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Solution for Indian occupied Kashmir ? Liberation.

@Deepika Maheshwari

You need to tell him that you can cause an EMP impulse with a high altitude blast at greater than 10,000 ft AGL with a 20 Kt warhead with zero fallout, and render all equipment useless?

Also, Indian equipment is russian origin, means, more of cathode ray ..... so zilch effect on 'electronics

Also a simple aluminium foil will suffice for the protection against the same.

Well, I remember a certain scene from Pirates of Silicon Valley - "Lets not bother our friend with something they are not capable of understanding."
Well, I remember a certain scene from Pirates of Silicon Valley - "Lets not bother our friend with something they are not capable of understanding."

Well, I am too tired to engage newbies excited about something they just came to know right now. So tagged you. Will occur in future also.

You forgot grand daddy of all war mongers. USA. The way India and US are working right now is such that I will not be surprised if India already has a secret treaty with USA to intervene in case of a confrontation with China. Lastly, as far as China goes, there can be a conflict with China in north east - but about Kashmir? They are least bothered. It may change if oil is discovered in Kashmir but right now their priority is to secure their own national interests.
Trust me, we are very much prepared for a two front war since that has been the strategy exercised by our planners (Military not political) for atleast ten years now.. We don't need anybody's help as such, and if need be, we will take USA or Russia's help only to voice our case in the international forum.. Military wise we are very much capable of holding a two front war unless nukes are not brought into the equation..
This kind of sneak attack will amount to a full scale nuclear attack on Pakistan by India.

Lastly, are you aware that nuclear material can be traced back to the reactor which produced it in the first place?


What it means is, you will not be able to hide the fact that you used a nuclear weapon on Indian soil and, that what ever is left of Pakistan, after the nuclear attack by India, will be subjected to long term economic sanctions from almost all of the world. Lastly, it will destroy your CPEC projects including the new mega port that China is building and it is doubtful that China will help you any further as there will not be any benefit from that. India will be thrown 100 years back because of nuclear attack by Pakistan and Pakistan will be destroyed and with no hope of ever standing back.

There is another fun scenario however, given that these small nukes are to be deployed in forward positions, near the Indo-Pak border and they being tactical in nature, meaning the local commanders need to have authority to launch them so as to halt a Cold Start attempt by India makes them rather interesting. It means it is possible for irregulars to steal them and use where-ever they want. A really nightmare scenario. Imagine instead of that bomb blast in that hospital, it were a tactical nuke exploding. I wonder if this was one of the reason for US and USSR to withdraw these weapons.
What are you talking about? We are talking about use of tactical nuke during war time. There is no need for tracing, and all those scenarios you mentioned will not happen cuz it's an all out war. Only possibility is, after losing her Airbases and Ammo depots to tacticals, India might start an all out Nuclear attack as an excuse,. Now in this case, both countries will be cease to exist.

Lastly, are you aware that nuclear material can be traced back to the reactor which produced it in the first place?

Btw I believe this method is only useful if nuke device is caught before going off.
Now in this case, both countries will be cease to exist.

And Pakistan will be responsible for that. Remember, India has already declared that she will not be the first to use Nuclear arms while Pakistan, by developing and deploying tactical nuclear weapons, has lowered the threshold of usage of these arms. The tactic you are professing will bring an end to both India and Pakistan. Last time I remember, objective of a war is to survive and possibly achieve your political or geopolitical goals. Here you will fail your first goal immediately. You will not survive - M.A.D. Suicidal as well?

Its funny as well, the reason you were using tactical warhead was to ensure that India's conventional war machine does not over-run you and devastate you but by using it you are ensuring that India's nuclear weapons will devastate you. Talk of a remedy worse than the disease!

The only use nukes may serve to you is to ensure that India does not attack you in the first place! But by starting a war with India over Indian Administered Kashmir and specifically in the manner you are suggesting, you are essentially throwing away that advantage. Perhaps war planners in Pakistan had a different idea about the actual utility of tactical nukes than you do.

Btw I believe this method is only useful if nuke device is caught before going off.

Not just that, they can be used in a post war scenarios to uncover and prove the source of tactical nuclear weapons sneaked into Indian territory to blow-up India's naval or Airforce bases. A good amount of nuclear fuel in a chain reaction gets dispersed after the bomb goes off - you need a critical mass to ensure chain reaction but not all of the fuel under goes chain reaction. It can then be collected in samples and analysed to find the source of the fuel. This can be used put liablities for nuclear war mongering on Pakistan after the war and ensuring that what ever remains of Pakistan gets sanctioned to hell.

