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Prashant Bhushan wants referendum on Army presence in Kashmir

We r focusing on our country. Kashmir is our Country......u mind yr business.

Kashmir will remain as our state and integral part of India.If Pakistan think they can do something in Kashmir,we will decided the Pakistan business in Balochistan just like East Pakistan
1)LOL thats what i hate the most about u people........This is our Pakistani forum!!! we being host country's members have all the right to claim it ours!! And what u guys r? Guest members of a Country where u put every ills of yr society on us but r still too keen to join the forums of the same Country's very Armed Forces who u abuse day and night!!!! Thats how we have full right to demand what im demanding!! u take or leave its yr headache. But that doesnt change what u r r or what is our place/value in the forum

Dont make me laugh further.

2)Its really good u dont care so if u dont dont do something stupid nor utter any stupid demands from our moderators of our forum!!!!

3)LOL we r those who ruled this very South Asia for 1000 years and in the same era we were rulling the world too!!!!!
Ghaznavi one of our greatest military generals had tried 17 times to capture this very country where u live and establish our rule and we r the blood of same people who never give in as we know ultimately its the truth who wins against evil.

U should have thought this when u were middling in our affairs and broken our country into two. Now when yr facing our wrath then yr crying loud like u baby!!!!!!

Anyways u may claim whatever u claim but the truth of the matter is that it is our territory and will remain so forever and u will always remain a foreigner here!!!!!! As far as we r concern we will get back that is ours no matter how much u try to deny our right.

Truth always win against evil.
"we r those who ruled this very South Asia for 1000 years and in the same era we were rulling the world too!!!!!
Ghaznavi one of our greatest military generals had tried 17 times to capture this very country where u live and establish our rule and we r the blood of same people who never give in as we know ultimately its the truth who wins against evil"

Just rememember this is root cause of all your problems.If you still in that area world cant do nothing about it.
You are right You have same blood of central asian barbaric kings because they raped Indian womens and you get that blood line means Pakistan is the manifestation of Mughal rule ..
You must remain like this .It is better for my country.We Indians now like "a steel in furnace ".More heat it get ,more become stronger.Your cowardly act cause the rise of Rashtriya rifles and it is remain as best CR force in the world.
We as an Indian civilization remains powerful for more than 8000 years,even all other civilization destroyed.We will remain as like this in future

LOL Talking abt dare and guts remind me of 72 hours of Glory that our brave fighters had enjoyed in 26th November 2008 to 29th november 2008.:rofl:

We have showed u what r we capable of............

Arming terrorists with AK-47 and sneak in to India like coward hyena and shoot innocent people who dont even see a revolver.GREAT that is the Pakistan real guts.And Pakistan guts and capability end there.And what you got ?
Indirectly that coward guts give another capability to India a "military modernization".Now India can feel the wetting of pants of Pakistan when we develop ABM,launch nuclear subs ,ACC etc.Our pakistani friends response also ensure that.
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No, we haven't. Every Kashmir war was started by Pakistanis. In '47-48, it was pakistan that sent pashtun marauders into the INDEPENDENT kingdom of Kashmir, which is why the ruler quickly acceeded to India,.
I cant stop laughing on this:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What a great show of state propaganda and lies.
I cant stop laughing on this:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What a great show of state propaganda and lies.

It is true, which is why you have no response other than smileys. If Pakistan had not sent tribal lashkars to plunder and occupy Kashmi and terrorize its people, they would have remained an independent country.

Here is a neutral link: http://www.princeton.edu/~jns/publications/Understanding Support for Islamist Militancy.pdf

Pakistan precipitated the first Indo-Pakistani War (1947–48) a few weeks after independence by launching tribal lashkar(militia) from Waziristan in an effort to wrest Kashmir from India. Pakistan has supported various insurgent cells in Kashmir from 1947 to the present

So if you want to weep about your land being occupied, blame pakistan for it - they are the ones who invaded the independet Kingdom of Kashmir. You see, what they teach you in your school is very different from what really happened.

The other bits are true as well - it was always your country that started wars for Kashmir, and never gained an inch. Of course, you chose to ignore all that in my post because it is inconvenient.

And since smileys and sarcasm is your last refuge as usual, I take it that the exchange is over, and you are floored.

