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Three attack Prashant Bhushan for Kashmir remarks

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.Robert Frost

Enough said.
Well i am not saying that he deserves to be beaten up , But this time he was Wrong

Frankly u cant speak against India and get away with it
coz some rightwing Idiot is bound to get offended

I mean u can insult politicians as much as u can but not go against the country
However i still believe that Arundati Roy deserve this , but not Bhushan
I dont know why didnt Shri Ram Sena did not beat up Kalmadi or A Raja

Bull$hit!! If this Ram Sena represents India then I represent Joan of Arc. These guys who did this are illiterate village unemployed goons who are being used by political interests. They are nothing but expendable trash. That is why they have been used in this way when it was certain that they would be arrested and jailed. The real perpetrators remain hidden.

I do not care about the contents of what Prasant Bhushan spoke. I do not know what he said and my views on the AFSPA are not relevant here. What is important is that Prashant Bhushan or any other Indian has the constitutional right to express his opinion on any matter without the fear of getting thrashed for it. The Indian Constitution guarantees that right and all these a$$holes who think otherwise are the real enemies of India.

Yes, we need the AFSPA in J & K and Manipur. The Indian Army and the Central Police forces deployed in these areas need the AFSPA. If the plan is to pressurize the GOI to drop the idea to abrogate the AFSPA as being hinted by some ministers, then this is not the correct method of doing it. The Indian Army does not need assistance from all these Senas. All these people can do is beat up old men and women, not one of them would be found fit to join the Indian Army. Let them not get away with the idea that they are being patriotic by indulging in hooliganism and vandalism. They are just petty criminals, that is all.
Bull$hit!! If this Ram Sena represents India then I represent Joan of Arc. These guys who did this are illiterate village unemployed goons who are being used by political interests. They are nothing but expendable trash. That is why they have been used in this way when it was certain that they would be arrested and jailed. The real perpetrators remain hidden.

I do not care about the contents of what Prasant Bhushan spoke. I do not know what he said and my views on the AFSPA are not relevant here. What is important is that Prashant Bhushan or any other Indian has the constitutional right to express his opinion on any matter without the fear of getting thrashed for it. The Indian Constitution guarantees that right and all these a$$holes who think otherwise are the real enemies of India.

Yes, we need the AFSPA in J & K and Manipur. The Indian Army and the Central Police forces deployed in these areas need the AFSPA. If the plan is to pressurize the GOI to drop the idea to abrogate the AFSPA as being hinted by some ministers, then this is not the correct method of doing it. The Indian Army does not need assistance from all these Senas. All these people can do is beat up old men and women, not one of them would be found fit to join the Indian Army. Let them not get away with the idea that they are being patriotic by indulging in hooliganism and vandalism. They are just petty criminals, that is all.

But ur forgetting the vital point and its that few english dailies like ToI and few TV news channels controls govt. decisions and even judicial decisions as elite will read them and take their opinion as the opinion the nation.

And times of India supports prashant bhushan, arundhati roy, make drugs legal campaign.
So now this illiterate Ram Sena will tell highly educated lawyers what to say.

As if this lawyer's statement was official statement from India.
So now this illiterate Ram Sena will tell highly educated lawyers what to say.

These so called illiterate's are more loyal towards there nation then so called educated liberals (Arundhati and likes)

As if this lawyer's statement was official statement from India.

If not then why give unnecessary statement ? Who gave him right to say we should hold referendum and remove AFSPA ?

I want Pig vijay and Arundhati should be beaten up in the same way they need this dose more then parshant bhusan!!
But ur forgetting the vital point and its that few english dailies like ToI and few TV news channels controls govt. decisions and even judicial decisions as elite will read them and take their opinion as the opinion the nation.

And times of India supports prashant bhushan, arundhati roy, make drugs legal campaign.
Come on mate, the Indian constitution says "Freedom of speach" and any one can say his opinion. These goons who have attacted are just the arrows, it might even be Congress that instigate these kind of violance against the Anna team.

More over the leaders are not going to make a decession on Armed Forces Special Act just by reading Bushans words in the news paper, the army has to give its recommendations before any thing is brought as a law in the parliment.

No Violence for silly politial milage or revenge.
But ur forgetting the vital point and its that few english dailies like ToI and few TV news channels controls govt. decisions and even judicial decisions as elite will read them and take their opinion as the opinion the nation.

And times of India supports prashant bhushan, arundhati roy, make drugs legal campaign.

My friend Veeru. Since when has the GOI bothered about the opinion of the elite or even the poor bloody middle class? They know only too well which side of their bread is buttered. The 80% of India is unaware and uninterested about the AFSPA and this is the block that makes governments. Tell me, if the IA says tomorrow, OK, if you abrogate the AFSPA, we will move out. The present Chief is very capable of saying that and he will be backed by the other Service Chiefs. what happens then? But that is really not the point here is it? The point is do we as Indians want a democracy or have we been barking up the wrong tree all this while.
These so called illiterate's are more loyal towards there nation then so called educated liberals
You can not do any thing in the name of nationalizm, even illetrates need to reason with any thing and every thing they get to read in the news paper, before jumping into some foolish actions.
So now this illiterate Ram Sena will tell highly educated lawyers what to say.

As if this lawyer's statement was official statement from India.

Education is not an excuse for irresponsible behavior.
You can not do any thing in the name of nationalizm, even illetrates need to reason with any thing and every thing they get to read in the news paper, before jumping into some foolish actions.

I agree, But you should not give foolish statements either on name of educated liberals (Arundhati roy and likes).

If the so called educated a$$holes can't stop themself's from giving idiotic comments for some cheap popularity then don't expect so called illetrate's to sit back calm and listen to the random bullsh!t.
Thrashing of Mr. Bhushan....Avoidable

Irresponsible statement from Mr.Bhushan.....More than avoidable

He can say whatever he wants, if one doesn't agree just don't pay no heed to it and elect a govt which would do what you want.
I agree, But you should not give foolish statements either on name of educated liberals (Arundhati roy and likes).

If the so called educated a$$holes can't stop themself's from giving idiotic comments for some cheap popularity then don't expect so called illetrate's to sit back calm and listen to the random bullsh!t.
So tomorrow if the ARMY chief says the same will the goons go and attack him, I hope that they do and get their lord as* fried by the AK's

No one is saying foolishness here, how much do you or I or the general public know what are the +ve and -ves of the AFSA. The best guess would be not more than 4% of the Indian population and of the 4% Prashant Bushan is one and he knows the law in and out and he know how much inconvinience it bring to the people of the place as well as the expence incured in keeping a vigile by the army in that AFSA enacted areas.
This attack may have stage managed by the Congress party. They are desperately trying to deflect public attention from Anna and his team. This could have been the brain child of Diggy singh !
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