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Saudi Arabia accuses Ethiopia of posing threats to Sudan & Egypt

our military is top notch we have seriously damaged the jihadist forces who btw were trained by british forces in kenya and somalia.

Right on

these ****** wahabis are the cancer of humanity.

sunni, shia, christian, jew, zoroastrian, Hindu, atheist etc... all agree on one thing in this world: wahabism must be eradicated.

Actually Asian countries are ahead of Europe in realizing this fact. Europeans only woke up recently. They're still allowing a ton of wahabis roam around free in their countries. Africa must follow Asia's path and just go rambo on every ******'s behind, be it a 17 year old brainwashed kid that can't read or write or Osama himself.
It is highly strange in branding accusations without solid proof of a matter, and shooting the ball on the counter party and telling them to proove their case.

It's like me asking "Does your family eat pork?" then when I say "no", you reply with "Yes its possible since pork is everywhere".

Well yes pork is everywhere just like how criminalty is everwhere but it doesn't mean it may be supported by a country because its counter intuitive in the case with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan for example.

Unless your thinking doesn't allow for such logical reasoning....
How do you know they are "waahabies" what ever that means? does their name give it away or are they known something special in their teachings?
What I think our friends in Arabia seem not to understand is that we Muslims want to be a part of the world and that we want the uplift of the world, not stupid wars and terrorism in name of religion or some scholar - I think it may be because these people have not understood that cost of these wars and especially of terrorism, on Muslim societies first and foremost. Afghanistan is destroyed, Pakistan is not yet destroyed but it has been set back decades, it's society polarized and paranoid, Bahrain under siege, Iraq where everyday the Waha-bi terrorists kill or blow up innocent Muslims, then Syria, an ancient civilization, home to diverse peoples and religions, all of it destroyed and for what? for what? So that the thrones of these so called princes can remain safe??

And now they have targeted Africa, Tunis unstable, Egypt unstable, Libya reduced to a bunch of tribes fighting each other, and Mali, it's ancient heritage destroyed because the Waha-bi ideology despises history and now threatening historic Ethiopia with war -- This must be stopped and the only people to do it are the people who live in Arabia, if these people can realize that the rest of world will welcome the demise of this ideology, more than half of the problem will be solved - once they realize what is going on in their name, they will stop it, I am confident of this.
how is it damaging to Egypt? Do you understand how a hydro power plant works? the water will still flow to Egypt after it generates power it wont just magically disappear we are not diverting the flow of the Nile to the red sea or Kenya it will go to where it always went. If the westerners supported us then why did the IMF deny us a loan for the dam? the dam is being funded 80% locally and the rest is from the bank of china.
i really wish this is true if what you say is right then we should help you build the dam i think african countries must help themselves we have suffered alot from the superpowers who want to steal our resources
however if the dam effect our water supply you cant expect Egypt to die from thirst we will have to fight
then Syria, an ancient civilization, home to diverse peoples and religions, all of it destroyed and for what? for what? So that the thrones of these so called princes can remain safe??


I have known many syrians in New York and none of them are asking these questions quite frankly. What they are asking however is why does Iranian mullas consider Syria to be the 35th province of Iran? For what? "So that the thrones of these so called shia priests can remain safe??" like you mentioned. Why kill and murder Sunnies in places like Houla on Mass and drive out millions from their homes for what so your imaginable shia empire can be extended from sea(gulf) to sea(med)?

This what they are asking me. I don't know which Syrians you have been talking to but this what I am hearing.

Matter of fact our Masjid which was doing a clothing drive last year for Syrian refugees, the local people who came to our masjid showed us videos of refugees all whom were driven out by assad forces. When interviewed they clearly indicated unequivocally that Iran and their allies in the region have made them refugees. Which will no doubt hurt your superficial ranting of questions which does not fit in to the scenerio your are trying to posture.
how is it damaging to Egypt? Do you understand how a hydro power plant works? the water will still flow to Egypt after it generates power it wont just magically disappear we are not diverting the flow of the Nile to the red sea or Kenya it will go to where it always went. If the westerners supported us then why did the IMF deny us a loan for the dam? the dam is being funded 80% locally and the rest is from the bank of china.

No it is not this simple... i will not talk on technicalities, but there has to be an agreement on water flow, and conditions for violation of contract, Ethiopia need to address the concerns and it is in favour of Ethiopia and region.

Considering the political situation in Egypt and importance of Nile to Egypt........ any one sided action by Ethiopia will lead to trouble.

I hope sense prevails and in the end all is settled peacefully.
No it is not this simple... i will not talk on technicalities, but there has to be an agreement on water flow, and conditions for violation of contract, Ethiopia need to address the concerns and it is in favour of Ethiopia and region.

Considering the political situation in Egypt and importance of Nile to Egypt........ any one sided action by Ethiopia will lead to trouble.

I hope sense prevails and in the end all is settled peacefully.

