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Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Thursday requested $500 million from Congress to train and equip what the White House is calling “appropriately vetted” members of the Syrian opposition. The request comes as the administration is trying to put some form to the president’s surprise announcement last month of plans for a $5 billion counterterrorism fund to provide training for operations in vulnerable countries in the Middle East.

The training program would be the most significant action yet by the United States in the conflict in Syria, which has spilled over the border now to Iraq, where a Qaeda-inspired insurgency is threatening the American-backed government.

“While we continue to believe that there is no military solution to this crisis and that the United States should not put American troops into combat in Syria, this request marks another step toward helping the Syrian people defend themselves against regime attacks, push back against the growing number of extremists like ISIL who find safe haven in the chaos, and take their future into their own hands,” Caitlin Hayden, the national security spokeswoman, said in a statement. She was referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS, or sometimes ISIL.

Mr. Obama’s request comes as part of the military policy bill authorizing the Pentagon to “train and equip vetted elements of the Syrian armed opposition to help defend the Syrian people, stabilize areas under opposition control, facilitate the provision of essential services, counter terrorist threats and promote conditions for a negotiated settlement.”

Not Again!!
What's wrong with USA policies and leadership??
US has officially become the biggest terror financier on earth. Al Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, ISIS and may more in making .... WTF is wrong with them?
Not Again!!
What's wrong with USA policies and leadership??
US has officially become the biggest terror financier on earth. Al Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, ISIS and may more in making .... WTF is wrong with them?

and the moderates going to hand the weapons and the money tho their ISIS friends
Not Again!!
What's wrong with USA policies and leadership??
US has officially become the biggest terror financier on earth. Al Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, ISIS and may more in making .... WTF is wrong with them?

Yankees have always been a truly filthy regime full of terrorists. That murderous country was founded by terrorists like Washington and Jefferson and now run by disgusting and repulsive pigs.

Terror is the weapon of the filthy Yankees to exterminate the human race.

I utterly despise the Yankee regime. Scum of the worst kind.


WTF are you talking about ? More PressTV sh!t ?

Yes I watch RT and PressTV.
Because they name and shame the heinous Yankee regime and its repulsive behaviour.

Anything but Western propaganda mouthpieces.
Talibaan V2 in the making? As if America or the world has recovered from version 1 even yet!!
I think this is going to be a game changer in Syria.

The free world has to support the moderates. Otherwise ISIS will get the upperhand.

It is our duty.
WTF are you talking about ? More PressTV sh!t ?

It is a speciality of Farsi media: slander
@boomslang l Mrs Clinton said the other day that 'Pakistan shouldn't breed venemous snakes in the backyard'. I wish she had given Obama the same advice.
I think this is going to be a game changer in Syria.

The free world has to support the moderates. Otherwise ISIS will get the upperhand.

It is our duty.
Our duty to help turkey gain an ally in the region while the west pays a premium price? Give me a break!
Our duty to help turkey gain an ally in the region while the west pays a premium price? Give me a break!
Problem? :lol:

But on a more serious note, nobody wants to see ISIS take full control of Syria and Iraq. The world still depends on energy out of that region.

It is better than financing an invasion into Syria which will cost more. And you are not even American so I don't know why your *** is on fire.
It's like they learned nothing from arming and funding islamist extremist and terrorist "freedom fighter" in Syria over the past year. Do they want to destablize the entire region and throw it into burning chaos and sectiarian war?
Wait... sounds just like the usual U.S. foreign policy.
I think this is going to be a game changer in Syria.

The free world has to support the moderates. Otherwise ISIS will get the upperhand.

It is our duty.

It is a speciality of Farsi media: slander

mongol boy Iranian not farsi .
No they are not the same.
For example FSA and Turkmen compared to ISIS

What it 'FSA' controlling in Syria right now? Name 2 areas and let's compare it with parts terrorists control.

You guys just repeat FSA word without having any clue what it actually is and what's its current situation on the ground. FSA is practically nobody on the ground in Syria now.
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What it 'FSA' controlling in Syria right now? Name 2 areas and let's compare it with parts terrorists control.

You guys just repeat FSA word without having any clue what it actually is and what's its current situation on the ground. FSA is practically nobody on the ground in Syria now.
It is true that FSA weakened lately but FSA consists out of the will of the Syrians and thank god there are enough of Syrians in the region (including in neighbor countries) that are willing to liberate their country.
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