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Turkey marks 2nd anniversary of deadly Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara

1: Yes they probably caught some Israeli soldiers when they landed via the helicopters
Not difficult, the boarding procedure is a standard one and the soldiers were carrying paintball throwers.

Not for lack of trying but because they were taking their pleasure by beating and torturing them first.

And as the picture you show they had a couple of soldiers. This means the people on the ship were countless of times more human than the animals who massacred 9 civilians on board.
Boarding the ship was handled legally and properly and the soldiers only used live ammunition in self-defense after being attacked.

3: Israel conviscated all the materials on the ship and chose to make certain pictures and certain products available for the public...Do you think we are a bunvh of 3-5 year old kids who are unable to understand that simple fact?
You offer no specific and conclusive criticism of the pictures and video that have been posted, from that I conclude that you have no way to contradict the truth in them.

They were defending themselves from an invasion.
The boarding procedure was legal and proper and so was the blockade (see: Palmer Report, items 70-81); the passengers had no right to do so (as the crew whom they hijacked knew). I have posted numerous pictures of U.S. Navy training and boarding procedures in the "U.S. Navy picture thread" and some of those are from ships the U.S. navy boarded for one reason or another; the crews affected didn't resist then, either. Other nations armed forces do pretty much the same thing, of course.
Yes, and instead of trying to prevent the casulties and solve Kurdish Problem, we are too busy with saving Syrians and Palestinians. Because they are much more important than our people. We are too busy with whether abortion should be banned or not, because it is much more important than the Kurdish problem. We are too busy with Somalia while people in Turkey hanging themselves because of poverty. We are too busy with judging one of our most valuable, internationally known pianist over some bs because there is lots of artists/performers like him in Turkey.

And you ask "anniversary for which soldier?" without a shame.
who funds the kurdish terrorest who attack iran and turkey and syria ?
People get shot from head in point blank distance and yet you are trying to defend it. It's obvious israeli marines shot to kill but passengers on the ship didn't kill any troops even if they had the means to do so.
People get shot from head in point blank distance and yet you are trying to defend it.
Successfully. Do you resent that?

It's obvious israeli marines shot to kill but passengers on the ship didn't kill any troops even if they had the means to do so.
The videos and pictures include the militants knifing the soldiers and throwing one overboard. Their intent was murder, but they were interested in maiming, torture, and terror.
Yes, and instead of trying to prevent the casulties and solve Kurdish Problem, we are too busy with saving Syrians and Palestinians. Because they are much more important than our people. We are too busy with whether abortion should be banned or not, because it is much more important than the Kurdish problem. We are too busy with Somalia while people in Turkey hanging themselves because of poverty. We are too busy with judging one of our most valuable, internationally known pianist over some bs because there is lots of artists/performers like him in Turkey.

And you ask "anniversary for which soldier?" without a shame.

Civilian human is civilian human, let it be Turk, Kurd, Arab, Somali or whatever. If there are injust against civilian people in Palestine, Syria or Turkey, we must do something about it. Just because we are Turk doesn't imply that we should only and only focus on Turkish citizens, that would be too arrogant and egocentric action (just like israel).

I ask you literally, Which of the soldier do you want to make anniversary for?? There are ten thousands of soldiers, who lost their lives against the PKK terrorists. Which one of them do you want to focus on? That's completely offtopic, stop bringing PKK issue up in this thread.
Read what i said carefully..And read it again if you still cant understand..And tell me how my response was an insult..Just to help you out, i will re-write again..."return to your sleep kid"

And you are suggesting me to argue.

There were around 700 people on those ships and he is suggesting to kill all those 700 people..So, what to argue Israeli? you tell me
I'll give you an example. And yes, your tone was disrespectful and immature.

SS Struma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkey cost 768 Jewish lives, the Soviets torpedoed the ship. It is in a country's right to destroy vessels breaching a blockade or maritime territory. It would have been a legitimate response, one that many countries took, but Israel like always tried to be too humane. And we see the results till this day.
I don't know which part is so complex to comprehend right here Solomon. Naturally people on the boat got frightened by the special black OPS commanders flying around and pointing sharp light on the civilians and screaming at them with speakers. And then landing with the intention to execute a dozen of people aborad with heavy armed guns. You think people in the ship should just stare at them? and tell them "ok, come and kill us we won't touch you", "we will return home, just land as you wish, come". That's the reaction you would await from them?

If I cought you carrying food to give aid to poor children in Somalia, and threatened you with a machine gun, and was upon to shoot you because you wanted to feed some poor children, would you or would you not try to defend yourself?

Simple question.
We are discussing this for two years and it's extremely unlikely that either side will convince the other. From where i stand human life is holy and precious above everything else and there can't be an excuse to a man's death.

But they have numerous excuses, whatever i say will not make a difference. They gained Turkish nation's hate in one day I can't say im happy about it either but i won't try to reason with them anymore.
The videos and pictures include the militants knifing the soldiers and throwing one overboard. Their intent was murder, but they were interested in maiming, torture, and terror.
How was their intent murder when the Israelis were the aggressors? They didn't raid an Israeli ship, it's the Israelis who raided their ship. It's pretty typical and normal to see the activists on Mavi Marmara defend themselves, they were attacked they weren't the attacking ones.
who funds the kurdish terrorest who attack iran and turkey and syria ?

Right now Syria became the biggest supporter of PKK thanks to AKP policies. Which has already resulted in deaths of several Turkish soldiers/police/citizens and, abduction of many civillians.
We are discussing this for two years and it's extremely unlikely that either side will convince the other. From where i stand human life is holy and precious above everything else and there can't be an excuse to a man's death.

But they have numerous excuses, whatever i say will not make a difference. They gained Turkish nation's hate in one day I can't say im happy about it either but i won't try to reason with them anymore.
Many in Israel hate you too, for what you've become. But logical men speak logic instead of generalizing an entire nation.
انا لله و انا الیه الراجعون

وَلَا تَقُولُوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ أَمْوَاتٌ ۚ بَلْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَلَٰكِن لَّا تَشْعُرُونَ [٢:١٥٤]

And say not of those slain in God's way, 'They are dead'; rather they are living, but you are not aware.[2:154]
Right now Syria became the biggest supporter of PKK thanks to AKP policies. Which has already resulted in deaths of several Turkish soldiers/police/citizens and, abduction of many civillians.
and before the syrian crisis it is clear that some power support them but who
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