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Solution for Indian occupied Kashmir ? Liberation.

Rape allegations by Indians in 1971 have been dealt with many times ,Search for threads on forum and refrain from stupid allegations
If there Was Solution GHQ Rawalpindi and ISI would Think of It

A thought process is not their strongest process.

nor is India.

Brilliant answer. When did you pass out of Class VI? Clever of you to remember your old debating skills.

Mera matlaab he , Kashmir leena he to Pakistan line pe a jee, Iraada kar le keh Kashmir leena he ke nahi, agaar Kashmir leena he to comfort zone se bahar nikalna parre gha. Sofe pe beth ke Kashmir nahi mille gha.

Agaar nahi leena to chup kar ke tamassha dekhe

Chooria pehan le.

Keh raha hai jo khud sofe ko baithe baithe tore rahe hain.

Well to be honest with you, we do not have a faith left in us, unfortunately we all think that we will live for another hundred years, so why should we go to war with India over Kashmir? Why? Our Politicians as you know them quite well I am quite sure about that, they are too busy in saving their a**es over Panama leaks and corruption scandals, they are infect busy in finding a way that how are they going to win the upcoming election. Our Military on the other hand is working way too hard to help Kashmiris on every forum, unfortunately their way of work is completely different hence it never break the news. Do they have to do more, yes I do agree with you.
To be honest with you their is no other alternative resolving the Kashmir dispute except going to war with India. And why have I said that, well, their are few things you must realize before you ask the world to intervene in Kashmir dispute.
First of all as we all know pretty much that Israel has an ambition for a greater Israel and in order to achieve that they need India desperately, why? Well, because India too has an ambition for a greater India. And in order to achieve that India too needs Israel and its support desperately. And UN is completely under the influence of this Zionist regime so do not expect anything from them that they would intervene, its not going to happen. Its not Georgia, nor it is Crimea or Ukraine. Our leaders have forgotten this I am afraid that no matter how good we are towards this western world in the end we will be the ones to be blamed, and our next generations will pay heavily for the stupidity of our Politicians.
This isn't a fair world my friend, here no one hears you out unless you have the loudest voice in them all. And Zionists and their adversaries has the loudest voice in the world.
They are in a transition of building these two empires, and soon we gonna witness a devastating war because of it.
No matter how much we shout, or the Kashmiri People shout, no one in this entire world is gonna listen to both of us. And that's an issue which is being constantly ignored by the entire Muslim world. The problem with us (Muslims) that we are extremely hypocrite, losers, untrustworthy, cowards and easy to be bought by anyone. You expect us to be the defenders of the Kashmiris? No way, not even in Million years. Kashmiris and Palestinians will never have their independence I am afraid I said that, but that's an extremely bitter reality, unless, otherwise we go to war against India and Israel.
There you go, you now have you answer, I hope you would feel a bit relaxed from now on.

Although I don't think much of the premises, I agree with the conclusions, and I respect the candour, honesty and lack of bombast in the answer.

Budget to armed forces is different from the one given to state.

I hope I don't have to suffer one more fool stating that we have 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir.

I thought you would read the article.
Excerpts from the article:

1. J&K, with a population of 12.55 million according to the 2011 Census, received Rs.91,300 per person over the last sixteen years while Uttar Pradesh only received Rs.4,300 per person over the same period.
2. The state received Rs.1.14 lakh crore in grants
3. Service Tax is not levied in Jammu and Kashmir

If the matter rolls in that direction, please also inform him that 2 out of 36 divisions are in Kashmir, so about 1 out of 18 parts of military salaries are spent there.
So. Sarcasm and narcissist skills are being used to answer political and rational arguments?

The solution of occupied Kashmir is to let the Kashmiris decide what they want. When part of Kashmir got liberated from India, Pakistan did not annex the region to it. Instead, Liberated Kashmir has its own government and administration. If tomorrow those people announce to join India, Pakistan will not stop them.

The region of Jamu is not politically a part of india. It was sold off to india by the dogger raja. This indeed does grant india a right to rule it. However, when Subcontinent split, all states were given the option to either join Pakistan or india. The hindu raja of Jamu & Kashmir opted for india (while the Muslim population decried). In other regions of Subcontinent (aka Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manavadar), some Muslim rulers of hindu-majority states opted to join Pakistan. indian government annexed all these states by military force.

This raises the question: If a region's fate (of joining Pakistan or india) ought to be decided by the public, why was Jamu annexed to india whose population was in favor of joining Pakistan? But if the region's fate ought to be decided by the head of the state, then why Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manavadar were seized by force when their heads of state had already opted in favor of joining Pakistan?
Here's a solution...stop living in la la land and come back to reality.

The sheer audacity of Pakistanis crying about Kashmiris being oppressed and human rights abuses...after what they did to Bangladesh prior to and leading up to independence....

Let me guess the 80% of Muslims in Bangladesh weren't Muslim enough to belong to the 'ummah' - while your beloved army murdered, raped and pillaged their way to a humiliating defeat?

People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!
If you have seen whats our NSA Ajith Doval has said you would know what he ment was if Pakistan creates problems for us in kashmir then we should do the same to Pakistan.if you feel you trying to do what we did in 71 we can say what we did in 71 was for what you did in kashmir in 48...we can keep on repeating you did it first and nothing will comeout of it,if you are really concerned about kashmiris them do not interfear and if some want to be with Pakistan then they can move to Pakistan no one is stopping them.

Partly true, not completely.

Please look up the extensive aid that they gave the Mizos from 1966 onwards.

