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Turkey’s top military brass remains same

Turkey has not changed the composition of the top military brass of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) on July 23 after the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting.

YAŞ was convened to discuss promotions and dismissals of the high-ranking military personnel under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and with the participation of key civilian and military officials.

“The historical achievements we have achieved on different fronts, from Syria to Libya, from the Eastern Mediterranean to the fight against terrorism, reveal the strength of our country and the capabilities of our army,” Erdoğan wrote on the Special Book in Anıtkabir ahead of the Turkey’s Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting.

The tenure of Air Forces Commander Gen. Hasan Küçükakyüz and Navy Commander Adm. Adnan Özbal have been extended for a second time in the past two years, while the term of duty for Land Forces Commander Gen. Ümit Dündar has been extended by one year for the first time.

The tenure of 35 generals and admirals were extended by one year, and the terms of duty for 294 colonels were extended by two years.

Within the scope of the decisions, 17 generals and admirals were promoted to a higher rank, 51 colonels promoted to generals and admirals.

“The historical achievements we have achieved on different fronts, from Syria to Libya, from the Eastern Mediterranean to the fight against terrorism, reveal the strength of our country and the capabilities of our army,” Erdoğan wrote on the Special Book in Anıtkabir ahead of the meeting.

Thirty generals and admirals have retired due to a lack of positions. The number of generals and admirals, which is 226 at the moment, will be 247 as of Aug. 30.

Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff, Lieutenant General Metin Gürak, was promoted to become a four-star general and Vice Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu from the Naval Forces Command was promoted to become a full admiral.

source: https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-top-military-brass-remains-same-156813

Another good news

Cihat Yayci is insallah going to be cleaning up the ÖSYM for crypto FETÖ. They've infiltrated the education system to prevent patriots from passing exams.
so all 'panic' and worries were unjustified :)
so all 'panic' and worries were unjustified :)

It seems to, but media isn't free so we probably aren't told more than necessary, or more than what someone wants us to know.

Still if this is the result of YAS. I'll be grateful. Kinda sad 30 generals and admirals had to retire due to lack of positions. But I hope these officers can be useful outside TSK.

We need more Corvettes and Frigates, some 40 would be fine :P

I think this interview is important as Babacan seems to be answering many questions including regarding national interests.

Nice. This is exactly what Turkey needs!

F*ck press freedom. F*ck social media. In fact f*ck anything that isn't pro-AKP.

If you don't support AKP you should close your mouth. If you do say anything bad about Erdoğan or AKP then you should get executed in my opinion.
It seems to, but media isn't free so we probably aren't told more than necessary, or more than what someone wants us to know.

Still if this is the result of YAS. I'll be grateful. Kinda sad 30 generals and admirals had to retire due to lack of positions. But I hope these officers can be useful outside TSK.

We need more Corvettes and Frigates, some 40 would be fine :P

I think this interview is important as Babacan seems to be answering many questions including regarding national interests.

Another project what will be failed. You guys will never learn....:-)



Cihat Yaycı: Türkiye'nin filosu hiçbir ülkede yok VİDEO

Cihat Yaycı: Türkiyenin filosu hiçbir ülkede yok

Moderatör Ersoy'un, hiçbir devletin yok derken sorusuna Yaycı, "Devletlerin yok şirketlerin var. Onun için şirketler çıkardığınız doğalgazdan ya da petrolden yüzde 50 hatta yüzde 60 pay alıyorlar. Bizim devletimiz ise ben ne çıkarırsam ben alırım diyor. Çünkü her şey benim. Bu çok enteresan bir şey. " dedi.

Sözlerine devam eden Yaycı, "Bir sondaj deliği açmanın maliyeti ne kadar biliyor musunuz? Eğer biz kiralamış olsaydık, 500 milyon dolar." Ersoy'un kendimiz yaptığımızda ne kadar sorusuna cevaben Yaycı, "şu anda 38 milyon dolar diyorlar. Müthiş bir şey bu. Bu hakikaten çok önemli bir şey." ifadelerini kullandı.

Someones are getting sh.tty over this news.. :D

Salute Erdoğan, Long Live Erdoğan. :)


Cihat Yaycı: Türkiye'nin filosu hiçbir ülkede yok VİDEO

Cihat Yaycı: Türkiyenin filosu hiçbir ülkede yok

Moderatör Ersoy'un, hiçbir devletin yok derken sorusuna Yaycı, "Devletlerin yok şirketlerin var. Onun için şirketler çıkardığınız doğalgazdan ya da petrolden yüzde 50 hatta yüzde 60 pay alıyorlar. Bizim devletimiz ise ben ne çıkarırsam ben alırım diyor. Çünkü her şey benim. Bu çok enteresan bir şey. " dedi.

