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AAP wants Naxals in its fold

KV was not attacked...he attacked the congress...so much for 'B team'.
I admire Kumar Vishwas, he's taking on Rahul Gandhi in his home turf.

Nair saab said:
According to sources Chetan Bhagat is gonna join BJP just before election... after the completion of programme 7RCP in ABP news...

Some rounds of meeting between BJP and CB already done...
As long as CB's not joining congress I am happy.
From what I know Kumar Vishwas and Chetan Bhagat are very good friends and chances are that he might join AAP.
But now that ppl like Kiran Bedi 've openly come out with support for Namo,my mind concocts that anything is possible now.
I admire Kumar Vishwas, he's taking on Rahul Gandhi in his home turf.

As long as CB's not joining congress I am happy.
From what I know Kumar Vishwas and Chetan Bhagat are very good friends and chances are that he might join AAP.
But now that ppl like Kiran Bedi 've openly come out with support for Namo,my mind concocts that anything is possible now.

Lol Kumar Vishwas is such a Joker ... he is just a Vidushak ... what has he achieved in life...

He got Money and fame just after coming into AAP... He still Travels in Land Rover...

few years ago this same guy called MODIji a Tiger and compared him with Shiva who drinks all poisen of the India to save it... Even Today he never dares to called Modiji as Modi... He address him as Narendra Bhai Modi... watch all of his speeches...

In the Sting operation he said.. I wont use anything less then 5 star suite... But again media forget everything once they got 28 seats which is not only less then BJP but also Joined Hands with Congress to form government ...

While Chetan bhagat is a Admirer of Modiji he has admitted several Times... Just wait and watch everything is fixed...

CB and VK sir will join BJP just before elections... and Kiren Bedi may join in BJP ... not much sure about her... she still maintains that she would support from outside...
Todays GOA rally...out of 10 lakh voters in Goa, 2 Lakh attended the Rally...

CB and VK sir will join BJP just before elections... and Kiren Bedi may join in BJP ... not much sure about her... she still maintains that she would support from outside...

So despite all the controversy around Kumar Vishwas you dont mind him joining BJP???:azn:

AAP is evolving.....and they say "evolution is a beep-beep" :)

So despite all the controversy around Kumar Vishwas you dont mind him joining BJP???:azn:

AAP is evolving.....and they say "evolution is a beep-beep" :)

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Kumar Vishwas??? I dont want Such Bafools joining BJP... any Tom Dick and Harry cant Join BJP... Unless and until they accept our Core Ideology of Hindu Nationalism...
Naxals claim to fight for their rights , they fight against oppression
Taliban fight to impose their religion upon others , they fight for oppression
How can you equate the two ...... ??

AAP believes political symbolism they are incarnation of the new face of Maoist's... Taking Rahul gandi Tactics of staying in poor's house to anew level...

Both Pakistan and China would be Laughing on the IQ of Indian youth ...

Indian youth are blind emotional idiots ... But the people in villages are more understanding they are critical about AAP joining hands with congress...

They are Pro-Poor they are Pro-Poverty...
Kumar Vishwas??? I dont want Such Bafools joining BJP... any Tom Dick and Harry cant Join BJP... Unless and until they accept our Core Ideology of Hindu Nationalism...
Hehehe.....You forgot your ex-BJP president??
NItin Gadkari.....:lol:
That cartoon had gone against the BJP leaders to seek a Rajya Sabha nomination for Anushuman Mishra (the corporate lobbyist) becaujjjj he looked after Mr.Gadkari during an IPL match.....and arranged many London visits for him.:rofl:
He was lambasted by Advani and other senior leaders of BJP for that blunder.Soon Mr.Gadkari dissociated himself from the high flying corporate lobbyist.
And dont forget his comment comparing IQ levels of Swami Vivekananda and Dawood Ibrahim.....ahem ahem.
Kumar Vishwas is just a fledgling in front of Gadkari the BEHEMOTH.:D
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As ifthat kashmir statement wasn't enough.
AAP seems to be on a self destruct mode

Subramanian Swamy rightly described them as Naxalites. They are the people without any development Vision and pro Naxal, Pro islamic terrorist people.
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