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The United States vs. China

Per-capita is irrelevant when we outnumber the American population by over 1 billion people. Singapore, Qatar and Australia have higher per-capita GDP than America....are they more powerful than the US? Nope, because they lack population size and therefore a large enough tax base to compete with the US.

China has no such issues, achieving 25% of America's per-capita GDP is enough for us to get the same size economy as the US and same tax revenues as the US.

With more money than US, lets see them try to beat out China in the future. Good luck with that, the Yanks will need every bit of it.

And India is set to overtake your population.
And India is set to overtake your population.

True, but India's sheer incompetence and economic problems mean they will remain like an Indonesia. That is they have a big population but can never utilise their true potential. India also lacks the resources and a competent leadership.
My country is the United States, not Viet Nam. Once a person take on an allegiance and a citizenship of a new country, he has the moral obligation to abandon the old allegiance. But then again, coming from a racist country like China, I do not expect you to understand such moral principles.

So for all the China cheerleaders here, no matter your countries of citizenship, if an immigrant to the US is contemptible for supporting his country, imagine the far worse contempt the Chinese holds for you when you root for China. Mr "Kiss_the_Dragon's_Azz" is effectively saying you are ashamed that your country is incomparable to China and that to assuage your sadness, you need China. Congratulations. :lol:

Your country is USA because Vietnam has nothing to show for. If Vietnam becomes a Super Power like the US, you'd become a Vietnamese in a heartbeat.
@Solomon2 ......... Can we have your opinion on this ?
The Chinese economy has both great strengths and great weaknesses. Political shifts in China can be very abrupt and sharply affect economic performance. Over the past two centuries such shifts are usually not more than two generations apart.

The last such shift was in 1989 when in response to political unrest the Communist Party struck a tacit deal with the population: we will boom ahead on the economy as fast as can be in exchange for you letting us be on top. However, as the problems (like pollution) and injustices (corruption, theft, income disparity) of rapid industrialization and income growth become apparent the potential for political unrest gathers steam.

The natural bent of people in power is to hammer closed the valves but that just leads to an explosion. If China's leaders are wise they will reform their political system to make it more responsive to the people. Sadly, the evidence suggests they are taking the Prussian route of increased military conflict with their neighbors to reinforce nationalism and keep the leadership on top. But China is not Germany: if a military conflict succeeds the Chinese will lose their external markets, whereas if it fails the leading role of the Party will be threatened. Either way the seeds of a new and much larger wars will have been sown.

America may "hold the cards" as dealer but right now the player is China's leadership in this worldwide game of twenty-one. The dealer shows eighteen while the Chinese have a face card showing: will they stay, hit, or double?
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Your country is USA because Vietnam has nothing to show for. If Vietnam becomes a Super Power like the US, you'd become a Vietnamese in a heartbeat.

Vietnamese alway like to cozy with a strong stong side, in 1970 to 1990, they like to sing U.S.S.R song, when Soviet was collapse, they're total silence and ignore Russia, then try to find the next suitable mentor :lol:...i never take their loyalty seriously...especially Mr. Gambit :P
Vietnamese alway like to cozy with a strong stong side, in 1970 to 1990, they like to sing U.S.S.R song, when Soviet was collapse, they're total silence and ignore Russia, then try to find the next suitable mentor :lol:...i never take their loyalty seriously...especially Mr. Gambit :P
You mean like how China went to the US during WW II, then to the Soviets during the Cold War, then to the US (Nixon) also during the Cold War. Then now relies heavily on US consumer for economics?
You mean like how China went to the US during WW II, then to the Soviets during the Cold War, then to the US (Nixon) also during the Cold War. Then now relies heavily on US consumer for economics?

US has betrayed China after WWII by cozy with defeated KMT, then China and USSR split because the ideology difference, at one time Soviet even wanted to cooperate with U.S to nuke China for our first atomic bomb test, then we size Nixon's offer to return USSR's favor, China just played a triangle games. But Vietnam's case is different, you can only beg others for aid and assistance, so you need to show some loyalty to your mentor.

Nowaday, China-US are co-dependant, Americans need Chinese cheap consummer products and we need their $$$ to modernize our country, it's a win-win
You mean like how China went to the US during WW II, then to the Soviets during the Cold War, then to the US (Nixon) also during the Cold War. Then now relies heavily on US consumer for economics?

False. The US only exports 17% of total Chinese exports to the US. Try harder Vietnamese boy.
False. The US only exports 17% of total Chinese exports to the US. Try harder Vietnamese boy.

Export figures are only one part of the picture. US firms have invested a massive amount of money in China, not just through the purchase of equity in Chinese companies, but also through moving manufacturing business to China.
US has betrayed China after WWII by cozy with defeated KMT, then China and USSR split because the ideology difference, at one time Soviet even wanted to cooperate with U.S to nuke China for our first atomic bomb test, then we size Nixon's offer to return USSR's favor, China just played a triangle games. But Vietnam's case is different, you can only beg others for aid and assistance, so you need to show some loyalty to your mentor.