(When you find something to be funny, search it for a hidden truth: George Bernard Shaw.)
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It is true, which is why you have no response other than smileys. If Pakistan had not sent tribal lashkars to plunder and occupy Kashmi and terrorize its people, they would have remained an independent country.

Here is a neutral link: http://www.princeton.edu/~jns/publications/Understanding Support for Islamist Militancy.pdf

So if you want to weep about your land being occupied, blame pakistan for it - they are the ones who invaded the independet Kingdom of Kashmir. You see, what they teach you in your school is very different from what really happened.

The other bits are true as well - it was always your country that started wars for Kashmir, and never gained an inch. Of course, you chose to ignore all that in my post because it is inconvenient.

And since smileys and sarcasm is your last refuge as usual, I take it that the exchange is over, and you are floored.

(When you find something to be funny, search it for a hidden truth: George Bernard Shaw.)
LOL kiddo my family is that who fought 48 war of liberation of Kashmir!!!

We know the reality very well dont need someone from America to tell us.
LOL kiddo my family is that who fought 48 war of liberation of Kashmir!!!

We know the reality very well dont need someone from America to tell us.

:lol: We know the truth about your claims.. Very well remember the photograph of the SUV that you claimed to be yours.. :D
Prashant Bhushan's opinion on the matter is old news.

What's new news is that the AAP has proven itself as a force to be reckoned with.

So every little retroactive opinion, regardless of how immaterial it is, has to go through the political scanner.
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World already knows the country which known as epiccentre of terrorism when OBL is dead in Abottabad by US navy SEALS

First learn proper English words instead of copy pasting other members.

Secondly if i go on your troll level i can say "world already know the country where r@p3, marrying dogs/snakes, etc is national culture" but don't worry...i won't say this...instead i would request Mods @Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar @Zakii to take care of this troll.
He already took back his words. Or should I say, thook ke chaat liya.

No one can take Rest of Kashmir from us. It will be better for both of the nation if they focus on piece of land they already have.

Unemployment, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, child death etc. are our major problems which both nations should focus on rather than fighting on Kashmir.
Come on guys. Lets stop who is the epic centre of rapes and terrorism and stick to the topic without war mongering. Grow up.
First learn proper English words instead of copy pasting other members.

Secondly if i go on your troll level i can say "world already know the country where r@p3, marrying dogs/snakes, etc is national culture" but don't worry...i won't say this...instead i would request Mods @Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar @Zakii to take care of this troll.

I dont troll.It is just a fact .We dont care what you think.That is not copy paste.Pakistan has no authority to challenge the status of Jammu and Kashmir.You got what you want in 1948.Live with that .Pakistan made another 3 attempt plus insurgency what you got .Nothing and after 26/11 .world gave another designation as epicentre and exporter of terrorism,US regularly fly drones over the Pakistan airspace..
Morons like Prasant Bhushan may make such idiotic statements But their party will not come as our leadership.J&K remain as sate and integral part of India .Its a reality.You can take it or leave with it.
I dont troll.It is just a fact .We dont care what you think.That is not copy paste.Pakistan has no authority to challenge the status of Jammu and Kashmir.You got what you want in 1948.Live with that .Pakistan made another 3 attempt plus insurgency what you got .Nothing and after 26/11 .world gave another designation as epicentre and exporter of terrorism,US regularly fly drones over the Pakistan airspace..
Morons like Prasant Bhushan may make such idiotic statements But their party will not come as our leadership.J&K remain as sate and integral part of India .Its a reality.You can take it or leave with it.

We don't give a flying fcuk on what you think. Who are you to tell us that we got enough of Kashmir in 48. Who are you to decide the fate of Kashmiris. No matter it take 1 week or 1 century but Pakistan is not backing off.

As for US flying drones...it is well known that US & Pakistan have a secret deal...drones are win win for US & Pakistan.

As i said we don't care what an Indian or their leaders say...IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir is Occupied by India where 7 lakh Indians are terrorizing innocent Kashmiris. They have their birth right to decide the fate of their territory. I don't actually like involving religion anywhere but i will mention one saying that a Muslim take the land even after death.
We don't give a flying fcuk on what you think. Who are you to tell us that we got enough of Kashmir in 48. Who are you to decide the fate of Kashmiris. No matter it take 1 week or 1 century but Pakistan is not backing off.

