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Solution for Indian occupied Kashmir ? Liberation.

So. According to you, the alleged mistreatment by Pakistani army in 1971 completely justifies the rapes, genocides and suffocation of political rights by the indian government?

Yes or no?

When you quote history please make sure to compare the scale and impact of the Incidents. If actually ( according to you) the government of India and Army are doing any to the scale what Pakistan army did in Bangladesh back in 1971, I'm damn sure Kashmir would have been an Independent country or part of Pakistan by now ( given the fact that Kashmir's will be supported, trained and armed not only by Pakistan but also China since both have easy access to Kashmir). The truth is the discontent against Pakistan army in East Pakistan was so strong that you had no other option but to surrender, whereas what you see in Kashmir is nothing more than 10% of that. That's why your government and intelligence agencies could never use the opportunity, that's why Operation Gibraltar failed miserably. stood. :p:

And for your question, to maintain peace and order and to curb armed rebellion, forces around the world employ the same tactics, and no one is different in that case even if it were the ancient Roman empire, Pakistan Army or Indian Army, all are the same. :-(
Did you pull this thing out of your ***. Most of PA formations are concentrated in Punjab. By the time your Eastern Army formation warming up to mobilize, Your western formation would be history.


A knowledgeable script-kiddy.

Since you know so much, please tell your idiot friends that this precludes putting in 30 out of 36 divisions in the valley? Please tell not to drive us crazy, parroting that 700,000 figure every time.

Your own analysis is screwed up, but that's another cluster-****.

Ask Sandy Berger, Clinton's security advisor. How many time Vajpai contacted him to pressure Pakistan. There was no Indian superiority. It was 50:1 Bengalis, Mukti bani, whole Indian Army. It wasn't a fight. A civil war that Indians walked into.

Would you like me to shove the actual PDF in your face? Be glad to do it. Or you could crawl. In public.

I hope you will draw yourself up to your full martial races height and dare me to do my worst.

So. Sarcasm and narcissist skills are being used to answer political and rational arguments?

The solution of occupied Kashmir is to let the Kashmiris decide what they want. When part of Kashmir got liberated from India, Pakistan did not annex the region to it. Instead, Liberated Kashmir has its own government and administration. If tomorrow those people announce to join India, Pakistan will not stop them.

The region of Jamu is not politically a part of india. It was sold off to india by the dogger raja. This indeed does grant india a right to rule it. However, when Subcontinent split, all states were given the option to either join Pakistan or india. The hindu raja of Jamu & Kashmir opted for india (while the Muslim population decried). In other regions of Subcontinent (aka Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manavadar), some Muslim rulers of hindu-majority states opted to join Pakistan. indian government annexed all these states by military force.

This raises the question: If a region's fate (of joining Pakistan or india) ought to be decided by the public, why was Jamu annexed to india whose population was in favor of joining Pakistan? But if the region's fate ought to be decided by the head of the state, then why Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manavadar were seized by force when their heads of state had already opted in favor of joining Pakistan?

This raises a further question: should people as abysmally ignorant as you be allowed to comment like this, without being put over someone's knees and spanked?

Go and do your homework and then come and comment. Learn about the principle of contiguity, and learn also that whenever in doubt, the Government of India, unilaterally, without any reciprocation, made the offer of a plebiscite. Learn further when and where these were to be administered, and why they were, or they were not.

Ignorant idiot.

A knowledgeable script-kiddy.

Since you know so much, please tell your idiot friends that this precludes putting in 30 out of 36 divisions in the valley? Please tell not to drive us crazy, parroting that 700,000 figure every time.

Your own analysis is screwed up, but that's another cluster-****.
My analysis is more than enough good for the level of people I am responding too.

Would you like me to shove the actual PDF in your face? Be glad to do it. Or you could crawl. In public.

I hope you will draw yourself up to your full martial races height and dare me to do my worst.
Idk what the hell are you talking about. But if you are trying to makeup some BS to coverup Kargil or Vajpaii not sending desperate message to Clinton via his NSA Sandy Berger than you will have a bad time arguing.
Ask Sandy Berger, Clinton's security advisor. How many time Vajpai contacted him to pressure Pakistan. There was no Indian superiority. It was 50:1 Bengalis, Mukti bani, whole Indian Army. It wasn't a fight. A civil war that Indians walked into.

If you ever had a small bit of logic or at-least capable of thinking you won't be saying this. :(

From the beginning of Kargil war your army and government denied to acknowledged the fact that it were your regulars and therefore couldn't support them with PAF or heavy artillery. On the contrary, India had used it's heavy Bofors gun, IAF, and other heavy equipment's against the well dug in enemies, and you seriously think that your men had an upper hand with no heavy military hardware/support and just because they were on a higher altitude ??? Then you should be living in some dream world. LOL

FYI, we never flew to Washington, it was your PM who went there to save his ... you know what ?? :p:
Moreover when you know that you were highly outnumbered, what prompted Pakistan army to "Operation Chengiz Khan," ?? It was a war officially started by Pakistan not India. Actually we were ready and you invited us to walk in. LOL :p:
If you ever had a small bit of logic or at-least capable of thinking you won't be saying this. :(

From the beginning of Kargil war your army and government denied to acknowledged the fact that it were your regulars and therefore couldn't support them with PAF or heavy artillery. On the contrary, India had used it's heavy Bofors gun, IAF, and other heavy equipment's against the well dug in enemies, and you seriously think that your men had an upper hand with no heavy military hardware/support and just because they were on a higher altitude ??? Then you should be living in some dream world. LOL

FYI, we never flew to Washington, it was your PM who went there to save his ... you know what ?? :p:
Moreover when you know that you were highly outnumbered, what prompted Pakistan army to "Operation Chengiz Khan," ?? It was a war officially started by Pakistan not India. Actually we were ready and you invited us to walk in. LOL :p:

Why do you bother?