Nowaday, China-US are co-dependant, Americans need Chinese cheap consummer products and we need their $$$ to modernize our country, it's a win-win

Why is China always trying to "get even" with others? Seriously, Japan, Russia, USA. Why cant you just accept that you cant hope to militarily avenge what happened in the past and let it go?
Why is China always trying to "get even" with others? Seriously, Japan, Russia, USA. Why cant you just accept that you cant hope to militarily avenge what happened in the past and let it go?

And once you're done with the keyboard warrior cheerleading and trolling, actually look up China's foreign policy and find me where is says China is trying to get even with other countries? The disputed territory has nothing to do with war crimes or apologies- its disputed like Japan disputes Liancourt Rocks with South Korea.
China will be a future superpower but the question is when? China is now growing at 8%, but can it maintain this growth rate? All future predictions point to a lower growth rate though it will be faster than USA because of high investment, increasing export, large low cost labour force. Now all the three parameters I mentioned above are interrelated. How long you think china will be able to provide cheap labour; its population growth rate is now even less than US(populatio growth in US is the highest in the developed world & will remain higher than china due to immigration). When this advantage goes away(as rate of increase of salary is high in china) the FDI coming to china will drastically decrease & the investment bubble will burst . China cannot do anything about it as domestic consumption is very low & the manufacturing facilities will be closed by the parent company(most of them are american & europian) which were being established to reap the benefit of cheap labour. There goes another piller of your high growth. Chinese posters here seems are unwilling to accept the potentially fatal flaws of there economy. After my post I am positively expecting the aire of some china fanboys as being comparing chinese economy to India & some lambasting of India. But what can I expect from them.
^^^ i know chinese ego get hurt if we talk about them... but, USA didn't become super power with a night.... and china can't be super power even it crosses US GDP.... USA got that much GDP with 314 millions but china did it with 1.4Billions.... china got long way to go to get super power tag..... USA become a Super power as it got a powerful pack... and what china got North korea and Pak...
China will be a future superpower but the question is when? China is now growing at 8%, but can it maintain this growth rate? All future predictions point to a lower growth rate though it will be faster than USA because of high investment, increasing export, large low cost labour force. Now all the three parameters I mentioned above are interrelated. How long you think china will be able to provide cheap labour; its population growth rate is now even less than US(populatio growth in US is the highest in the developed world & will remain higher than china due to immigration). When this advantage goes away(as rate of increase of salary is high in china) the FDI coming to china will drastically decrease & the investment bubble will burst . China cannot do anything about it as domestic consumption is very low & the manufacturing facilities will be closed by the parent company(most of them are american & europian) which were being established to reap the benefit of cheap labour. There goes another piller of your high growth. Chinese posters here seems are unwilling to accept the potentially fatal flaws of there economy. After my post I am positively expecting the aire of some china fanboys as being comparing chinese economy to India & some lambasting of India. But what can I expect from them.

Completely flawed 'analysis' by a another racist Indian. Most of our manufacturing is done by East Asian companies and 60% of our high tech exports are done by Taiwanese companies. Chinese manufacturing is growing extremely fast. Anyone that does not know this is not qualified to talk about economics.

China is ALREADY transitioning towards a services and consumption based economy. Our growth has been based on high productivity as we have never had the cheapest labour. You think Indian wages are higher than our? Puhleeze.

High tech exports now have overtaken low cost exports. Our investment in infrastructure and factories will continue because our leaders are smart to realise that infrastructure bottlenecks are destructive as seen in India where demand is greater than supply. Infrastructure should be built ahead of demand. India is a perfect example of this fact.

Domestic consumption is now contributing over 50% of our growth, and its only getting larger as we have a large middle class (international standard) and they have jobs, savings and access to credit to become big consumers.

Our manufacturing is now moving up the value-added chain as I said and we are using machinery for manufacturing and 3D printing.

In addition to that we are the largest or 2nd largest creditor nation with the world's largest savings pool. India by comparison is still one of the world's largest debtors. Our external assets are greater than our external liabilities.

To be a great power you need to be an industrial power. For that to happen you need access to a large pool of savings, good infrastructure, favourable tax policies and low regulations. That's when manufactured goods gets produced which gets consumed in overseas markets and domestic market. Since we are now the 3rd largest consumer, most of the manufacturers want to be closer to the Chinese consumer to avoid transportation costs and tariffs. We have growth and we provide favourably tax policies, low cost land, cheap access to capital, low rents and access to energy and raw material resources our companies have bought up overseas.

Our currency is appreciating and FDI is rising faster than last year, especially into the services sector which complements the high tech manufacturing sector. By the way, how's the Rupee doing these days? Yup, thought so. India is collapsing because global investors are fleeing India. A currency is a perfect indicator of a collapsing economy. Currencies don't collapse when you are growing and investors have confidence in your economy.

Chinese leaders are already making tough structural reforms that will pave the way for a strong decade of growth around 6-7%. Our base economy is much larger than it was a decade ago and we don't have to grow 10% to achieve full employment to achieve social stability. We are now going for lower but sustainable quality growth base on high tech manufacturing, environmentally friendly, services based and consumer based economy. We are slowly transitioning away from the old model.

We are a very resilient and dynamic economy with a flexible labour force and a proactive government that are not afraid to reform when it's necessary.
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