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Israel is our last hope, indicates Syrian dissident

You want to know what I find hilarious about your comment? The fact that you seem to not only get my statements wrong, but you also seem to be scared since I provided you with my own sources, when you yourself could not.

On top of all that, you didn't even reply to me, as if to say that you were hoping I didn't see this comment. Well done my friend, you get top grades for failing to make a proper argument.

I also find it quite ironic that you say you didn't insult me, when you clearly did, and once again are doing in this very comment; In fact, you just called me a slave, and said i do nothing put post propaganda. hey Jack, this is the same forum that you said that I don't spend enough time on, so I have no idea what's going on in the world, remember? And now you're accusing it of being a propaganda machine.

Alas, I don't care for you anymore. Your previously amusing words bore me now, so I shall do you a favor and leave.

Good luck.
What are you babbling about? Seriously. You didn't get my point the first time around. So I'm sure as hell not going to try again. Especially when you're a Pakistani. You NATO and gcc are al on the same team. And yes some are masters and others only do their bidding.

And I will say it again. Since you're a slow one. I don't have enough posts to post links. As a forum mod. You should know that. So stop misrepresenting my posts. It's disingenuous.

And as for your pro NATO propaganda links. I mean if it's good enough for you I guess that settles it. But seriously. You and your NATO gcc masters have been wrong about EVERYTHING since this whole thing started. Your only hope was to spread enough propaganda to get NATO involved and us NATO citizens to go along. But the propaganda failed. We in the USA didn't believe a word of it and we didn't allow our military to give you the no fly zone you were praying for. The problem is, you didn't get the memo that the rest of the world doesn't believe the lies that you continuously try to propagate.

Sore losers really are the worst sports.
@That Guy @jacksback

A major question that Assad lovers simply ignore; What after Assad dies?

He is not going to live forever and even if he wins the war, Sunni's in face of leadership vacuum would rise up and overthrow Shia minority's rule. I finds Assad's attempt to rule over whole Syria as pretty selfish as in process of achieving his goal, he is not caring about future of alawite minority. Today he could force a solution in favour of alawites and retain most of the productive area and coastline of Syria, a land where Alawites would be majority, even though not overwhelmingly.In his ambition to become sole ruler of Syria. he is putting future of his race at stake.

@jacksback with a genocidal Shia-Sunni war going on with usage of barrel bombing and chemical bombs ( before being banned ) being commonplace,it is delusional to think that there is any support for Assad among Sunnis.
@That Guy @jacksback

A major question that Assad lovers simply ignore; What after Assad dies?

He is not going to live forever and even if he wins the war, Sunni's in face of leadership vacuum would rise up and overthrow Shia minority's rule. I finds Assad's attempt to rule over whole Syria as pretty selfish as in process of achieving his goal, he is not caring about future of alawite minority. Today he could force a solution in favour of alawites and retain most of the productive area and coastline of Syria, a land where Alawites would be majority, even though not overwhelmingly.In his ambition to become sole ruler of Syria. he is putting future of his race at stake.

@jacksback with a genocidal Shia-Sunni war going on with usage of barrel bombing and chemical bombs ( before being banned ) being commonplace,it is delusional to think that there is any support for Assad among Sunnis.

Your straw man argument not withstanding, those are the facts on the ground. The majority of the Syrian population is with Assad. If they weren't he couldn't hold power.

Personally I just want Syria to have a strong secular leader. All those fanatics and terrorists can go back where they came from. To India perhaps. Who cares. Syria doesn't need that fundamentalist partisan Stone age terrorist mentality
Uh no, if one article convinced you to change your mind, then (no offence) you need to rethink your life.

Considering this is Times of Israel, I think it's safe to say that it is overly exaggerating things. Now if it was JPost or Hareetz, I may take it a bit more seriously.

Besides, you're generalizing the entirity of the Syrian opposition. While the government troops are united, it's hard to pinpoint the loyalties of the rebel groups. Make no mistake though, both Syria and many of the rebel groups are equally (as a rational mind would define) evil. The Syrian government is no more legitimate than Hamid Karzai declaring half of Pakistan belongs to Afghanistan. At the very least Egypts Sisi is TRYING to make himself look like a democratic man through a people's vote (which will no doubt be rigged), Assad though? He's a dictator through and through, as was his father, the only difference being that the son out did the father in terms of mass murder and violence against this own people.

Actually, everyone thought Assad would probably survive because of Russian and Iranian help. Also, what makes you think the majority of Syrians support Assad? It seems your position is just as ridiculously out of the *** as @anonymus 's figure is.

As far as I'm concerned, the only ones who support Assad are the minority Alawites, and certain Christian groups, most of the Sunni and many of the Christian are against Assad.
Do u know Syria was only Secular State in Arab world? Even Bashar Al Asad Banned hijabs in Syian universities in around 2009 when the practice was going upwards there? in fear of radicalization........ Well i dont agree with this but im just trying to make a point here.

Remember one thing friend we r living in the world of illusions, this is what a Senior ISI official once said to media.
This clears all the ifs and buts. This so called Syrian opposition is nothing but an enemy of Muslim World and a greater threat to all of us. We must all be united once in for all to support the legitimate Government of Syria.

legitimate Government of Syria! legitimate by which stretch of imagination!
legitimate Government of Syria! legitimate by which stretch of imagination!