Sözlerine devam eden Yaycı, "Bir sondaj deliği açmanın maliyeti ne kadar biliyor musunuz? Eğer biz kiralamış olsaydık, 500 milyon dolar." Ersoy'un kendimiz yaptığımızda ne kadar sorusuna cevaben Yaycı, "şu anda 38 milyon dolar diyorlar. Müthiş bir şey bu. Bu hakikaten çok önemli bir şey." ifadelerini kullandı.

Someones are getting sh.tty over this news.. :D

Salute Erdoğan, Long Live Erdoğan. :)
There you are. I was kinda surprized you didn’t popup and scream propoganda on my posts yesterday.

You do understand that the man you are praising didn’t really do much but take final decisions. People in the ministries work and come up with solutions and the ministers go through them and present them as solutions. Problem is the foundation and growth and especially our TSK today is the result of the hard work of a few from 2003-2010 maybe 2013.

If you watch Babacans interview you will understand, in fact you yourself have mentioned how many billions AKP has been wasting.

However taking the right decisions now is nothing to praise him for. Except reelection.

Do you know why? Because we’re stuck the wrong policies has resulted in us being stuck.

Cihat Yayci says he serves devlet and his people. It means if RTE goes away he will continue serving.

And please don’t bring the cost of arms into this we all know how it goes. Aselsan has been working since the 60’s. And as soon as you can produce an equivalent product the foreign company lower the price.

There are quite a few ppl who jump on the bandwagon of supporting RTE because he’s started doing nationalistic stuff. Gaza gelmeyin beyler aklinizi selim tuttunuz.

Oh btw the answer to turk telekom is in the interview.
Geçecen o işleri..

Devlet demek şu anda Erdoğan demektir.
Last edited:
O iş biraz şüpheli.. tarih çarpıtmak ile oluşuyorsa, dayatmayla oluşuyorsa cahillik görecelidir..

Bana göre sen cahilsin.

O iş biraz şüpheli.. tarih çarpıtmak ile oluşuyorsa, dayatmayla oluşuyorsa cahillik görecelidir..

Bana göre sen cahilsin.

Süphesiz ki cahilce davranilmalar var idi. CHP gecmiste ne yapildiysa hesabini vermeli, iza etmeli. Yanliz bu su gercegi degistirmez. Senin reisin vatani 2010 sonra batirmaya basladi, 15.temmuzdan sonra korktu batmamiz hizlandi.
Süphesiz ki cahilce davranilmalar var idi. CHP gecmiste ne yapildiysa hesabini vermeli, iza etmeli. Yanliz bu su gercegi degistirmez. Senin reisin vatani 2010 sonra batirmaya basladi, 15.temmuzdan sonra korktu batmamiz hizlandi.
Yanlız değil yalnız.
Erdoğan olmasa Kürdistan çoktan kurulmuştu. Şuanda PKK'nın cenazesine katılan CHPli tayfa iktidar olsa ne yapardın, tahmin etmek için çok zeki olmaya gerek yok. Ama ne yazık ki yaşam tarzı müdahale korkutmasiyla, hülyalı hikayelerle bu noktayı kaçıran ne yazık ki çok insan var. Düşmanını tanımayan milletler yok olur. Erdoğan hakkında anlattıklarinin çoğu hikaye ve ideolojik takıntı senin. Ama bu ülke bölünür ise kimseyi yasatmazlar. Bu ülkedeki tek bir akıllı adamın bile Erdoğani sevmemesi akla ihanettir.
Yanlız değil yalnız.
Erdoğan olmasa Kürdistan çoktan kurulmuştu. Şuanda PKK'nın cenazesine katılan CHPli tayfa iktidar olsa ne yapardın, tahmin etmek için çok zeki olmaya gerek yok. Ama ne yazık ki yaşam tarzı müdahale korkutmasiyla, hülyalı hikayelerle bu noktayı kaçıran ne yazık ki çok insan var. Düşmanını tanımayan milletler yok olur. Erdoğan hakkında anlattıklarinin çoğu hikaye ve ideolojik takıntı senin. Ama bu ülke bölünür ise kimseyi yasatmazlar. Bu ülkedeki tek bir akıllı adamın bile Erdoğani sevmemesi akla ihanettir.
Hadi be, Babacan ve Davutoglunun anlattiklarida mi yalan. AKP RTE siz kuruldu onsuz da ilerliyebilirdi. Sen git cocuklari ve cahilleri kandirirsin o yalanlarinla.
O iş biraz şüpheli.. tarih çarpıtmak ile oluşuyorsa, dayatmayla oluşuyorsa cahillik görecelidir..

