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The entire country is secular, Ataturk made sure of that when he abolished the Sultanate/Caliphate and established our Republic. I dont give a shit about religion, and so do MANY other people in Turkey. You are the only people on a Jihad trying to enforce your religion on other people.

The conversion into a Mosque is just another stupid PR stunt by Erdogan so that gullible people like you can touch yourselves on the idea of a "resurrected" Ottoman Empire, all the while he enjoys dictatorial powers and absolutely ruins our country in practically every aspect, none more so then our ailling economy. 1 Dollar is like 7 Lira but hey atleast Haghia Sophia is a Mosque again. We are definitly going to be a super power right now!

Fucking Sheep.

Uncle Tom comment

cheap political stunt of urdogan nothing more . this church is being used for politics

Its a Mosque
What are you talking about you "beatiful" face? The minimum wage was 120 dollars in the era of Kemalist Ecevit in this country, 180 million TL, Red meat was around 20 million TL, the purchasing power was overwhelming lower than now, and you have come here and telling someone else 'you ruined my country' something like here. Hey boy listen to me now. The minimum wage is 390 dollars at worst scenerio even. And in every aspect Turkey is more developed than your sh.tty old country?
And now go on to your cave and remain to missing old Turkey..

Hagia Sophia is Muslim property and we can do it as we want.
You are so full of yourself that you dont know the correlation with time and wealth. Yes we are richer and better because EVERYBODY IS . Thats what happens with time. Generally you get richer and get more resources because of Industrial change and technology. You cant take credit for that ! I swear to God the very air you breathe is a complete waste for Humanity !

That is the title from Sultah Mehmet:

Unfortunately only in turkish, but in short it says, This is my Vakfiye (Waqif) on Aya Sofya (Hagia Sophia) that turns Aya Sofya into a Mosque whoever dares change my Vakfiye, even dares cancel it will forever be cursed and condemned in the eyes of the Allah, his prophets, angels and in the eyes of muslims, and may their Azab never be lessened and their faces never looked upon in Haşr (judgement day).


This is the title after the Turkish Republic was founded, it states on the title that Aya Sofya is a mosque and that it belongs to the waqif of Sultan Mehmet.

Even then the will of the Sultan was followed. However on 1934 CHP came with a bunch of laws that seemed weird. Like 500 meter distance between Mosques and such.


In turkish, but the point of this link is, the signature of Atatürk on the document where Aya Sofya is mentioned is different compared to how he usually signs documents. (the 2nd signature being how Atatürk usually signs documents).

You have to understand and read up on Atatürks life towards the end to understand that even his companions grew jealous of the respect and love and power he wielded.

When Atatürk died Celal Bayer who was Prime Minister at the time was the one in charge of the affairs until a new President was elected.


Unfortunately only in turkish. But it's explains internal politics after MKA death. Where Ismet Inönü was elected president.

My general point is that one man can't run a country, it wears them out and they make mistakes, or ppl around them start doing things. We don't know it's been a long time ago, so what we can do is evaluate them on what they have achived.

But no matter what we need to find sources from both sides or all sides to properly see what was done, whether it was good or bad, and remember that the freedom we have today is because of the end of feudalism (tribalism) and education.
What are you talking about you "beatiful" face? The minimum wage was 120 dollars in the era of Kemalist Ecevit in this country, 180 million TL, Red meat was around 20 million TL, the purchasing power was overwhelming lower than now, and you have come here and telling someone else 'you ruined my country' something like here. Hey boy listen to me now. The minimum wage is 390 dollars at worst scenerio even. And in every aspect Turkey is more developed than your sh.tty old country?
And now go on to your cave and remain to missing old Turkey..

Hagia Sophia is Muslim property and we can do it as we want.

It was Ecevits massive reforms that put the Turkish economy on the right track. Erdogan just reaped the rewards of those harsh but neccesary reforms. The only good thing that AKP ever did was actually follow through with the reforms and plans that Ecevit came up with. Its the reason that the moment the plans/reformed ended that the economy went to shit.

