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Indian Forces have created war like situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Indian Forces have created war like situation in IOK: Syed Ali Gillani
Posted By: News Deskon: August 18, 2016

The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, condemned the continued killing spree by Indian forces in Indian held Kashmir.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Indian forces killed four peaceful protesters in Aripanthan area of Budgam on Tuesday in vengeance of the killing of their colleague at Nowhatta in Srinagar and fabricated a story of attacking and snatching the rifles by the protestors, reported Kashmir Media Service.

The APHC Chairman strongly denounced the occupation authorities for not allowing the people to conduct the march towards the UN office on Wednesday. He said, curfew continues in the territory for the last over 40th day, 72 people have been killed, more than 8,000 people are injured, about 500 have lost their eye sight, 1500 people have been arrested and more than 100 slapped with draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) and some have already been shifted to the jails outside the Valley.

Media and telecommunication have been gagged, streets are deserted, hospitals are overcrowded and the bullets are still piercing the chests of our loved ones, he stated.

Indian Forces have created war like situation in IOK: Syed Ali Gillani
Posted By: News Deskon: August 18, 2016


The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, condemned the continued killing spree by Indian forces in Indian held Kashmir.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Indian forces killed four peaceful protesters in Aripanthan area of Budgam on Tuesday in vengeance of the killing of their colleague at Nowhatta in Srinagar and fabricated a story of attacking and snatching the rifles by the protestors, reported Kashmir Media Service.

The APHC Chairman strongly denounced the occupation authorities for not allowing the people to conduct the march towards the UN office on Wednesday. He said, curfew continues in the territory for the last over 40th day, 72 people have been killed, more than 8,000 people are injured, about 500 have lost their eye sight, 1500 people have been arrested and more than 100 slapped with draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) and some have already been shifted to the jails outside the Valley.

Media and telecommunication have been gagged, streets are deserted, hospitals are overcrowded and the bullets are still piercing the chests of our loved ones, he stated.

Good for Kashmiris now the problem will not take longer time soon Kashmir will be separated and joins Pakistan.

They are building more anger and love for freedom...Good going Modi ko aik term aor doo...
Good for Kashmiris now the problem will not take longer time soon Kashmir will be separated and joins Pakistan.

They are building more anger and love for freedom...Good going Modi ko aik term aor doo...

Which world are you living in dude ?? :p:
Good for Kashmiris now the problem will not take longer time soon Kashmir will be separated and joins Pakistan.

They are building more anger and love for freedom...Good going Modi ko aik term aor doo...

Exactly the way the Kashmirs are going, with so much patience from sufferings as well as anger towards Indian terror forces, the world has now been forced to get involved, this is a 70 years the oldest dispute on this mother earth.

Kashmiris have suffered enough, and the more suffering they are willing to bear it, but not an inch they are going to move back from Independent Kashmir Country, a New Kashmir desh, a place where Kashmiri muslims can live in freedom, prosperity and identity.
The real world but you should come out from delusional world and fake supa pawa dream...sooner is better.

Well we will just wait and see who is in delusion and who is in real world. :)
Indian Forces have created war like situation in IOK: Syed Ali Gillani
Posted By: News Deskon: August 18, 2016

The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, condemned the continued killing spree by Indian forces in Indian held Kashmir.

Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Indian forces killed four peaceful protesters in Aripanthan area of Budgam on Tuesday in vengeance of the killing of their colleague at Nowhatta in Srinagar and fabricated a story of attacking and snatching the rifles by the protestors, reported Kashmir Media Service.

The APHC Chairman strongly denounced the occupation authorities for not allowing the people to conduct the march towards the UN office on Wednesday. He said, curfew continues in the territory for the last over 40th day, 72 people have been killed, more than 8,000 people are injured, about 500 have lost their eye sight, 1500 people have been arrested and more than 100 slapped with draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) and some have already been shifted to the jails outside the Valley.

Media and telecommunication have been gagged, streets are deserted, hospitals are overcrowded and the bullets are still piercing the chests of our loved ones, he stated.

Yet the moron is alive to spew the propaganda for which he is well paid by his Pakistani masters.... He will die soon as victim of his propaganda ....
In advance, Ameen to him & his long cherished dream which will never come to close to earthly reality ....
Yet the moron is alive to spew the propaganda for which he is well paid by his Pakistani masters.... He will die soon as victim of his propaganda ....
In advance, Ameen to him & his long cherished dream which will never come to close to earthly reality ....

Well we will just wait and see who is in delusion and who is in real world. :)

It has started already in the real world.

Kashmir is a never ending pain on India. It will take India down. It has muddied India into oblivion and look at the PM, riding on despearation and madness. India is on a downward trajectory. The only solution is indpendence of Kashmir, a separate country for kashmirs.
It has started already in the real world.

Kashmir is a never ending pain on India. It will take India down. It has muddied India into oblivion and look at the PM, riding on despearation and madness. India is on a downward trajectory. The only solution is indpendence of Kashmir, a separate country for kashmirs.
Nothing wrong in living fools paradise while in worldly reality the solution is making loc a international border but the real hindrance is coming from emotional obsession that a Pakistan live with towards Kashmir.....

Rest you & me can debate it for next two & three generations, it would only makes us immortals of pdf....
Really sad to see many proud indians boast of the limitless power of their state.

May be you guys need to brush your memories and look inthe past on great nations breaking down because of the pain and suffering they have caused to innocent souls.

I know that most of my words would not move a single hair on your head!

But you are a country bound to break into many pieces, 33+ insurgencies in your country and still you guys have the audasity to raise fingers and fire bullets at innocent Kashmiris!

You people remember one thing. The same model that you are in wad played on USSR and see what happened? Their nukes couldn't save them?!

Kashmir is india's afghanistan and it will break you down one day! Inshallah!
Indians rarely trust a source from Pakistan like this one.

Unless its a credible Western source, its probably blown up lies.
Let them believe that, its more hilarious that way....
More than that this guy sits in a lawn and muses on it during a war like situation. We should agree with them there is indeed a war like situation. Next we should also serve him tea & biscuits to prove his war theory.
It has started already in the real world.

Kashmir is a never ending pain on India. It will take India down. It has muddied India into oblivion and look at the PM, riding on despearation and madness. India is on a downward trajectory. The only solution is indpendence of Kashmir, a separate country for kashmirs.

Yes it gives us some pain, but Kashmir didn't took us down, unlike our neigbhour who is not in its exact shape unlike in 1947. And "India is on a downward trajectory" is just your wet dream kid. We are doing far better that we did in the last few decades. Soon you will see India as the second fastest growing economy, just wait and see. :)
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