I printed the damn extract from Sandy Berger's paper, and this knucklehead still talks knowledgeably about it having happened the other way around.

Now I have to do it again. Wait for it please, and clean the idiot's clock.
only solution is pakistan should surrender Pakistan occupied Kashmir to India, as it's our land and walk out.
No other solution is there. And if Pakistan wages a war, even God cant save it.
Please don't do this. Just give him the constitutional facts. Most of them are as ignorant as this one.

I am just telling them the real thing. To read between the lines of our politicians and diplomats. :)
According to Musharraf, Pakistan can if he play his card right. Which I guess would be launching a blitzkrieg style attack. Taking out major Indian bases and support infrastructure to decapitate Indian defensive capability.There is a reason, Pakistan work extensively on modernizing their missiles than spending money on deep strike fighters.
i think you are seriously underestimating indian capabilities here or ur completely out of touch with reality..... indian satellites continuously monitor ur military installations...... also USA and Isreal are providing satellite data to Indian establishment..... any military action which u suggested requires a military build up which will be easily detected.... also india has increased its satellite based reconissance after kargil..... and btw what makes u think onlu pakistan has modern missiles and deep strike aircraft..... india has much better anti air defence as well which can absorb the above stated blitz kriez but can u stop sukhois , brahmos, indian nuclear misslies etc........ also we all know how well cards mushraff played during kargil
@Genghis khan1
Pakistani general during Kargil himself admitted that Pakistan Failed in Kargil:

“It was a failure because we had to hide its objectives and results from our own people and the nation. It had no purpose, no planning and nobody knows even today how many soldiers lost their lives.”

At the briefing, Gen Zia did explain the ‘objectives’ of the operation — it had cut off India’s supply lines to Siachen because of the closure of Zojila Pass on Srinagar-Drass-Kargil-Leh road.
This, said Gen Zia, would block India from supplying its troops in Siachen and subsequently, India would evacuate Siachen. That this did not happen is now history.
Gen Aziz says this was because the planners “miscalculated the Indian response and overall repercussions”.
But for Gen Aziz the end of the operation did not mean the end of the matter.
After he was promoted as chief of general staff, he says that in 2004 he ordered a small study to inquire into what miscalculations had led to such a huge loss of men and money. He also asked each battalion concerned for details.
Simple solution. Arm the freedom fighters and provide them with all means of support. The Saudis and Iranians and the Yanks and the West support various factions in Syria and Iraq - some questionable. The Kashmiri cause is not questionable, it's a moral cause. The chickens will come home to roost, Pakistan needs to become very aggressive and assertive here. With the right tools and with more local support, the occupation forces will become piles of corpses in no time

Ur proposal is critically flawed.....

a)Syrian border was porus and many militia in syria were out of govt control...... on the other hand indian border is extremlly well guarded.... how r u going to get huge stack of weapons inside....

b) due to know how much funding went into arming syrian rebels by saudi, qatar and cia? it was more than a billion dollars..... u cant even buy 8 f 16 fr urself ..... how r u going to buy weapons fr others

c) What makes u think india cant do the same and even better to u in balochistan, karachi, sindh, gilgit
I am just telling them the real thing. To read between the lines of our politicians and diplomats. :)


Subtlety works only with the seniors. There're about a dozen of them, very mature, very knowledgeable. When they make a point, it is well worth pausing to listen, to reflect, and if necessary - I say this with no shame at all - to recast. The rest are

<wild animals which are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease, e.g. rodents.
"killed as ****** or game, the pumas have gone"

  • parasitic worms or insects.
    "his clothes are infested with ******"
  • people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.
    "the ****** who ransacked her house"
like the script kiddies from our side.

@Genghis khan1
Pakistani general during Kargil himself admitted that Pakistan Failed in Kargil:




Both Sandy Berger and Bruce Riedel have written about it.

Please. It'll finally get down to pansy exchanges of YouTube videos. Please save us from that unspeakable fate. Please.
Violence is a mere human reaction to tyranny. If somebody broke into your home, assaulted and humiliated you - killed your family members and blinded you with rubber bullets would you be peaceful? How do you think Burhan Wani was born? The guy was educated and from a wealthy family. Something to think about
not necessary..... violence is also result of religious indoctrination carried out within kashmir through jihadist groups and mullahs...... ur previous commanders have themselves called kashmir uprising more as a jihad then a freedom movement.... violence is also borne when people of a particular community decide just because they become a majority they have a moral right to carry out ethinic cleasing.... like how kashmiris carried out aganist their own hindu pandit brothers...... what ur stating is over hyped story and just one side of a coin
The only solution now left is with good politics not with war anymore. Pakistan should evolve this issue in UN on international level as much as they can. and should provide solid evidences of all the brutality and human rights violations India is doing in Kashmir. we must seek the solution on international level now and make our voice higher on this issue and we should bring china inside and ask him to support us on this issue on higher level.
We are ready for war at any time, rest assured. Frankly - we dont need to do much. Kashmiris are not Afghans but they do have a fuse as well. Once you blow it, the 5 rivers would turn red soon. Just a question of getting the temperature to boiling level. You have no face to show at all. Kashmiris are perfectly justified to take up arms. What's hilarious and quite ironic - delusionals of delhi think killing a 22 year old freedom fighter would solve the problems.

1,000 more Wanis have been born today

what are 1000 wanis going to achieve?..... y dont u guys just admit it that u dont reallly care for kashmiris and only want kashmir land and revenge for bangladesh...... y dont u realize that when u make a sworn enemy out of a strong country ..... its like inviting trouble..... no wars are needed here.... no nukes reqd..... we can also easily arm ppl in baloch, gilgit etc
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