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Turkey marks 2nd anniversary of deadly Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara

The question is "why the forced entrance to a civil ship in an international water?" and I am trying to find answer from some unrelated replies. Please answer directly and help me at un-junking progress.
The question is "why the forced entrance to a civil ship in an international water?" and I am trying to find answer from some unrelated replies. Please answer directly and help me at un-junking progress.

Because Israel does what it likes whether its international water or international airspace but after decades they got the tough rival (soon to be enemy) in the form of turkey, These Turks are slowly surrounding Israel from every corner.
Because Israel does what it likes whether its international water or international airspace but after decades they got the tough rival (soon to be enemy) in the form of turkey, These Turks are slowly surrounding Israel from every corner.

ٰThank you my bright friend. very rightful. I think somebody should show more respect to the international community in progress of supporting her diplomacy.
Nice idea, which make me remember how much i hate Erdogan and hes talking without acting.
No one teach jews how to handle a crazed crowd with batons , tear gas , stunners and any other non-lethal methods?.No no no they just have to go down with live ammo and spray againts to crowd , one of the most idiotic operation in history.You zealots probaby pumping yourself sayings like "See we showed whole world our resolve YEAHHH" , yet to relaize what kind of damage Israel's international image took.
I don't hate Erdogan "that much", but i agree that he is talking too much without any actions :tdown:

Obviously I don't know about Turkish politics as much as you guy's but I quite admire Erdogan. Maybe he is focussed on building the real strength of a country - the economy. Once a countries economic position is secured that that gives you enormous influence and power. So far I can see Turkish economy is booming and if this goes on Turkey might end up a regional superpower and I don't think anybody around your neck of the woods would dare challange Turkey.

Sometimes it is wiser to show restraint.
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