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Three attack Prashant Bhushan for Kashmir remarks

I would sincerely advise Prashant Bhushan to reserve his opinions to himself on such contentious issues. Although i dont
support violence but i make an exception this time and would say well done..

They have rightfully said on their website" If you try to break my nation I will break your heads". This applies
not only to external threats but also internal one.

You can not do any thing in the name of nationalizm, even illetrates need to reason with any thing and every thing they get to read in the news paper, before jumping into some foolish actions.

You are right, but these illiterates were not being nationalistic at all. Do they even know what the AFSPA is? They were simply paid to go to a certain chamber and beat some one up. The people who ordered all this are very well educated.
These village thugs need to put behind the bar for couple of years for everyone convenience, they do not add any value to society except being a major nuisance.
I would sincerely advise Prashant Bhushan to reserve his opinions to himself on such contentious issues. Although i dont
support violence but i make an exception this time and would say well done..

They have rightfully said on their website" If you try to break my nation I will break your heads". This applies
not only to external threats but also internal one.

Tomorrow if I say the same in my website and go beat some one up seeing him as anti national agaist the India that I have percived in my mind will the general public celebrate me as a hero or an idiot gone made.
Come on mate, you are way jonior to understand nationalism and about doing the right thing.
No go have your Junior Horlics.

And if you realy want to save India from people who cut her legs from bellow, go kick some Government officer who bribes in daily life and make the nations economic sick, kick some corporate owners as$ as they bribe Government and elected officials to get big buck by fooling the general public with worthless goods, kick the elected officials who get elected to fool the very own people who voted them to power
Democracy is gud,, but u cnt misuse democracy ,,,
gud:- supporting anna
bad:- supporting separatists
gud:-knws gud about law and helped team anna
bad:-knws nothing about kashmir,,about (kashmiri pandits)..

He shudn't hve said anything about kashmir,, he's a lawyer and knws nothing about kashmir situation
he has a got a good lesson for next time..
I do not support the statement of Prashant Bhushan but I do not support the method adopted by some people to oppose those statements. We are not a banana republic. We do not resolve our disputes and disagreements with vandalism or hooliganism.
So tomorrow if the ARMY chief says the same will the goons go and attack him, I hope that they do and get their lord as* fried by the AK's

Now you are asking me to assume Sun rise from south!!

No one is saying foolishness here, how much do you or I or the general public know what are the +ve and -ves of the AFSA. The best guess would be not more than 4% of the Indian population and of the 4% Prashant Bushan is one and he knows the law in and out and he know how much inconvinience it bring to the people of the place as well as the expence incured in keeping a vigile by the army in that AFSA enacted areas.

Now you are talking like real amateur!

Are you even aware of simple fact that without AFSPA it is rarely Possible to control that turmoil ed state, backed by militancy from neighboring nation ? Duh!
bushan's statement on AFSPA was somewhat right but his statement about kashmir was unacceptable but this does not mean everyone can lay his/her hand on him for using his fundamental right of freedom of speech.
AFSPA is not the issue here, hooliganism is.
bushan's statement on AFSPA was somewhat right but his statement about kashmir was unacceptable but this does not mean everyone can lay his/her hand on him for using his fundamental right of freedom of speech.

Please do explain how ?
Now you are asking me to assume Sun rise from south!!
You may believe what ever you want, its your problem not mine.
Now you are talking like real amateur!
Are you even aware of simple fact that without AFSPA it is rarely Possible to control that turmoil ed state, backed by militancy from neighboring nation ? Duh!
its just one mans opinion and you are not seeing it as a one mans opinion rather, you are politizing the issue saying that Prasanth Bushan is a tyrant of the Indian interest.
As I have quoted earlier, the ARMY has to give its recommendations in matters of AFSPA before the government makes a move in the parliment, with out expert advice nothing moves to the parliment.
Tomorrow if I say the same in my website and go beat some one up seeing him as anti national agaist the India that I have percived in my mind will the general public celebrate me as a hero or an idiot gone made.
Come on mate, you are way jonior to understand nationalism and about doing the right thing.
No go have your Junior Horlics.

And if you realy want to save India from people who cut her legs from bellow, go kick some Government officer who bribes in daily life and make the nations economic sick, kick some corporate owners as$ as they bribe Government and elected officials to get big buck by fooling the general public with worthless goods, kick the elected officials who get elected to fool the very own people who voted them to power

Hi friend i see you are seriously hurt. I would advise you to do the same thing to a person who makes such statements and we'll see the response you get. I am quite sure you'll be a sensation :)

Anyway dont you think Mr Bhushan's 5 second statement undermines the sacrifices made by Indian Army soldiers whom we have lost to keep this part of India safe. Who is this Bhushan to start commenting on Kashmir, Is he an expert. On such basis many people can say many things. Ponder on these friend. In the meantime i am enjoying my junior horlic.

Cheers :)
bushan's statement on AFSPA was somewhat right but his statement about kashmir was unacceptable but this does not mean everyone can lay his/her hand on him for using his fundamental right of freedom of speech.

How you plan to crush militancy (supported from across the border) without AFSPA?
Hi friend i see you are seriously hurt. I would advise you to do the same thing to a person who makes such statements and we'll see the response you get. I am quite sure you'll be a sensation :)

Anyway dont you think Mr Bhushan's 5 second statement undermines the sacrifices made by Indian Army soldiers whom we have lost to keep this part of India safe. Who is this Bhushan to start commenting on Kashmir, Is he an expert. On such basis many people can say many things. Ponder on these friend. In the meantime i am enjoying my junior horlic.

Cheers :)
when the army themselve do not care, why the f*ck these goons and why the hell you support them, this is not the moral way of life that was taught to us when we were brought.
when anything and everything can be solved over a cup of coffee why would you take clubs in your hand to make sure everything is excersised as you have envisioned.

when you do not show compashion to a fellow human being, what is left in us to say that we are humans and we are above animals.
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