Lastly, when you try to smuggle the device in India, you also run the risk of being caught in that operation. Will come handy in that scenario as well. It can be used to prove the intent of using nuclear weapons on India.
And Pakistan will be responsible for that. Remember, India has already declared that she will not be the first to use Nuclear arms while Pakistan, by developing and deploying tactical nuclear weapons, has lowered the threshold of usage of these arms. The tactic you are professing will bring an end to both India and Pakistan. Last time I remember, objective of a war is to survive and possibly achieve your political or geopolitical goals. Here you will fail your first goal immediately. You will not survive - M.A.D. Suicidal as well?

Its funny as well, the reason you were using tactical warhead was to ensure that India's conventional war machine does not over-run you and devastate you but by using it you are ensuring that India's nuclear weapons will devastate you. Talk of a remedy worse than the disease!

The only use nukes may serve to you is to ensure that India does not attack you in the first place! But by starting a war with India over Indian Administered Kashmir and specifically in the manner you are suggesting, you are essentially throwing away that advantage. Perhaps war planners in Pakistan had a different idea about the actual utility of tactical nukes than you do.

Not just that, they can be used in a post war scenarios to uncover and prove the source of tactical nuclear weapons sneaked into Indian territory to blow-up India's naval or Airforce bases. A good amount of nuclear fuel in a chain reaction gets dispersed after the bomb goes off - you need a critical mass to ensure chain reaction but not all of the fuel under goes chain reaction. It can then be collected in samples and analysed to find the source of the fuel. This can be used put liablities for nuclear war mongering on Pakistan after the war and ensuring that what ever remains of Pakistan gets sanctioned to hell.

Lastly, when you try to smuggle the device in India, you also run the risk of being caught in that operation. Will come handy in that scenario as well. It can be used to prove the intent of using nuclear weapons on India.
I am not suggesting using tactical Nukes, it a last resort weapon to counter 4th or 5th wave of attack based on same strategy employed by NATO during cold war against Soviets in Europe . Some other member mentioned offensive employment of this weapon, so I just responded to him. I am pretty sure, Pakistan can, and if it did launches a preemptive strikes on Indian Airbases like it did in 65. There won't be any need for tacticals to began with. Tactical are only required in situation like 2002 standoff where Pakistan don't want to be the aggressor and there was a possibility that in a defensive "tug and pull" conflict Pakistan might be at numerical disadvantage.
Joint mechanisam :woot::woot::woot::woot:

Lets do Joint mechanism over Azad Kashmir FIRST see how things work


Which part of its indian land is difficult to underst
Kashmir Kashmir .......Bangladesh
Kashmir Kashmir.......Balochistan

The ability of India to deliver pain is much more than the ability of Pakistan to deliver pain. There is no need for any all out war. Just keep the situation to a level where the ability of the PA to establish its authority in the southern areas of Pakistan becomes zero.

Death by a thousand cuts. Applied properly. I mean, with the ability to actually apply the policy instead of pottering around thinking you can apply it.
The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, condemned the continued killing spree by Indian forces in Indian held Kashmir.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Indian forces killed four peaceful protesters in Aripanthan area of Budgam on Tuesday in vengeance of the killing of their colleague at Nowhatta in Srinagar and fabricated a story of attacking and snatching the rifles by the protestors, reported Kashmir Media Service.

The APHC Chairman strongly denounced the occupation authorities for not allowing the people to conduct the march towards the UN office on Wednesday. He said, curfew continues in the territory for the last over 40th day, 72 people have been killed, more than 8,000 people are injured, about 500 have lost their eye sight, 1500 people have been arrested and more than 100 slapped with draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) and some have already been shifted to the jails outside the Valley.

Media and telecommunication have been gagged, streets are deserted, hospitals are overcrowded and the bullets are still piercing the chests of our loved ones, he stated.


Source: https://defence.pk/threads/indian-f...indian-occupied-kashmir.445386/#ixzz4I0BiqXc6
We don't make youth blind in Azad Kashmir. We don't kill anyone there. We haven't kept AK brutally.

I proposes what my PM proposed you back, Pakistan openly proposed that we will take our forces back from siachen if india do so. We are ready for it and we are always ready for dialogue we never run.

we definitely will.

U have also NT done anything in Azad Kashmir they don't have the good colleges even the condition of road u have in Azad Kashmir they also want liberation frm u now ..nd we don't take back our force frm siachen coz we know ur liars we see that in kargil war nd u also don't have enough guts nd capabilities to take anything from India now...
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