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US 7th Fleet Commander is coming to Bangladesh in August 2013


Feb 12, 2013
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Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, commander of the US 7th Fleet is coming to Bangladesh in August 2013.
It is said that he is coming for 4 days visit (6th August to 9th August) to talk about Military co-operation between Bangladesh and USA. Recently US Pacific fleet Chief Commander Cecil D. Haney showed interest in Military co-operation and participation with Bangladesh

(English translation)

source: ????? ??-????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????
(bangladeshi news media source)
Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, commander of the US 7th Fleet is coming to Bangladesh in August 2013.
It is said that he is coming for 4 days visit (6th August to 9th August) to talk about Military co-operation between Bangladesh and USA. Recently US Pacific fleet Chief Commander Cecil D. Haney showed interest in Military co-operation and participation with Bangladesh

(English translation)

source: ????? ??-????? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????
(bangladeshi news media source)

We should pray to Allah for more clash between China & USA, so that we get more bargain for choosing a side.
I think, @BDforever has made a mistake about the date of visit. It is a four day visit from April 6 to April 9. Read the news below.

সপ্তম নৌ-বহরের অধিনায়ক এপ্রিলে ঢাকায় আসছেন

ডিপ্লোম্যটিক করেসপন্ডেন্ট

ঢাকা: যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সপ্তম নৌ-বহরের অধিনায়ক ভাইস অ্যাডমিরাল স্কট এইচ সুইফট আগামী ৬ থেকে ৯ এপ্রিল তিনি ঢাকা সফর করতে পারেন। এ সময় দুই দেশের সামরিক খাতে সহযোগিতার ব্যাপারে আলোচনা হতে পারে।

উল্লেখ্য, গত সেপ্টেম্বর মাসেও ঢাকা সফর করেন ভাইস অ্যাডমিরাল সুইফট। সে সময় সাংবাদিকদের সঙ্গে গোলটেবিল আলোচনায় তিনি এ দেশে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের নৌ-ঘাঁটি স্থাপনের সম্ভাবনা নাকচ করেন। সম্প্রতি বাংলাদেশের সঙ্গে সামরিক খাতে সহযোগিতা ও অংশীদারিত্ব জোরদারের ব্যাপারে আশা প্রকাশ করেছেন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের প্যাসিফিক ফ্লিট কমান্ডার অ্যাডমিরাল সিসিল ডি হেনিও।

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ১১০৭ ঘণ্টা, মার্চ ২০, ২০১৩
কেজেড/ সম্পাদনা: অশোকেশ রায়, অ্যাসিসট্যান্ট আউটপুট এডিটর- eic@banglanews24.com
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We should pray to Allah for more clash between China & USA, so that we get more bargain for choosing a side.
Probably, you are right, but, there are other things, too. We have to note also that BoB has a very large amount of fossil fuel and US companies are digging the ocean floor there. Yesterday, there was a small news that USA may allow its companies to invest $50b in the energy sector. So, USA has to look after security of its investments, too.
Probably, you are right, but, there are other things, too. We have to note also that BoB has a very large amount of fossil fuel and US companies are digging the ocean floor there. Yesterday, there was a small news that USA may allow its companies to invest $50b in the energy sector. So, USA has to look after security of its investments, too.

We should give more offshore blocks to USA to increase their stake in BOB's security from India and Myanmar.

And Chinese considers you peoples as friends. :rolleyes:

If China wants to increase its global influence, clash with USA is inevitable. I don't think China wants to stay as number 2 superpower forever. And for your information Bangladesh view China as friend not USA. If some clash between China & USA benefit China & Bangladesh, i don't think wanting it is a unfriendly gesture.
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enough budget( india -bangladesh = about $44billion to $45 billion) if we compare it between India and China (china - india= about $66billion to $68 billion)

Pls don't TROLL.

By this logic US Defense Budget - China's Defense Budget = $ 600 billion (approx.), so what does it proves??

they bear all costs , now chill :whistle:

can you explain as to why they will do so??

Unless BD is offering a naval base to USN 7th fleet.
Pls don't TROLL.

By this logic US Defense Budget - China's Defense Budget = $ 600 billion (approx.), so what does it proves??

can you explain as to why they will do so??

Unless BD is offering a naval base to USN 7th fleet.

The GoB may not be in a mood to allow a foreign naval base in BD shore. However, a kind of berthing arrangement for the USN's 7th fleet may be on the table. USA will be rather happy if this arrangement is supplemented with a refusal for a Chinese naval facility on BD shore. However, USA should throw a few grains of sugar to BD to sweeten its proposal, such as, three sq. of F-16, 5 units of missile frigates, three submarines, etc. etc. How you guys think about it?

I guess, Indian postes will not like the arrangement, though. Indians are rather perplexed at the thought of why a small BD has become the focal point of Asia and the world. Why even their FM people have started to point out the geopolitical importance of this small BD? Why even Russia, China and USA all the big countries are coming to BD shore and selling weapons to it? It must be the sore point for the Indian posters.

But, they should look at the map. It is indeed the center point of Asia. BD controls the land and sea trade routes between ASEAN and India. Even BIMSTEC future depends on BD's goodwill, and through BIMSTEC, BD controls the future of Indian prosperity. BD also controls the future of Indian NE. So, Indians should rather readily accept us as the center of asian future and prosperity.

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