The economy is in the toilet and stalled for well over a decade now. You cant come up with any excuses that would justify that dictator to remain in power. But ofcourse you dont care about any of that. You have no sense of morality or even comprehension of what a truelly free democratic society and state is suppose to look like. The fact that you use whatabout-ism as your argument means you already lost that debate.

Haghia Sophia is not Muslim property, its Turkish property. I have no problem going down this rabbit hole.
It was Ecevits massive reforms that put the Turkish economy on the right track. Erdogan just reaped the rewards of those harsh but neccesary reforms. The only good thing that AKP ever did was actually follow through with the reforms and plans that Ecevit came up with. Its the reason that the moment the plans/reformed ended that the economy went to shit.

The economy is in the toilet and stalled for well over a decade now. You cant come up with any excuses that would justify that dictator to remain in power. But ofcourse you dont care about any of that. You have no sense of morality or even comprehension of what a truelly free democratic society and state is suppose to look like. The fact that you use whatabout-ism as your argument means you already lost that debate.

Haghia Sophia is not Muslim property, its Turkish property. I have no problem going down this rabbit hole.
All of your comments are distortion, dissent, misleading and propaganda. Go on your fake story, nobody care of it.
It was Ecevits massive reforms that put the Turkish economy on the right track. Erdogan just reaped the rewards of those harsh but neccesary reforms. The only good thing that AKP ever did was actually follow through with the reforms and plans that Ecevit came up with. Its the reason that the moment the plans/reformed ended that the economy went to shit.

The economy is in the toilet and stalled for well over a decade now. You cant come up with any excuses that would justify that dictator to remain in power. But ofcourse you dont care about any of that. You have no sense of morality or even comprehension of what a truelly free democratic society and state is suppose to look like. The fact that you use whatabout-ism as your argument means you already lost that debate.

Haghia Sophia is not Muslim property, its Turkish property. I have no problem going down this rabbit hole.

Why does it bother you that hagia sophia is a mosque.

Nihal Atsiz the most ardent Pan Turkist believed it should be a mosque. This man was not even a fan of Islam.
Why does it bother you that hagia sophia is a mosque.

Nihal Atsiz the most ardent Pan Turkist believed it should be a mosque. This man was not even a fan of Islam.

Its a public PR stunt just like Erdogans entire reign has been for the last decade or so. All he ever does is pull stupid crap like this instead of actually making reforms and adressing the countless problems facing our country. Its a cheap trick that give the illusion that he is making good decisions, when in reality he is not addressing the massive list of problems we are facing. Thats my problem, and so many other Turks.

There needs to be concrete transparent reforms being put forward. You know what the difference between Ecevit and Erdogan is? Its that Ecevit did what was neccesary, going as far as to commit political suicide in order to put our country back on track by reforming the economy. All Erdogan is doing is having short term policies that dont actually help us, and infact does more damage in the long run.

Had he made Hagia Sophia a Mosque on the tail-end of a long list of neccesary reforms, nobody would have cared.
Its a public PR stunt just like Erdogans entire reign has been for the last decade or so. All he ever does is pull stupid crap like this instead of actually making reforms and adressing the countless problems facing our country. Its a cheap trick that give the illusion that he is making good decisions, when in reality he is not addressing the massive list of problems we are facing. Thats my problem, and so many other Turks.

There needs to be concrete transparent reforms being put forward. You know what the difference between Ecevit and Erdogan is? Its that Ecevit did what was neccesary, going as far as to commit political suicide in order to put our country back on track by reforming the economy. All Erdogan is doing is having short term policies that dont actually help us, and infact does more damage in the long run.

Had he made Hagia Sophia a Mosque on the tail-end of a long list of neccesary reforms, nobody would have cared.