Bana göre sen cahilsin.

gözlerinden öperim - sagol gardas!

The fact is:

yes the term of office of RTE was not always flawless and without false decisions, anyway, he is NOT a god!
It is also a fact, that through Western manipulation through media and social media, everyone thinks that all the problems in Turkey are due to the AKP and homemade ...

The fact, and I will repeat it my whole life:

Our problems are controlled from outside - far from religion or headscarves, nepotism or BMC (lol):
the current government is the first since a long time, to make us independent -
and I say the following about the Turkish currency:
The FED and global dollar business are privately held (officially) -
if you don't play along, you will be punished - the 2nd largest economy in the world, china, is currently experiencing the same thing - the stock market is losing money, the currency is extremely devaluing ... coincidence?

look less Instagram then you stop hating your country ...

and to our Turkish friends who cry over the income:

comparisons to the western economies have to be ADJUSTED:

cost of living, temporary work, income, and real wages -

unemployment is always spoken here (although Portugal etc. has at least as high youth-unemployment) and regarding the income:

I am currently paying 3200TL rent for 50m² ... and no - I drive no BMW x3454059 and I have no private jet - no holidays for a few yrs by now - no 4B$ income...
yall should stop eating each other....
alin size
Erdogan is the most popular Muslim leader in the world right now. But there is a lot of powerful organizations and countries. For example:
1) gulēnisṭasa - supported by America, Israel. Once upon a time, erdoğan was considered to be the biggest rival of erdogan's power within turkey. After 2016 Q, the Turkish government has crossed the gulēnisṭa from the level of the society, so that they do not have a new problem. The.
2) pkk - supported by America, Israel. The's Syrian brunch ypg is an American Co-fighter in Syria against Isis war and the war of their own land for Kurdish. In fact, the United Nations, the United Nations, the United Nations, the United Nations, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United Nations, the United States The main reason for turkey's live in Syria is to check pick / wa and the security of its own border.
3) K Malaysia - supported by America, Israel, e. E never wants a Muslim state on their border, that is why they have not made a member state of the daring union despite the appeal and request of turkey. The Racing are always getting the support of secular America, Israel, Israel.
4) Assad - supported by Russia. From the first to the us, Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates, turkey has helped the anti-Assad forces with training, weapons, money, and turkey, they have changed their position slowly in the last 3 years. , except turkey. Turkey is very complicated here, and their situation has made it complicated when the United States started supporting ypg with direct war. Wa support was a red line near turkey, which crossed the us to cross the nato eli turkey directly, erdoğan took a tough position in Syria.
5) despite the good relationship with Israel in the past, although turkey has a good relationship with Israel, it gradually becomes challenging. According to Israel's secret investments, they now consider turkey as a big threat to them. Turkey is a big challenge for Israel in the oil and gas trade of Bhutan.
6) America - Obama has crack the relationship with turkey since the last few years of being in hunger. The top of turkey's relationship with us is the reason for the crack of turkey. Turkey offered to America they would directly force ISIS to control ISIS in Syria. America didn't listen to it. This is the story of Obama. S-400 is the only super commercial reason. However, the NATO-400 is likely to go to some secret Russia, which is why turkey has not fully launched all the secret Russia-400 until today. But the main reason the us-Israel will build an independent Kurdish site on the border of Turkey-Iran and Iran, and will take care of them by putting the border on the border.
7) Russia - complex samikarana, Russia's oil gas trade in the Mediterranean Sea, which is turkey. This is the location of turkey in Libya, the maritime deal with Libya in the Mediterranean Sea, the trade agreement with Libya. At the moment, there are two front faces with turkey, idlib and libyan sart in Russia-Syria. Even though there is a military agreement between the two countries, even though there is a military agreement between the two countries, no one believes in anyone. The two countries walk together, and each other, with arms, equipment, military, military, and their own position. Russia is planning to keep armenia in the plan to keep armenia busy in the front of Azerbaijan.
8) Egypt - erdoğan morsi and the Muslim brotherhood supported the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, still talking about it. CC has come to power by the democracy of Egypt's democracy. Even if he asked him to send morsi to turkey, the cc rejected it. Then he led morsi to death by negligence in prison. Egypt's economic situation is not good, but by Arab Emirates and France, they challenge turkey to Libya in the name of their border security. The Army has sent the army to the border.
9) Greece - although economically scrub is broken, America and France are trying to move Greece against turkey with force support. There is a dispute between oil and gas in the Mediterranean sea with turkey, with Greek sā'iprō.
10) France - thinks themselves as the real master of Africa. There is no other power except France. The first bomber against gaddafi was signed by the first bomber against gaddafi. In Libya, he himself fought against the United Libyan government by sending weapons, Samar, etc. In Libya, the best support in turkey is now called the best support of turkey.
11) Saudi Arabia - turkey is one of the main reasons to visit their Qatar plan. After Iran, they also considered turkey to be the power of their own game, which took action against turkey in the post.
12) Muhammad Bin Zayed, the biggest enemy of the arab emirates - the biggest enemy of the Arab Emirates. As Saudi-Iran is enemies of each other, Abu Dhabi-Turkey. The conflict will be increasing if the erdoğan is in power. Ēmabijēḍa will take one step after one step, and turkey also blamed the night for the coup in turkey in 2016
This is how many countries and organizations are against erdogan, and they are trying to weaken turkey every time they are trying to overcome erdogan. Because of turkey, as Saudi Arabia could not force Qatar to accept their demands, Russia-Assad has not been able to take over idlib until today, as half of the wire is not able to control the idlib and Libya.
Inside and outside, the enemy will become harder in turkey and outside turkey, before leaving turkey in the hands of France-America-Israel-Saudi-Arabia. I think it's hard to force all the erdoğan groups inside. There will be a lot of freedom reduced, such as freedom of speech, free dome of press, etc. In the name of free, France-I will not allow the internal water to cover the internal water of their own country.
Erdoğan is very ḍisā'isibha and brave. Too far. However, his philosophy is outrageous with the western philosophy of the western. And that conflict is facing erdoğan and turkey in many front. In Turkey, Russia does not agree, but America does not agree; Israel does not agree; Saudi-Arabia does not accept the night. That's why turkey is always facing the enemy.
Qatar is the only state that is with turkey. Qatar is a very rich country. And that is why the power of Qatar-Turkey Alliance is strong. Whose impact we can see in Qatar and Libya. Apart from this, Pakistan and Malaysia are anti-Turkey. But these two countries have no way to direct military support to turkey.
This is considered a great symbolic event inside and outside turkey, inside and outside turkey. In Internal, the seeds of possible rebellion were given to the seeds that the turkey turkey of turkey, not the east turkey, not the east turkey, and was a message for the outside, and the message for outside was that the turkey was about its identity. Standing on the tight leg, it is not that turkey who wants to be a daring of the last 100 years.
But outside turkey needs more powerful allies. Iran is a good example. Even after this economic campaign, the Iranian regiment has not been able to remove the Iran's regiment until today. No matter how bad Iran's referee is, they are still alive because of their systematic policy.
The General Muslim around the world is singing, praying for him, giving his courage to his courage; and there is a lot of challenges in front of erdogan. The challenge that erdoğan may be more difficult to face the day.
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gözlerinden öperim - sagol gardas!

