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Turkey marks 2nd anniversary of deadly Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara

Many in Israel hate you too, for what you've become. But logical men speak logic instead of generalizing an entire nation.

Israelis' hate doesn't mean anything to us. However, gaining Turks' hate is very dangerous. We saved your ancestors hundreds of years ago in 1495. Turks were the protectors of Jews before Anglo-Saxons for more than 400 years. We gave you lands where you can make bussiness to feed your children, where you can practice your religion freely while so-called civilised europeans were forcing jews to accept christianism and expelling the ones who didn't accept. And you thanked us by killing our 9 unarmed citizens in the international waters. This is very serious for us and you don't seem to understand why. Don't make us think that we made a mistake by saving thousands of jews' lives. Turks were governing the lands you live in today just a hundred years ago (from 1516 to 1917). Nobody, including US and UK, can give you the guarantee that we will not govern that part of the world in a hundred years again.
For god's sake can't we at least stop discriminating each other as kemalists and AKP's bootlickers and talk in an objective way? This is not discussion some of us is doing it's trowing mud to each other.

I'm finding myself in a difficult place. You are all my brothers and sisters but i will criticize government's policies as i see fit. And when people label me as something i don't like and question my loyalty to the republic and Turkish nation just because of my views i can get pretty fvcking angry as it happened with cracker.

To all Turks i beg of you do not get personal and stop discriminating. Keep it civil.

My best regards.
For god's sake can't we at least stop discriminating each other as kemalists and AKP's bootlickers and talk in an objective way? This is not discussion some of us is doing it's trowing mud to each other.

I'm finding myself in a difficult place. You are all my brothers and sisters but i will criticize government's policies as i see fit. And when people label me as something i don't like and question my loyalty to the republic and Turkish nation just because of my views i can get pretty fvcking angry as it happened with cracker.

To all Turks i beg of you do not get personal and stop discriminating. Keep it civil.

My best regards.
i find myself in your position alot with my friends and family i know what you mean
Well, they did try. Here's the video of one of the Israeli soldiers being stabbed - twice.

h/t EoZ. In the time it takes to counter a lie with truth the falsehood (here, implying the intent of the militant passengers was peaceful) can circle the globe at least twice. If you think it isn't better to make sure of the facts before you accuse or stab someone, shouldn't you at least ask yourself why?
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Israeli soldiers had no right to be there and they fired before boarding.

Here passengers are trying to kill one of them.
Israeli soldiers had no right to be there -
Rewinding the tape again? It was a legal blockade (Goldstone report repudiated by Goldstone, Palmer report confirms) and Israel followed internationally accepted procedures, assuming their boarding party would have a peaceful reception.

Here passengers are trying to kill one of them.
So you hold the passengers were only trying to maim soldiers in a surprise attack and not kill them? What do you expect would happen if you tried that on a Turkish soldier? And if he or his buddies shot to kill you would that make them or their commanders criminals?
I doubt, does any Turkish soldier do a forced entrance to a ship in international waters! wrong action brings wrong counter-action.
I doubt, does any Turkish soldier do a forced entrance to a ship in international waters! wrong action brings wrong counter-action.
Sure they do:


You really should do your research first rather than voicing doubts blindly. That way you avoid your reputation going down the toilet.
Rewinding the tape again?
Since you consistently lie.:)
It was a legal blockade (Goldstone report repudiated by Goldstone, Palmer report confirms) and Israel followed internationally accepted procedures, assuming their boarding party would have a peaceful reception.
Palmer report is not legally binding,the report itself admitted it. The report was prepared by Uribe,an Israeli friend,just to make Israel happy. No legal binding.

So you hold the passengers were only trying to maim soldiers in a surprise attack and not kill them? What do you expect would happen if you tried that on a Turkish soldier? And if he or his buddies shot to kill you would that make them or their commanders criminals?
Turkish soldiers dont attack a civilian ship. Also,one of the victims was killed before boarding.
Sure they do:


You really should do your research first rather than voicing doubts blindly. That way you avoid your reputation going down the toilet.

So Israel was rescuing hostages from Marmara! bad Turks. Who were the hostages?

I strongly recommend you to re-assess your literature. Those kind of talking is not welcomed at pk defence forum. You know, MDs are very sensitive regards to the quality of forums, here.
allah korusun

Turkiye has stood its ground, and maintained its stand.

Rewinding the tape again? It was a legal blockade (Goldstone report repudiated by Goldstone, Palmer report confirms) and Israel followed internationally accepted procedures, assuming their boarding party would have a peaceful reception.

No its not. Here what Palmer Report says about the precedure of intervention : "decision to board the vessels with such substantial force at a great distance from the blockade zone and with no final warning immediately prior to the boarding was excessive and unreasonable."
"Of those killed, the report noted, "no evidence has been provided to establish that any of the deceased were armed with lethal weapons". It further noted that "at least one of those killed, Furkan Dogan, was shot at extremely close range. Mr. Dogan sustained wounds to the face, back of the skull, back and left leg. That suggests he may already have been lying wounded when the fatal shot was delivered, as suggested by witness accounts to that effect." Israel's failure to provide an explanation for or details on this and the other nine deaths was criticized."

So you hold the passengers were only trying to maim soldiers in a surprise attack and not kill them? What do you expect would happen if you tried that on a Turkish soldier? And if he or his buddies shot to kill you would that make them or their commanders criminals?

Like i said before, if the general intention would have been killing the soldiers, those captured ones wouldn't be alive today.
And there are lots of witnesses saying that Israel fired real bullets and tear-stun bombs before boarding.

If Israel thinks it acted according to international laws and did nothing wrong, why doesn't it publish all the records and images which has taken by the journalists on the ship?
So Israel was rescuing hostages from Marmara! bad Turks. Who were the hostages?
Don't you wonder why passengers greeted the Israelis, rather than the crew?

Though of course the Israelis didn't board via a launch, but by helicopter, like this:


070417-N-7945K-001 ATLANTIC OCEAN (April 16, 2007) - Turkish Maritime Interdiction Operation (MIO) team members fast rope to the deck of Military Sealift Command (MSC) fleet replenishment oiler USNS Patuxent (T-AO 201) during a simulated compliant boarding.

I strongly recommend you to re-assess your literature. Those kind of talking is not welcomed at pk defence -
I strongly recommend you consult with the mods.
I strongly recommend you consult with the mods.

You mean the interdiction to Marmara was a "simulated compliant boarding" and Turks misunderstood the Israelis purpose?

I think it is not wise to perform a military exercise on a civil ship without coordination!

Mods do not have the habit of consulting. They are perfect at their duty.
You mean the interdiction to Marmara was a "simulated compliant boarding" -
What meaning of the work "like" didn't you get?

The facts remains, confirmed in this thread, that I am in command of the facts and context while you command nothing but junk.
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