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Three attack Prashant Bhushan for Kashmir remarks

Hey guys. We need the AFSPA, we want the AFSPA. My friend BRIC is right when he says without the AFSPA the Indian Army can't function in the disturbed areas. But we do not need these hooligans to tell us what we need or do not need. We have to give even the likes of Ms Arandhati and Prashant Bhushan the right to air their views. We are a democracy. If we start bashing them then they have won. The best way to deal with them is to say, "I have heard you madam/sir, but I do not agree with you".
How you plan to crush militancy (supported from across the border) without AFSPA?

Certainly not by beating people expressing their personal opinion,wouldn't you concede?The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins.Cops are going to dispose these trash elements from society soon enough.
My friend Veeru. Since when has the GOI bothered about the opinion of the elite or even the poor bloody middle class? They know only too well which side of their bread is buttered. The 80% of India is unaware and uninterested about the AFSPA and this is the block that makes governments. Tell me, if the IA says tomorrow, OK, if you abrogate the AFSPA, we will move out. The present Chief is very capable of saying that and he will be backed by the other Service Chiefs. what happens then? But that is really not the point here is it? The point is do we as Indians want a democracy or have we been barking up the wrong tree all this while.

Its about India my friend, plz read the constitution again the freedom of speech have its own Caveat no one can just go :blah: while claiming freedom of speech.

There are certain Hippocrates, western agents and left which are over represented in media and so called civil society where they will praise you if you make nude deity of hindu but if someone do the same with Islam etc.

These are puppets who are doing it for reward and award.

And govt. is not taking any action against them judiciary don't care about general public judiciary is also elite and they read ToI and get influenced. I can quote many cases where judgment is affected by socalled public pressure/sentiments rather then based on facts.

The point is how can we bear if someone continue to abuse our nation in front of us and enjoying all the fruits of India's development and getting reward from his masters in the west.

Just like that, there is no punishments to such bastards.
when the army themselve do not care, why the f*ck these goons and why the hell you support them, this is not the moral way of life that was taught to us when we were brought.
when anything and everything can be solved over a cup of coffee why would you take clubs in your hand to make sure everything is excersised as you have envisioned.

when you do not show compashion to a fellow human being, what is left in us to say that we are humans and we are above animals.

Bro, we all know Army does'nt care nor does the government and Kashmir is not going anywhere. But the point i am
afraid of is that such high profile people like Mr.Bhushan whom the country is following and keep in mind a young
country whose minds can be easily influenced by todays massive information flow. Is it correct to casually comment
on such a high importance issue. And also keep in mind that we are talking of the territorial integrity of India and a
person who the country is following casually says let them go if they want to go. What sort of a statement is this?
How you plan to crush militancy (supported from across the border) without AFSPA?

WE CAN'T. Period. But we do not wish to take away democratic right of all Indians to express their views. We live in a democracy.
bushan's statement on AFSPA was somewhat right but his statement about kashmir was unacceptable but this does not mean everyone can lay his/her hand on him for using his fundamental right of freedom of speech.

Bro you knw what's AFSPA is,, yaar check it out,,,
arresting terrorists on warrants. lolz
today if kashmir and north east is peaceful its due to AFSPA.
its very easy to blog sitting in ur home...get the ground reality man..
just go and check the actual situation..
"u wnt soldiers to fight,,without giving them immunity moral will go:tdown:"
Hmm...but does kiran bedi really have a relationship with annaji outside lokpal?
All these sena wena mena represents extremist Hindu ideology.
Please do explain how ?

For example in case of J&K AFSPA is also applied to jammu, samba, kathua, reasi & udmampur districts. these are those districts which are as peaceful as other peaceful parts of india. no or very few terrorist activities are reported from these districts. india can start with partial withdrawal of AFSPA from these areas. it would be a good start.
You may believe what ever you want, its your problem not mine.

There is nothing to beleive about it and nor i beleive in bullsh!t.

its just one mans opinion and you are not seeing it as a one mans opinion rather, you are politizing the issue saying that Prasanth Bushan is a tyrant of the Indian interest.

That one man should be careful about what he is talking about while knowing the entire history of that place and the wars we had fought and the sacrifice we had given for that god damn place about which he/she rants about and even till now we are facing the terrorism for that only reason!! Rather then trying to be extra intellectual liberal !! At-least show some shame and respect for the brave man who had laid there lifes in wars for that Only GOD DAMN PLACE!! This can't be tolerated!!

As I have quoted earlier, the ARMY has to give its recommendations in matters of AFSPA before the government makes a move in the parliment, with out expert advice nothing moves to the parliment.

Agree, then why these cheap popularity seekers give there unnecessary advice about such sensitive issue?

Btw.....It is easy to Rant about AFSPA should be removed while sitting in AC office ,and bla bla bla sh!t!
Its easy to piggyback on those who laid their life, most do when run out of arguments, but village idiots will be village idiots, expandable junk.
Beating a harmless old man . Really cowardly . All these organisations are indirectly linked to RSS . This is why i will never vote for BJP . I won't be voting at all in the next elections. They are all useless.

Beating up women and old men.Bloody losers. Twas good that one of them got captured and got his *** whooped in the court .i hope they are getting good 'treatment' now in the jail as well.

If india was left at the mercy of these sene , RSS types they would make sure india becomes worse than Pakistan .

This is why even though people hate the congress , noone votes for BJP during elections .
For example in case of J&K AFSPA is also applied to jammu, samba, kathua, reasi & udmampur districts. these are those districts which are as peaceful as other peaceful parts of india. no or very few terrorist activities are reported from these districts. india can start with partial withdrawal of AFSPA from these areas. it would be a good start.

No, it doesn't work that way. Terrorists are not trees that they are fixed to a place. Terrorists are on the move all the time. There are circuits, enter Pir Panjal mountains >> cross over to South Kashmir (Anantnag)>> Srinagar>> Kupwara>> exit Indian Kashmir. The reverse from north to south is also true. Then there are circuits which begin in Punch and end up in Jammu/Samba/Akhnoor. So the entire state or the affected areas have to be covered. Simply covering the districts where incidents happen will not suffice but also the districts through which they transit have to come under the ambit of AFSPA.

That is why the Army rejected the partial clause.
when the army themselve do not care, why the f*ck these goons and why the hell you support them, this is not the moral way of life that was taught to us when we were brought.
when anything and everything can be solved over a cup of coffee why would you take clubs in your hand to make sure everything is excersised as you have envisioned.

when you do not show compashion to a fellow human being, what is left in us to say that we are humans and we are above animals.

1)of course army care but what can they do,, they are gentlemen they are above mudslinging
Is it moral to use "f*ck" word it wasnt taught too...
2) If life wud hve been so easy and everything cud b solved in a cup of coffee then there wudn't hve been two world wars,,1948,1962,1965,1971,1999.
Bhushan got his share,, he should have realized by know what wrong he did... He has filled 1500 PIL i appreciate that,,, but yaar u hve a responsibility adhered to it too
Its easy to piggyback on those who laid their life, most do when run out of arguments, but village idiots will be village idiots, expandable junk.
I am happy that you support the Fredom of speach, but can you refrain from using the word Village Idiots, Villages are the back bone of this nation and most of the IAS officers are from villages, not all city guys are intelects and not all villagers are idiots.

Thanks in advance for not using the words above said again in your future posts
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