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There are essentially three theories about origin:

1) The Kök-Turkic script developed from the different clan badges of the tribes, which grew up in the pre-Christian centuries.

2) The Orchon runes were taken from the Central Asian Sogdian script and further developed by the Kök Turks.

3) A combination of the first two theories; Iranian, Greek, and newly invented characters were then added to the resulting characters. This theory was mainly represented by Vilhelm Thomsen.

4) (Your mentioned theory) Today, it is mostly assumed that the Kök Turk alphabet developed from a Semitic alphabet and came to the Kök Turks through the mediation of the Iranian-speaking peoples of Central Asia. However, this assumption has little prospect of being confirmed, since the takeover for the creation of the first runes of the Orchon-1 type in the Talas Valley must have taken place shortly before 600 AD. The lack of clear agreement speaks against a derivation from the Sogdian script.
Quite interesting, thanks.
I do not know what the government's official idea is, but there is information pollution about the Uighur Turks. and Feto was doing it too, we as Turkey can make huge money from trade with china, and someone is trying to undermine our relationship with China by producing false news. There are many vlogs about Uighurs and there is no environment as you mentioned.
Is that how you soothe your conscience?
You guys are such hypocrites, there is nothing else to describe you, they could put you personally in one of those camps and you would blame it on feto as long as erdogan keeps quiet.

Here we see what Chinese money does to these so called muslims, a bunch of sell outs thats what you are.
Made by FETÖ in Pennsylvania, right? And those people are paid actors, all the Satellite images of these camps are also fake.

Made by FETÖ in Pennsylvania, right? And those people are paid actors?
All the Satellite images of these camps are also fake, right?

Those are turkic turkic people.
Those are turkic turkic people.
Exactly, they would care about them if they were Arab Muslims, even Rohyingas got more attention from Akpeons.
Now guess why.
Exactly, they would care about them if they were Arab Muslims, even Rohyingas got more attention from Akpeons.
Now guess why.
You think a Georgian fellow cares about Turkic people?
You think a Georgian fellow cares about Turkic people?

No I think the point is that Mkale, himate and other akp fanboys keep quiet even on this forum, when you throw undeniable truth into their faces, but jump forth screaming propaganda when positive news are shared of opposition.

That's the kind of ppl we have to deal with.


No I think the point is that Mkale, himate and other akp fanboys keep quiet even on this forum, when you throw undeniable truth into their faces, but jump forth screaming propaganda when positive news are shared of opposition.

That's the kind of ppl we have to deal with.


Lol even the frogs are calling out China, Erdogan said one thing then went back to deepthroating Chinese dick.
He only cares about his seat of power.
As do all leaders, he will throw every single Uighur off the bus if it means he gets another win in 2023.
@himate, @MKALE1 what do we do, the frogs are calling out the Chinese.

Is there enough calling out ? Maybe your RTE can join them, he won't be alone in calling out now.
You all have nothing better to do than to insult each other, to further divide Turkey and its society... no wonder why Turkey is going down the stream like this... the Turks will never be strong again because they are all too selfish...every single one of you "my money muhh" - "exchange muhh" you should cut a slice of the Arabs and Kurds because they don't give a shit, which party or which region if it all comes down to it... Jordanians, Egyptians, Saudi, Moroccans - all stick together, but you're arguing about "alcohol bans in mosques" and forbidding "homosexual ****"...

I'm laughing at yall... you're so RADICAL in your thinking that you defame everyone who has another opinion, whether or not he is a member of any party, whether he votes or not... you've really been manipulated - not MMM-E or who else you're trying to denounce publicly here - you should be ashamed of yourselves... you've consumed so much European media that you even start reproducing PKK theories -

Not one of you is wondering if the economy has been put under pressure, or if there are subliminal sanctions, etc... you are only concerned about religion, refugees, etc. - you don't have anything else on your mind like you are all obsessed with your views... it's fucking scary - no other section in this forum is like this... the Arabs, Iranians, Chinese, Pakistanis - all have domestic problems - but discord like here, you won't find anywhere... disgusting, just disgusting...

No fun, you need therapies urgently... you even start to abuse the problems of Uhygures for yourself, but in the EastTurkistan thread there was not a single one of you to be seen LMFAO...
And to my exile living Shah-Turks: you have a big mouth and interfere in internal affairs, with the argument "muhhh my relatives" but others living abroad do not have the right because your opinion is the true one... kindergarten...

Every single one of you is a disgrace for turkey and the people and the beautiful country... every single one of you should be expelled from turkey - everything should be nationalized or refused entry... every single one of you is TOO SHORT and TOO BLIND to see the real problems and makes it even worse with his radical INTROSPECTIVE hatred... no cohesion, no reason...

**** yall and your **** RTE and your **** CHP and **** AKP and all your shit - I think you all - you exile "nationalists" too - need some civil war to get back down to earth, get back to living in the mud huts like 30 years ago...

And all your previous, backward, submissive, perverted, western-loyal governments, which have closed weapon factories, allowed illegal house building and let sick people die in front of hospitals... and your strange Islamic brotherhood government, which isolates Turkey more and more and floods it with enemies...I think there are too many teenagers and nerds on this forum...

Then you have again exactly what you need, you could be ashamed to be Turkish again, buy ice cream for 3B TL and drive Tofas :) - then you may threaten Iraq with M46 tanks and feel great - yes that will happen... again swimming between plastic garbage in the sea... och annam och
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