I understand the resentment you have - but which problems yall talking about are homemade?? Please list them:
You are all old enough to have witnessed the development in the last 10 yrs ... if you are over 30 years old, you should be aware of how all rating-agencies downrated Turkeys Eco at the push of a button (post-2009), without justification (false argument: 'investments are risky - degradation of democracy ')! That caused the foreign cash flow to drop extremely, it was the beginning of our problems - in the European media, at that time our main partner in all areas, it was said 24/7 that the Turkish economy was artificially inflated to secure the "autocrat's backing" ... Even then, after 'one-minute' the whole shit started - even after all at that - an attempt was made to create peace among our neighbors, to please Europe and the US with their cocky diaspora. Nevertheless, nothing was recognized, nevertheless, investors were deterred and Turkish business representatives were unloaded from important eco-forums ...
... what else happened? Ask yourself how the GEZI protests were staged, and German politicians marched on the front line, PKK flags were hoisted on MKA statues - and the CHP met with PKK leaders ... do you remember? when entire cities were occupied because the 'dictatorial AKP' suppressed the poor Kurds and negotiations were held for the benefit of the PKK ... as I said, I repeat - shit on Erdogan, but shit on the previous governments ...


your conspiracy theorist
Why does it bother you that hagia sophia is a mosque.

Nihal Atsiz the most ardent Pan Turkist believed it should be a mosque. This man was not even a fan of Islam.
I think you misunderstand Bordo, AKP and RTE could have made Hagia Sophia into a mosque anytime in the past 18 years, but he chooses to do so now, when his ratings are bad.

So he’s saying doing now is a cheap trick and PR stunt to try increase their ratings.

I don’t think ppl are going to fall for it though. Those who are well off in TC will continue their support, but those who have suffered will find alternative parties.
In Simple and Clear words, "Internal Matter of Turkey".
But its really Funny. One one side the most Secular Muslim Majority Country in the whole world.
On the other side Post Renaissance and Post Colonialist Europe. Almost Atheist Europe with Christianity just a Token Faith.
And they are Fighting for conversion of a Turkish Museum am into a Mosque.
Majority Turks have nothing to do with Practicing Islam, Almost Whole Europe have nothing to Do with Practicing Christianity. And the Fight is for an Orthodox Church lost almost 700 years ago to Muslims. And the Fuss is Created by Catholics.
Politics :pop:

Then you have "Pakistanis" thinking the Turks are bringing the Ottoman Empire back in 2023 and far right white nationalists who think Russia is gonna take over Istanbul and turn it into Constatantinople once more
All of your comments are distortion, dissent, misleading and propaganda. Go on your fake story, nobody care of it.
Mate, you say propaganda every time you can’t come up with an explanation or excuse.

it was the same regarding selling Turk telecom, you and himate never came back after my explanation of how US/foreign companies empty firms of value after buying them.
Turkey’s top military brass remains same

Turkey has not changed the composition of the top military brass of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) on July 23 after the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting.

YAŞ was convened to discuss promotions and dismissals of the high-ranking military personnel under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and with the participation of key civilian and military officials.

“The historical achievements we have achieved on different fronts, from Syria to Libya, from the Eastern Mediterranean to the fight against terrorism, reveal the strength of our country and the capabilities of our army,” Erdoğan wrote on the Special Book in Anıtkabir ahead of the Turkey’s Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting.

The tenure of Air Forces Commander Gen. Hasan Küçükakyüz and Navy Commander Adm. Adnan Özbal have been extended for a second time in the past two years, while the term of duty for Land Forces Commander Gen. Ümit Dündar has been extended by one year for the first time.

The tenure of 35 generals and admirals were extended by one year, and the terms of duty for 294 colonels were extended by two years.

Within the scope of the decisions, 17 generals and admirals were promoted to a higher rank, 51 colonels promoted to generals and admirals.

“The historical achievements we have achieved on different fronts, from Syria to Libya, from the Eastern Mediterranean to the fight against terrorism, reveal the strength of our country and the capabilities of our army,” Erdoğan wrote on the Special Book in Anıtkabir ahead of the meeting.

Thirty generals and admirals have retired due to a lack of positions. The number of generals and admirals, which is 226 at the moment, will be 247 as of Aug. 30.

Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff, Lieutenant General Metin Gürak, was promoted to become a four-star general and Vice Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu from the Naval Forces Command was promoted to become a full admiral.

source: https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-top-military-brass-remains-same-156813

Another good news

Cihat Yayci is insallah going to be cleaning up the ÖSYM for crypto FETÖ. They've infiltrated the education system to prevent patriots from passing exams.
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