The fact is:

yes the term of office of RTE was not always flawless and without false decisions, anyway, he is NOT a god!
It is also a fact, that through Western manipulation through media and social media, everyone thinks that all the problems in Turkey are due to the AKP and homemade ...

The fact, and I will repeat it my whole life:

Our problems are controlled from outside - far from religion or headscarves, nepotism or BMC (lol):
the current government is the first since a long time, to make us independent -
and I say the following about the Turkish currency:
The FED and global dollar business are privately held (officially) -
if you don't play along, you will be punished - the 2nd largest economy in the world, china, is currently experiencing the same thing - the stock market is losing money, the currency is extremely devaluing ... coincidence?

look less Instagram then you stop hating your country ...

and to our Turkish friends who cry over the income:

comparisons to the western economies have to be ADJUSTED:

cost of living, temporary work, income, and real wages -

unemployment is always spoken here (although Portugal etc. has at least as high youth-unemployment) and regarding the income:

I am currently paying 3200TL rent for 50m² ... and no - I drive no BMW x3454059 and I have no private jet - no holidays for a few yrs by now - no 4B$ income...
yall should stop eating each other....
alin size
You should watch HT interview with Babacan. Don’t compare your life in Europe with Turkey. Also watch Davutoglus interview with HT.

My father pays over 4500TL for an apartment that’s smaller than 50 sqm in Denmark. Single room.
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