Much more legitimate than the peninsula arab dictatorships. Assad can actually win elections. The gulf Arab despots don't even have elections and their people and their countries resources belong only to a small group of families. The rest of the Arabs live off of crumbs, Muslim extremism and NATO sponsored propaganda.

You're arguments are so infantile and simplistic I don't even know why I bother.
Much more legitimate than the peninsula arab dictatorships. Assad can actually win elections. The gulf Arab despots don't even have elections and their people and their countries resources belong only to a small group of families. The rest of the Arabs live off of crumbs, Muslim extremism and NATO sponsored propaganda.

You're arguments are so infantile and simplistic I don't even know why I bother.
Mr. Joined: Today. calm down. The original demand of rebels was of re election. and Mr Assad the popular responded with military jack boots leading to this mess.
Mr. Joined: Today. calm down. The original demand of rebels was of re election. and Mr Assad the popular responded with military jack boots leading to this mess.

The same thing that is happening in Ukraine happened in Syria and in Libya and is also happening in venezuela.

They all started with a legitimate gripe. But NATO paid extremists and snipers always start shooting people and then it gets blamed on the government and then. Guess what. No fly zone. Regime change. Country it's people and it's resources get sold off piece meal to NATO interests. If you're not smart enough to follow reality. You're obviously not smart enough to understand any of this.

Assad did overreact at first. But he quickly remedied this and aquiesced to almost all the legitimate protest demands. He called for elections and he sacked many high level ranking military and political figures and he called for reconciliation.

The terrorists.... And their NATO gcc masters didn't want this. And so they started this war. The Syrian people as a whole have rejected this war a long time ago. They are much smarter than you. They can spot a terrorist a mile away. They know better than to believe your NATO propaganda. How could they. You're terrorists are beheading and blowing up these innocent civilians left and right.

Assad is a government. One that actually functions well. The terrorists are bunch of roving marauding bandits that hid behide their religion to commit unspeakable acts of Barbary against civilians and innocents.

The truth hurts. But just because it doesn't fit your obtuse propaganda filled narrative doesnt mean it ceases to exist.
The same thing that is happening in Ukraine happened in Syria and in Libya and is also happening in venezuela.

They all started with a legitimate gripe. But NATO paid extremists and snipers always start shooting people and then it gets blamed on the government and then. Guess what. No fly zone. Regime change. Country it's people and it's resources get sold off piece meal to NATO interests. If you're not smart enough to follow reality. You're obviously not smart enough to understand any of this.

Assad did overreact at first. But he quickly remedied this and aquiesced to almost all the legitimate protest demands. He called for elections and he sacked many high level ranking military and political figures and he called for reconciliation.

The terrorists.... And their NATO gcc masters didn't want this. And so they started this war. The Syrian people as a whole have rejected this war a long time ago. They are much smarter than you. They can spot a terrorist a mile away. They know better than to believe your NATO propaganda. How could they. You're terrorists are beheading and blowing up these innocent civilians left and right.

Assad is a government. One that actually functions well. The terrorists are bunch of roving marauding bandits that hid behide their religion to commit unspeakable acts of Barbary against civilians and innocents.

The truth hurts. But just because it doesn't fit your obtuse propaganda filled narrative doesnt mean it ceases to exist.

why so serious! its PDF. what is happening in other countries doesn't allow Mr Half Assed to ignore the demand of his people !
why so serious! its PDF. what is happening in other countries doesn't allow Mr Half Assed to ignore the demand of his people !

He's not ignoring anything. There will be elections this year. It would have been sooner if your terrorists and their sponsors would stop waging a war on the Syrian people.

Your propaganda is so weak its barely worth the effort. Try harder. At least make this interesting for me.
He's not ignoring anything. There will be elections this year. It would have been sooner if your terrorists and their sponsors would stop waging a war on the Syrian people.

Your propaganda is so weak its barely worth the effort. Try harder. At least make this interesting for me.

my terrorists ! who am i ?
Now answer me this you " concerned for democracy " Hindu. Are you also demanding the gulf despots respect the demands of their people, stop suppressing them, and have free and fair elections. Or is yours the usual two faced politically motivated bullshit. I'm betting its the latter.

Free and fair elections in bahrain? Nope
Free and fair elections in saudi? Nope
Free and fair elections in any peninsula arable countries? Nope

Did you shed one tear or make one post? Nope

Bs meter is off the charts.

my terrorists ! who am i ?
A terrorist supporter.
Now answer me this you " concerned for democracy " Hindu. Are you also demanding the gulf despots respect the demands of their people, stop suppressing them, and have free and fair elections. Or is yours the usual two faced politically motivated bullshit. I'm betting its the latter.

Free and fair elections in bahrain? Nope
Free and fair elections in saudi? Nope
Free and fair elections in any peninsula arable countries? Nope

Did you shed one tear or make one post? Nope

Bs meter is off the charts.

A terrorist supporter.

i am for Free and fair election in All the countries you mentioned. what that makes me !
i am for Free and fair election in All the countries you mentioned. what that makes me !

Start a thread about them. And advocate for them on this forum. Even when going against gulf Arab detractors. Also, point out the hipocrisy of other peninsula Arabs that call for free and fair elections in Syria, all the while forgetting they don't even have free and fair elections in their own countries.

Then I might believe you. For right now my BS meter is still off the charts.
It isn't a religious matter. In Ukraine, for instance, the acting president is a Protestant and Protestants are only 1% of the population of Ukraine. Syria is a secular country like the West, where religion isn't important.
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