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Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

what's preventing them from transferring that aid to the ISIS?


Nothing and the lines between the so called 'moderates', ISIS, and other factions are so blurred that it's a quagmire. It's not like the 'moderates' even go through any rigorous back round, they could be anyone including ISIS, they can decide to go fight in Iraq or anywhere for that matter.
they are stealing american weapons from iraq!! sending them to syria!
after russia blocked the usa from arming the fsa i guess they cooked up this plan to arm them.
FSA is moderate muslim Syrians. They are already getting helped to defend their country. Soon FSA is getting 500 million dollar with the permission of the almighty.
Unfortunately, you are TOTALLY correct. He's going to try, but I think and hope he fails on the amnesty thing.
Any sane American who is patriotic would hope so as well, but unfortunately there are plenty of Liberal Marxists who blindly support people like Obama and his destructive policies.

The biggest mistake Americans made thus far in this century, IMHO, was reelecting Obama for a second term.
FSA is moderate muslim Syrians. They are already getting helped to defend their country. Soon FSA is getting 500 million dollar with the permission of the almighty.
i should've known. well best of luck to the ordinary syrian people , may allah protect them.
Obama is an idiot !! He needs to 'go', and I'm not too picky on how. I'd give them some rusty old guns from surplus to drag the war out, but not $500,000,000.

it's just US history repeating itself. In ten to twenty year, your kids will be fighting these Syrian opposition that your government plan to support.
It's the Never Ending Story.
Very funny. Saudi and USA kill innocent protesters in Egypt and are apathetic to blood bath there. But support rebels against a government that 88% of people have voted to it.
Afterwards, U.S. will spend $500 billion to fight against them.

The way it has done for OBL.

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday requested $500 million from Congress to train and equip what the White House is calling “appropriately vetted” members of the Syrian opposition. The request comes as the administration is trying to put some form to the president’s surprise announcement last month of plans for a $5 billion counterterrorism fund to provide training for operations in vulnerable countries in the Middle East.

The training program would be the most significant action yet by the United States in the conflict in Syria, which has spilled over the border now to Iraq, where a Qaeda-inspired insurgency is threatening the American-backed government.

“While we continue to believe that there is no military solution to this crisis and that the United States should not put American troops into combat in Syria, this request marks another step toward helping the Syrian people defend themselves against regime attacks, push back against the growing number of extremists like ISIL who find safe haven in the chaos, and take their future into their own hands,” Caitlin Hayden, the national security spokeswoman, said in a statement. She was referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS, or sometimes ISIL.

Mr. Obama’s request comes as part of the military policy bill authorizing the Pentagon to “train and equip vetted elements of the Syrian armed opposition to help defend the Syrian people, stabilize areas under opposition control, facilitate the provision of essential services, counter terrorist threats and promote conditions for a negotiated settlement.”
Afterwards, U.S. will spend $500 billion to fight against them.

The way it has done for OBL.
That is just a conspiracy theory. The aid is only going to go to FSA and other moderates to fight the radicals.
It is hoped that U.S. will not be this stupid to heave the stones onto its feet.
That is just a conspiracy theory. The aid is only going to go to FSA and other moderates to fight the radicals.
That is just a conspiracy theory. The aid is only going to go to FSA and other moderates to fight the radicals.

Yesterday u were supporter of ISIS now u have become supporter of moderate! FSA?
Why? US is gonna help moderates to fight off ISIS and other radicals.

Syrian opposition is taliban in person.

US has officially become the biggest terror financer now on earth. Al Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, ISIS. WTF is wrong with them?

Someone stop them.

I think US should give $1.5 Billion aid of weapons with 70% old ones(60-70-80-90s era) and 30% latest weapons to the Syrian rebels to fight the Asad regime. More over, Muslim countries should be looking to design and aid package for supplying them with Food, Clothing, Medical and Shelter supplies to these rebel families on weekly basis.

Also EU countries should also design an aid program for supplying them with weapons 70% old ones(60-70-80-90s era) and 30% latest weapons. I am sure this will help them to maintain and fight. Also they should try to keep Russians away from Syria as well along with China....

Yeah what about them asking their daughters to come for s3x jihad?

Shameful that you support these terrorists.
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