India was Rs 3000 [1]. If we assume 160 hours worked per month, that comes out to Rs 18.75 per hour, which is about 0.40 USD per hour.
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