We Indians are hopeless at answering Pakistani accusations and breast-beating. This has to stop. I wish members like you would do your homework in future. 1966 was long before 1971, and it is to be noted that this is part of a pattern of continuous hostile intervention by the Pakistani intelligence agencies, long before R&W was even formed.

According to Musharraf, Pakistan can if he play his card right. Which I guess would be launching a blitzkrieg style attack. Taking out major Indian bases and support infrastructure to decapitate Indian defensive capability.There is a reason, Pakistan work extensively on modernizing their missiles than spending money on deep strike fighters.

According to Musharraf, you should have been sitting in Kashmir laughing your heads off by this time. The man is such a 420 and you keep falling for his bullshit.
India will never ever let go of Kashmir. Now its war of water and apart from Himachal and Uttarakhand a large portion of water through river is from Kashmir.
India has invested a lot in Dams and it will command flow of water to pakistan also.
I'd be loathe to engage you in your hypothetical Blitzkrieg; your understanding of force maneuver concepts, terrain and strategic planning is remarkable for its sheer worthlessness.

But thankfully, I am not required to engage on those topics to counter the delusions you term plans. In the event the Indian forces are out-flanked in the Punjab-J&K axis, plans exist on the Indian side to open the flood gates of all dams on rivers that flow into Pakistan. That should be sufficient to flood the Pakistani Punjab plains and cut off lines of communication for army units, or at the very least restrict them into roads, making easy targets for CAS runs and cluster munition strikes.

That in itself will force Pakistani formations to come to a grinding halt. The formations at the head will be cut-off without reinforcements or supplies facing the vastly better supplied adversaries. That's the universal sign of an imminent slaughter or surrender.

And of course a few hundred thousand Pakistanis will drown, and a few million or more made homeless. Then there would be famine and diseases affecting a million or so flood affected victims.

Of Course Musharraf wouldn't tell you all this, a person who should have never risen above the rank of a colonel, with more failures than the rest of his batch combined. In any other army he would have been court-martialed, or shot, for incompetence.
Is this plan out of Kollywood because such ridiculous plans only works on kollywood movies. :omghaha:
Here's a solution...stop living in la la land and come back to reality.

The sheer audacity of Pakistanis crying about Kashmiris being oppressed and human rights abuses...after what they did to Bangladesh prior to and leading up to independence....

Let me guess the 80% of Muslims in Bangladesh weren't Muslim enough to belong to the 'ummah' - while your beloved army murdered, raped and pillaged their way to a humiliating defeat?

People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

So. According to you, the alleged mistreatment by Pakistani army in 1971 completely justifies the rapes, genocides and suffocation of political rights by the indian government?

Yes or no?
Without a nationalist government in Pakistan forget any solution whatsoever to Kashmir. What we have in Pakistan is a business man running show. He has business interests in India. Does anyone believe he will simply go against those interests in the favour of Kashmir? Than he/she cannot be far from reality.
If Pakistan needs to adopt aggressive stance, that means we will first have to get rid of people like NS and Zardari who are a curse to this country but unfortunately the people of Pakistan does not want that. So forget about Kashmir and move on.
The best time to capture Kashmir was in 62 when China and India were at war. But in fact the than the government of Ayub Khan decided to remain loyal to US commitments instead. We all know how that turned out to be. Than in Kargil NS was running like a headless chicken, we needed a statesman than, unfortunately all we had for a moron, the same moron who still leads the country.
To my Pakistani brothers and sisters, lets not day dream. We need to get our house in order first. We cannot even handle a country like Afghanistan that relies on Pakistan for its survival, forget about handling a country a lot bigger and with a lot more resources at hand not to forget the massive support it now has in international arena due to changing geopolitical landscape.
I object, J & K is not Indian territory, but India have occupied this area in past 70 years against the will of the native popultion and against the principle of divide of british India.

Yes, we did and we will keep the territory. What will Pakistan do other than sitting back and crying, Kashmir, Kashmir, Plebiscite,Plebiscite ?? LOL. We don't even want to talk about Kashmir anymore. :p:
They sure do, even when a section of society tries to screw them over. Certainly still more included than the "shudras" whose role in society is to walk naked and clean human excrement from the street in 'some' other "country"

And if its true, hopefully will continue.

right that's what the soviets thought too once upon a time

while india implodes from within due to the 22+ separatist and insurgency movements, caste divisions, ethnic divisions and communal divisions which perpetually plague the over-populated "country"

the sooner india accepts a Kashmir no longer under her artificial grip, perhaps the quicker india will be in a position to remain intact in one piece

Notice the gloating in his words when he writes about shudras? this chap definitely has a Brahmin fixation: if you ask him this question when he is unawares, he will admit that he thinks he is a Brahmin.

Nothing as nauseating as a hypocrite.
India has three armoured strikes corps in plains (one based in Punjab itself) while you have zero.
Did you pull this thing out of your ***. Most of PA formations are concentrated in Punjab. By the time your Eastern Army formation warming up to mobilize, Your western formation would be history.
Yes, we did and we will keep the territory. What will Pakistan do other than sitting back and crying, Kashmir, Kashmir, Plebiscite,Plebiscite ?? LOL. We don't even want to talk about Kashmir anymore. :p:

Please don't do this. Just give him the constitutional facts. Most of them are as ignorant as this one.
@Genghis khan1 manekshaw sir boasted what he had to However, Defence sources state that the Indian superiority was less than 2 to 1 . . .

And do you really think it was vajpeyi who cried for mercy . . .
Ask Sandy Berger, Clinton's security advisor. How many time Vajpai contacted him to pressure Pakistan. There was no Indian superiority. It was 50:1 Bengalis, Mukti bani, whole Indian Army. It wasn't a fight. A civil war that Indians walked into.
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