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Is China the Fastest Rising Power in History?

WTF? :lol:

Manchus and Mongols in China are Chinese people and Chinese citizens.

Americans of Chinese descent are not.

I don't hate Japanese people by the way, my problem is with the Japanese Government. Like America, it is not in their interests to see a strong and rising China.

so if an american chinese wants to go back to china he/she cant? i thought u get passport automatically if you're father or mother r chinese?
I am sorry but I don't consider invaders as one of us. I would never embrace a murder that breaks my house and kills my relatives, then rape my cousin as my brother in law , but I will still consider my sister who married out as my sister. Citizenship is a political concept and national border changes, see Ukraine, but cultural identity is hard to erase. Of course, if a Chinese no longer considers himself as Chinese, that's a different story.

Nobody wants to see a rising power competing for resources. The question is how China can capitalize and maximize any human resources. Even thought I have lived in the U.S. for very long time, I would rather see China be friend with Japan instead of U.S. The Americans have inherent bias against East Asians no matter how successful, how political progressive you are. It's just human nature. Nothing wrong with that.

Let us disagree on those points due to our different educational background and life experience.

I'm not sure what you learned in America, but in China ethnic Manchus and Mongols are considered Chinese people and citizens.

Yes there was plenty of violence amongst the various ethnic groups of China in history (and that's putting it very lightly).

The thing is, you can't blame the modern generation of people for the crimes of their ancestors, since logically they had nothing to do with it. That's the reason I don't hate Japanese people either.

What I'm concerned with, is China's interests now. The USA and their puppets (including the state of Japan) do not see a strong and powerful China as being good for their interests. That's why they are doing their best to contain us.

so if an american chinese wants to go back to china he/she cant? i thought u get passport automatically if you're father or mother r chinese?

There is a procedure, and China doesn't recognize dual nationality.

Some can come back yes, and if they want to rejoin us then I welcome them.

But many (or most) Americans of Chinese descent consider themselves American first, as they should, since they live there. Like Gary Locke. And good for them.

But if there are some Americans of Chinese descent who do not identify as American, and would prefer to be Chinese like their parents, then they can apply to get Chinese nationality, and I wish them luck. I welcome them wholeheartedly.
There is a procedure, and China doesn't recognize dual nationality.
Some can come back yes, and if they want to rejoin us then I welcome them.
But many (or most) Americans of Chinese descent consider themselves American first, as they should, since they live there. Like Gary Locke. And good for them.
But if there are some Americans of Chinese descent who do not identify as American, and would prefer to be Chinese like their parents, then they can apply to get Chinese nationality, and I wish them luck. I welcome them wholeheartedly.

Thank you for your answer. You know, Iran also doesn't recognize dual-citizenship, but that doesn't mean you can't hold more than one passport. If you travel to Iran they could arrest you and put you on trial as an Iranian citizen. But I know as long as one of your parents are of Iranian origin you could apply for an Iranian passport if your parents haven't already. I thought that is the case with China too.
China has only made "enemies" where these "enemies" are enemies of all their neighbors: Japan, India, Vietnam, Philippines. All of these countries are hated across every single one of their maritime and land borders. Lucky for India China is so nice or they would have split your nation into 30 (as it should be) long ago. Unlucky for the Mongoloid Northeast "Indians" that suffer brutal racist oppression every day, however.

These common, imperialist, delusional enemies have created a sort of Korean, Cambodian, Thai, Laotian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepali alliance to help their insurgents and dissidents rupture these imperial regimes.

China should plan a military alliance with all these countries - Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. I am sure all of them will welcome such an alliance, if not immediately, then definitely in the medium and long term.
China should plan a military alliance with all these countries - Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. I am sure all of them will welcome such an alliance, if not immediately, then definitely in the medium and long term.

Definitely, it's mind-boggling how the Western presstitutes don't understand how China and all of these major nations and even smaller ones like Bhutan are of one mind against any potential Viet-Flip-Japan-India whore circus. Then again they didn't see how Crimea would push China and Russia together. They don't deserve to rule the world.
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