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What percentage Bangladeshi's support Syrian fight for freedom against Asad


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
I want to find out ground situation in Bangladesh, what percentage of our public are aware of Syrian fight for freedom and what percentage have wholehearted support for Syrian opposition who are fighting to defeat and remove Asad regime.
Syrian "freedom struggle" will lead to Talibanization of Syria. Its a Western game plan to cut Iran's wings.
The Arab+US+Europe policy has been working in Syria it seems. China and Russia are failing.
More and more forum members look on the opposition side.
Arabs and the West have beaten Iran+China+Russia in the battle of propaganda.
I certainly support the Free Syrian Army.

Assad needs to be toppled..he has done much atrocities and needs to be accounted for.


Well, it may sound nice on paper. I acknowledge the needless brutality of the Assad regime over the many decades.

But what I'm worried about are the extremists. Shia-Sunni tensions are there and very real.
I certainly support the Free Syrian Army.

Assad needs to be toppled..he has done much atrocities and needs to be accounted for.


You sure about that? Assad consistently denied the allegations. The news you see and hear 24/7 are mostly controlled and run by the West. They can make anyone look bad, including the giants Russia and China. Media is power. :D
today every body is supporting rebels but beware when they'll become the new taliban......there is quite a chance that AQ infiltrated their ranks and wont be far when us will be posting sactions on syria fsa govt......history repeating itself
Thanks for your input guys. The main information I am looking for is public support within Bangladesh, among educated class and the masses, the expat communities etc.

today every body is supporting rebels but beware when they'll become the new taliban......there is quite a chance that AQ infiltrated their ranks and wont be far when us will be posting sactions on syria fsa govt......history repeating itself

This has been an allegation by the supporters of Asad. Just a few volunteers from other countries may have found their way in, but it is Syrians that is fighting against Asad's Army and Sabiha thugs, not foreigners which is an Asad Propaganda line to undermine the legitimate fight for freedom by Syrians of all stripes.

You sure about that? Assad consistently denied the allegations. The news you see and hear 24/7 are mostly controlled and run by the West. They can make anyone look bad, including the giants Russia and China. Media is power. :D

Asad a lying scum that killed 20,000 people and many 10's of thousands are supposedly in jail and may never come back. Russia and China are sacrificing Muslim lives so they can keep their and Iran's stooge Asad in place.
You sure about that? Assad consistently denied the allegations. The news you see and hear 24/7 are mostly controlled and run by the West. They can make anyone look bad, including the giants Russia and China. Media is power. :D

Its an open secret what Assad did. And to be honest, i dont watch any news on TV. Prefer researching things on myself.

About being sure, try using your 'internal sight' more often. You will know what i mean! ;)

I agree with you 100%.
This is the making of another Taliban.
Syria is going Afghanistan/Iraq's way.

today every body is supporting rebels but beware when they'll become the new taliban......there is quite a chance that AQ infiltrated their ranks and wont be far when us will be posting sactions on syria fsa govt......history repeating itself

The Syrian resistance is the top priority of the West. Don't you see China/Russia vetoing all West backed resolutions asking Assad to go?
Thanks for your input guys. The main information I am looking for is public support within Bangladesh, among educated class and the masses, the expat communities etc.

This has been an allegation by the supporters of Asad. Just a few volunteers from other countries may have found their way in, but it is Syrians that is fighting against Asad's Army and Sabiha thugs, not foreigners which is an Asad Propaganda line to undermine the legitimate fight for freedom by Syrians of all stripes.

Asad a lying scum that killed 20,000 people and many 10's of thousands are supposedly in jail and may never come back. Russia and China are sacrificing Muslim lives so they can keep their and Iran's stooge Asad in place.

Forgive me for this small off topic post. Kalu, what's your take on Bahrain? Do you support the revolt there too?
Its an open secret what Assad did. And to be honest, i dont watch any news on TV. Prefer researching things on myself.

About being sure, try using your 'internal sight' more often. You will know what i mean! ;)


Lol, I really don't want to support any side in this conflict, not that it matters to anyone anyway, but hell shall break lose once Assad leaves. Israel is putting all their weight behind the crazy mullahs. Syria - Assad + israeli intelligence + Crazy Mullahs = not looking forward to it. ;)
Well, it may sound nice on paper. I acknowledge the needless brutality of the Assad regime over the many decades.

But what I'm worried about are the extremists. Shia-Sunni tensions are there and very real.

Extremism is a definition used by western media and propagated quite strongly to us people. We Need to carefully use the word.

Sunni-Shia problem is a minute one..its more of Alawite-Muslim tension. Once Bashar is wiped off and he will soon be, it will come down to tensions with Israel, if any Muslim government is elected. Just like what happened in Egypt.

Thanks for your input guys. The main information I am looking for is public support within Bangladesh, among educated class and the masses, the expat communities etc.

This has been an allegation by the supporters of Asad. Just a few volunteers from other countries may have found their way in, but it is Syrians that is fighting against Asad's Army and Sabiha thugs, not foreigners which is an Asad Propaganda line to undermine the legitimate fight for freedom by Syrians of all stripes.

Asad a lying scum that killed 20,000 people and many 10's of thousands are supposedly in jail and may never come back. Russia and China are sacrificing Muslim lives so they can keep their and Iran's stooge Asad in place.

i cant bold the part as i m on phone but you'll get what i am replying too

afghanistan was also a afghan only movement or was it......later it was home of every tom dick and herry jihadi..... the suicide bombing shows how deep such ideoligy is in the rank of the rebels ....only someone with experience in such tactics can pull such job....killing defence minister.....when assad govt will fall fsa wont be able to fill all the gaps and those will be used by terrorists groups who are supporting and waiting for that moment.....the very same events....and i worry because we know the side effects as we aee victim of them.....
I agree with you 100%.
This is the making of another Taliban.
Syria is going Afghanistan/Iraq's way.

The Syrian resistance is the top priority of the West. Don't you see China/Russia vetoing all West backed resolutions asking Assad to go?

Forgive me for this small off topic post. Kalu, what's your take on Bahrain? Do you support the revolt there too?

Syrians are not Taliban, there is a big difference in their HDI:

Just because West/Israel support a cause, it does not automatically make it bad for Muslims of the world. China/Russia is mistaken on this issue, as they are going against the will of the majority people.

I support Bahrain's democracy protest and do not support the crackdown. if the opposition starts an armed struggle to topple the regime and the regime starts killing them like Asad, my wholehearted support will be with the oppressed people there, not the regime.

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