As for US flying drones...it is well known that US & Pakistan have a secret deal...drones are win win for US & Pakistan.

As i said we don't care what an Indian or their leaders say...IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir is Occupied by India where 7 lakh Indians are terrorizing innocent Kashmiris. They have their birth right to decide the fate of their territory. I don't actually like involving religion anywhere but i will mention one saying that a Muslim take the land even after death.
J&K is a state and integral part of India.If you are in so much in favour of Kashmir terrorists then we can also ensure the birth rights of Balochis which is fighting Pakistan invaders.It cut both ways.
We will determine fate of Kashmiris plus displaced Kashmii Pandits,it our right.You cant do nothing about.Pakistan may can carry some cowardly insurgents attack against us ,but we can resist that attack and protect our citizens infinitely.You can take it or leave it.
If anybody thinks that this episode is going to change India's stance on J&K , they are living in fools paradise .

The only thing this episode has exposed is the real nature of AAP and how danger will they be for our country .
J&K is a state and integral part of India.If you are in so much in favour of Kashmir terrorists

IOK/Maqbooza Kashmir is an occupied territory by India. Whole world including the UN says this...i know Indian army has brain washed you guys but their propaganda cannot change International or Pakistani stand on the territory no matter how hard you try, Period. 7 lakh Occupiers who happen to be Indians are terrorists not Kashmiris.

then we can also ensure the birth rights of Balochis which is fighting Pakistan invaders.It cut both ways.

lol:lol:...India ki itni hesiyat hai kahan yaara.:sniper:Indian Army can try if they can & just like they are trying since last 3 decades, they are just wasting their time & money...Balochistan's ground reality is very different...most of Balochistan's population is fully satisfied with being with Pakistani Federation. Note that Balochistan is multi ethnic region where more than 50% part of population is Pushtun, Hazara, Persian, Brohi, Shedi, Makrani, Sindhi & Seraiki & they all are happy with being part of Pakistan...The Balochs in Balochistan are not just one group but hundreds of tribes living under Sardars & Nawabs...90% of these tribes too are happy with Pakistan...out of remaining 10% most of them want to live with Pakistani Federation but with more autonomy, royalty & power...there are issues with 3 big tribes i.e Bugti, Marri & Mengal(even in these tribes many Sardars(Aali Bugti, Shahzain Bugti, Sardar Ataullah Mengal, etc were always pro Pakistan) but that was also during Musharraf rule & today their concerns are pretty much dead too. Today's Balochistan issue is only related to BLA terrorists & few missing persons...this is no more 2005. Further points to remember are that Balochistan was divided in several states before joining Pakistan. The Northern Balochistan, Las-Bela, Makran, Kharan joined Pakistan with full support...Gawadar was Oman's territory & purchased by Pakistan...Kalat was the state whose jirga/parliament like gathering took too long to debate whether to join Pakistan or become independent covered by Pakistan from all 4 sides(note that most Sardars in Kalat too were agreed on joining Pakistan but the 3 tribes whose home state was/is Kalat were the people taking long to make decision)...while the debate was going on, the Prince of Kalat took the decision himself & announce his state's merger with Pakistan(legally he had the right to do that). So after whole Balochistan joining Pakistan willingly there is no question otherwise...it is legal part of Pakistan & accepted by whole world including UN. Still if India wanna waste time they are welcome but then there will be tit for tat & obviously Pakistan will fuel separatists of Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, West Bengal, Tamil ado, South Tibet & several other states. If you show your arrogance & think you can mess with legal parts then expect the same for yourself.

Now stop with your off topic dragging of Balochistan, Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, etc etc.

We will determine fate of Kashmiris plus displaced Kashmii Pandits,it our right.You cant do nothing about.Pakistan may can carry some cowardly insurgents attack against us ,but we can resist that attack and protect our citizens infinitely.You can take it or leave it.

You are(Nauzubillah) not their God...their territory's fate will be decided by them not Occupiers. And yes Pakistan is doing nothing...nor it can do...it is just your army & dumb media who try to drag Pakistan into everything...even if they capture monkey, donkey, pigeons, camels, cows, parrots:crazy: And as i mention a famous saying in the last post A Muslim takes the land even after death so i don't know what made you even think that Kashmiris in IOK will back off.:sniper:
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