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China's most powerful 'killer mace' can instantly destroy the United States

Okay but accusing others of warmongering against others does not white wash ones own warmongering my friend.

Sorry not everyone can have flat faces. Yes it is your fault. :pop:
Shoot which crimes did we ignore?

There is no point in trying to explain.I think they dont understand whats the meaning of warmongering. They just understood war not mongering.
There is no point in trying to explain.I think they dont understand whats the meaning of warmongering. They just understood war not mongering.

Yes, English is not their first language though so I forgive them. Anyway I am done with this thread.
Warmongering means someone who wants war. Someone who advocates and stirs up a war. I checked the dictionary definition ages ago.

If China wanted war with India we could have just opened fire during the Chumar incursion. Or done what others did, by killing Indian soldiers and cutting off their heads. Like what happened just recently on the India-Pakistan border.

But we didn't.

We didn't have any war or bloodshed with any neighbor for over 30 years, even though we certainly have the ability to start one.

We didn't start any wars ourselves, and we did my stir up any war in any other country either.

So how are we a "warmongering" country?
There is a difference between warmongering and outright war. Anyway the lack of bloodshed on your part is not because of any restraint on your part rather the countries you bully would much rather back down except Japan which is now considering to ditch the defensive provisions in its constitution so we will see what happens with that.
how can someone be war mongering but not have a single war in the last 3 decades? we usually term it as being diplomatically successful. please explain, or else people might think you are affected by the disease called retardation
They have been warmongering over petty islands for at least a year now, where have you been? :)

At least Indians did the right thing to your native country...just don't cry victime. When we take care of Indu river, two for price of one.
At least Indians did the right thing to your native country...just don't cry victime. When we take care of Indu river, two for price of one.

Brother, don't let this guy stir you up.

He has always hated China, and thinks that his country Pakistan should choose America instead of China.

He also like to make racist comments against Chinese people, and he supports the ETIM terrorists who kill our countrymen in Xinjiang.

But now he has finished insulting us, so we should leave it for now.
Okay but accusing others of warmongering against others does not white wash ones own warmongering my friend.

Sorry not everyone can have flat faces. Yes it is your fault. :pop:
Shoot which crimes did we ignore?

And claiming China is warmongering when Japan started it by nationalizing the islands does not change reality.
I don't what is funnier, the article or the dumb A__s who fell for it and posted it. Honestly, this is so ridiculous ...

SINGAPORE - There is a 20-year gap between China and the U.S. military in equipment, weapons and systems, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Liang Guanglie told the 10th Shangri-La Dialogue on June 5 in Singapore.

"I would call the gap big," he said. Liang acknowledged that China's military modernization has improved, but the "main battle equipment of our services ... is mainly second-generation weapons." China does not have a large arsenal of third-generation weapons, systems or platforms. "For example, the army is still being motorized, not mechanized," he said.
I don't what is funnier, the article or the dumb A__s who fell for it and posted it. Honestly, this is so ridiculous ...

We are behind the US, we acknowledge that openly. Especially in terms of power projection.

But we can fight on home ground easily.

Even back in the 1950 Korean War, we fought against the US + 16 of her allies, and pushed them into the longest retreat in the history of the US armed forces.

That was in the 1950's when China was weaker technologically than modern Zimbabwe today, and almost destroyed from the after effects of WW2 and the Chinese Civil war which only ended one year before in 1949.

Today it is a whole different ball game. Our relative power has increased exponentially.

India on the other hand, has just suffered two major incursions from China and Pakistan, and could do nothing about it. Just now India accused Pakistan of coming deep within Indian territory and killing 5 Indian soldiers, and only a few months back the same thing happened but the Indian soldiers were mutilated and had their heads chopped off. Within Indian territory.

So it is a completely different scenario. We can defend our home ground.
We are behind the US, we acknowledge that openly. Especially in terms of power projection.

But we can fight on home ground easily.

Even back in the 1950 Korean War, we fought against the US + 16 of her allies, and pushed them into the longest retreat in the history of the US armed forces.

That was in the 1950's when China was weaker technologically than modern Zimbabwe today, and almost destroyed from the after effects of WW2 and the Chinese Civil war which only ended one year before in 1949.

Today it is a whole different ball game. Our relative power has increased exponentially.

India on the other hand, has just suffered two major incursions from China and Pakistan, and could do nothing about it. Just now India accused Pakistan of coming deep within Indian territory and killing 5 Indian soldiers, and only a few months back the same thing happened but the Indian soldiers were mutilated and had their heads chopped off. Within Indian territory.

So it is a completely different scenario. We can defend our home ground.

You lost 1 million of your own people. I'll never understand that mindset how you gloat that you were slaughtered by the Americans? History repeats itself if you don't learn from it.
You lost 1 million of your own people. I'll never understand that mindset how you gloat that you were slaughtered by the Americans? History repeats itself if you don't learn from it.

Um... no we didn't. :no:

You're reading the casualty list of the China + North Korean side, most of the casualties were North Koreans.

China lost about 110,000 troops. Check the Korean War entry, under "casualties".

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which was far less than the casualties on the UN side.

This is from the UN War memorial in Washington:


Korean War Veterans Memorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Um... no we didn't. :no:

You're reading the casualty list of the China + North Korean side, most of the casualties were North Koreans.

China lost about 110,000 troops. Check the Korean War entry, under "casualties".

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which was far less than the casualties on the UN side.

This is from the UN War memorial in Washington:


Korean War Veterans Memorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hails to our brave soldiers!! Fighting against US+UN, only China can do it.
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