I understand there is no treaty over water sharing between Ethiopia and Egypt and Sudan -- and it will be difficult especially after the Dam construction has begun
No it is not this simple... i will not talk on technicalities, but there has to be an agreement on water flow, and conditions for violation of contract, Ethiopia need to address the concerns and it is in favour of Ethiopia and region.

Considering the political situation in Egypt and importance of Nile to Egypt........ any one sided action by Ethiopia will lead to trouble.

I hope sense prevails and in the end all is settled peacefully.

The Egyptian news outlet Almasry Alyoum reported Egypt agreed ‘in principle’ to Ethiopia’s new dam on Nile, Grand Renaissance Dam, and reached an agreement to buy electricity from Ethiopia.

Egypt has in principle approved the Renaissance Dam that Ethiopia intends to build on its borders with Sudan this year, according to an official source.

The source added that Prime Minister Essam Sharf and his Ethiopian counterpart have agreed that an Egyptian technical committee examine the blueprints of the dam, so as to determine whether it would adversely affect Egypt’s Nile water quota, and that Egypt might participate in the construction of the dam, which is expected to cost around US$4.7 billion.An agreement has also been reached by which Egypt and Sudan will buy electricity from Ethiopia’s power station in Mendaya, which has the capacity to provide 1200 megawatts to Sudan and another 2000 to Egypt. A related agreement allows for Egypt to import a large number of Ethiopian livestock.

“More than 30 Egyptian companies have already asked to import meat from Ethiopia due to its high quality and low price,” said Ayman Eissa, head of the Egyptian-Ethiopian Business Council.

He added that Egypt aims to link its economic development to that of Ethiopia, in order to avoid unilateral projects that would harm the interest of either countries.
What I think our friends in Arabia seem not to understand is that we Muslims want to be a part of the world and that we want the uplift of the world, not stupid wars and terrorism in name of religion or some scholar - I think it may be because these people have not understood that cost of these wars and especially of terrorism, on Muslim societies first and foremost. Afghanistan is destroyed, Pakistan is not yet destroyed but it has been set back decades, it's society polarized and paranoid, Bahrain under siege, Iraq where everyday the Waha-bi terrorists kill or blow up innocent Muslims, then Syria, an ancient civilization, home to diverse peoples and religions, all of it destroyed and for what? for what? So that the thrones of these so called princes can remain safe??

And now they have targeted Africa, Tunis unstable, Egypt unstable, Libya reduced to a bunch of tribes fighting each other, and Mali, it's ancient heritage destroyed because the Waha-bi ideology despises history and now threatening historic Ethiopia with war -- This must be stopped and the only people to do it are the people who live in Arabia, if these people can realize that the rest of world will welcome the demise of this ideology, more than half of the problem will be solved - once they realize what is going on in their name, they will stop it, I am confident of this.

dude arabs are just pawns in the game they are not ploting to take over the world or anything..they are just being used by the real power brokers in the city of London..
What I think our friends in Arabia seem not to understand is that we Muslims want to be a part of the world and that we want the uplift of the world, not stupid wars and terrorism in name of religion or some scholar - I think it may be because these people have not understood that cost of these wars and especially of terrorism, on Muslim societies first and foremost. Afghanistan is destroyed, Pakistan is not yet destroyed but it has been set back decades, it's society polarized and paranoid, Bahrain under siege, Iraq where everyday the Waha-bi terrorists kill or blow up innocent Muslims, then Syria, an ancient civilization, home to diverse peoples and religions, all of it destroyed and for what? for what? So that the thrones of these so called princes can remain safe??

And now they have targeted Africa, Tunis unstable, Egypt unstable, Libya reduced to a bunch of tribes fighting each other, and Mali, it's ancient heritage destroyed because the Waha-bi ideology despises history and now threatening historic Ethiopia with war -- This must be stopped and the only people to do it are the people who live in Arabia, if these people can realize that the rest of world will welcome the demise of this ideology, more than half of the problem will be solved - once they realize what is going on in their name, they will stop it, I am confident of this.

Its time to dehyphen religion and arabia and shove both into some dark cave. This isnt 7th century anymore.!
I wish that were possible and we could just see the people - but this ideology is the well spring of much strife and just plain evil, it will be tough
So why are these Saudi so hot and wet for war? I mean they are running about financing insurrection, giving weapons to these Jihad types and now they want to attack Ethiopia? Why?

No other country gives a damn about who lives who dies. Going to War or calling/involving indirectly west is the purpose. The reason is simple Ethiopia is likely to be Oil producing country.
No other country gives a damn about who lives who dies. Going to War or calling/involving indirectly west is the purpose. The reason is simple Ethiopia is likely to be Oil producing country.

Or perhaps something more strategic like fertile lands and fresh water reserves which can turn around Ethopian lives from relative poverty to a good standard due to rising demand of food security.

A lot of Saudi and GCC companies were involved in building commercial farms in Ethiopia at land-grab rates but then the Govt took notice and suddenly much strict regulations have come into force as well as hike in land prices.

Ethiopia has no proven reserve of oil or minerals and it is ranked in last for countries with potential oil reserves.

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