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Turkey marks 2nd anniversary of deadly Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara

Right now Syria became the biggest supporter of PKK thanks to AKP policies. Which has already resulted in deaths of several Turkish soldiers/police/citizens and, abduction of many civillians.

Can you explain to me what the connection between the AKP and Assads massacres is?
Well i got one, our government helps poor Syrians who escaped the psycho Assad, and Assad disliked Turkey for accepting refugees. Get a grip of reality dude, your level of criticism has reached a level that it doesn't even have any basis any longer. If you want to critsize certain policies of AKP let's do it in a mannerly and open way. Not in stupid baseless accusations, that is very ignorant like.
Can you explain to me what the connection between the AKP and Assads massacres is?
Well i got one, our government helps poor Syrians who escaped the psycho Assad, and Assad disliked Turkey for accepting refugees. Get a grip of reality dude, your level of criticism has reached a level that it doesn't even have any basis any longer. If you want to critsize certain policies of AKP let's do it in a mannerly and open way. Not in stupid baseless accusations, that is very ignorant like.

leave it mate..pointless to argue..we have been through these kind of discussions 100 times without any constructive result..
AKP made a diplomatic mistake, they tought when rebellion occurred, west would interfere and a Sunni government would take the power instead of Pro-Iranian Alawi one, but power remained in Assad and the only result here is a more hostile Syria.
AKP made a diplomatic mistake, they tought when rebellion occurred, west would interfere and a Sunni government would take the power instead of Pro-Iranian Alawi one, but power remained in Assad and the only result here is a more hostile Syria.

So as a country we should not accept the fleeing refugees and talk against Assads massacres on thousands of innocent children and women? Really?
AKP is not acted as a neutral peacemaker, they take side with rebels as a diplomatic move and failed simple as that, world is not white and black everybody seeking benefit.
AKP is not acted as a neutral peacemaker, they take side with rebels as a diplomatic move and failed simple as that, world is not white and black everybody seeking benefit.

We all know your type, you are trying to benefit from any action or accusation against AKP. Even when the matter is keeping a side with civilian humans against a dictator who massacre his own people to scare them, and extend his time in the iron throne.
So as a country we should not accept the fleeing refugees and talk against Assads massacres on thousands of innocent children and women? Really?

I have no problem with refugees in Turkey. IMO Turkey did the right thing by providing shelter to them. But allowing rebels to establish their headquarters in Turkey and providing them weapons was not a wise decision don't you think? Now Syria doing the same thing to PKK. Latest suicide attack in Kayseri has done by the terrorists who came Turkey from Syria.

I have no sympathy for both Assad and the rebels. On one side there is a dictator who is killing his own people, on the other side a group that using suicide bombings. And there is no healty, objective news in the papers and TVs that shows us what is really going on there.
Looks like you deeply believe that saving the civilians could be the only reason.

I'm repeating, Akp did not acted as a neutral peace maker, for their own benefits they take side with the rebels.

Also that dictatorship, tyranny vs. discourses suprises me since its comes from people who thinks punishing someone for criticizing islam is normal.
I have no problem with refugees in Turkey. IMO Turkey did the right thing by providing shelter to them. But allowing rebels to establish their headquarters in Turkey and providing them weapons was not a wise decision don't you think? Now Syria doing the same thing to PKK. Latest suicide attack in Kayseri has done by the terrorists who came Turkey from Syria.

I have no sympathy for both Assad and the rebels. On one side there is a dictator who is killing his own people, on the other side a group that using suicide bombings. And there is no healty, objective news in the papers and TVs that shows us what is really going on there.

I partly agree with you, that we should be more careful on providing weapons to the rebels (if we do?). We could do it more secretly and not draw the attention of Syrian terrorists. But i think taking a side with the Syrian people on this matter is a matter of importance as well. Because once Assad is brought down, the ones who take over the country will be the rebels, and this is for certain to happen. Hence supporting the future in power is a wiser move than taking side with a man whose time will be over soon.

Also that dictatorship, tyranny vs. discourses suprises me since its comes from people who thinks punishing someone for criticizing islam is normal.

It is unlawful in every religion respecting country including the EU to curse on people's beliefs. There is a limit to how much a person can degrade a religion. And i never said a single thing about that incident. Because i don't know the story behind yet, i chose to remain silent on issues which i have insufficient information on.
I partly agree with you, that we should be more careful on providing weapons to the rebels (if we do?). We could do it more secretly and not draw the attention of Syrian terrorists. But i think taking a side with the Syrian people on this matter is a matter of importance as well. Because once Assad is brought down, the ones who take over the country will be the rebels, and this is for certain to happen. Hence supporting the future in power is a wiser move than taking side with a man whose time will be over soon.

Just like in the Libya, di mi?

Insulting and criticizing are different things, unfortunately both are same for some people.

If someone says he finds Islam ridiculous and says the reasons, its his personal opinion and criticism but many people will consider it as insult.
It is not only Turkish firms that are experiencing that at the moment. There is not a stable government and everything can be expected from some lawless militiamen.

Exactly, and there won't be a stable government anytime soon in Libya, and the country will be rule by these people. Same goes for Syria if the rebels manage to take power. And I don't want another Iraq as a neighbour..
I'll give you an example. And yes, your tone was disrespectful and immature.

SS Struma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkey cost 768 Jewish lives, the Soviets torpedoed the ship. It is in a country's right to destroy vessels breaching a blockade or maritime territory. It would have been a legitimate response, one that many countries took, but Israel like always tried to be too humane. And we see the results till this day.

The Soviets torpedoed the ship but Turkey costed 768 Jewish lives?? Are you serious? You need to tell that to the UK who asked Turkey not to give permission to pass bosphours and dardanelles because they didn't want any more jews in palestine and the Soviets who actually torpedoed the ship.
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