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Rohingya Burmese are acceptable but not stranded Bihari Pakistanis - Shame on GoP

This can be an ideal case but I doubt we can now deport Bangladeshis so who ever is here can remain here. Stranded Biharis are better off to make a deal with Bangladeshi Govt. And yeah no place for Afghanis. We should expedite things for their deportation.
Yara hum may millions of illegal bangladeshiun ka theka liya hai.. They wanted another country .. Okay.. They got bangladesh .. Still millions of them came n settled in Pak.. Parasites !

Pak is for Pakistani.. For the people native to Pak or those who sacrificed for this country not parasites from bangladesh or Afgjanistan .
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Those who are mixing Bihari with Afghans or other foreign settlers are making mistake. Bihari ARE Pakistani whereas others are non-Pakistani and this difference must always be kept in mind. It is Bihari's right to come back and settle in Pakistan whether someone likes it or not. It is not about appeasing some ethnic group rather giving Biharis their right. Racism is pretty rampant among few members here but their racism does not change the history or fact that Bihari are Pakistanis, as much as are certain racists here. In-fact they fought alongside Pakistani troops, gave their blood, sacrificed everything they had and became foreigners in their own country unlike certain racists who did nothing except ranting.
We had a history with Bengalis so we have to live up with it unlike Afghanis.
True .. I understand that but instead of settling them in Karachi we can settle them on small populations all over the country ... No MQM problem nor any alienation of locals .. Get rid of millions of illegals and settle 3 lac .. Not a bad deal.

But realistically speaking man. Let's say if government grants them lands and housing in big urban centers of the country, I can bet they'd sell the property allotments and move to Karachi. Simply because it wouldn't be easy for them to adapt with Punjabi, Baloch, Pashtun cultures and hence they'd move to Karachi. Not to mention jobs in Karachi.

And if they move in Karachi, Sindhi nationalists wouldn't like it. We already are in a mess in Balochistan, we don't want that in Sindh. Sindhi nationalists are as capable as Baloch ones when it comes to killing settlers. We shouldn't underestimate them. We don't really want racial killings in interior Sindh now do we?

And man, most Sindhis would not like stranded Pakistanis settled in Karachi. It was Benazir who stopped their resettlement in the first place.
Those who are mixing Bihari with Afghans or other foreign settlers are making mistake. Bihari ARE Pakistani whereas others are non-Pakistani and this difference must always be kept in mind. It is Bihari's right to come back and settle in Pakistan whether someone likes it or not. It is not about appeasing some ethnic group rather giving Biharis their right. Racism is pretty rampant among few members here but their racism does not change the history or fact that Bihari are Pakistanis, as much as are certain racists here. In-fact they fought alongside Pakistani troops, gave their blood, sacrificed everything they had and became foreigners in their own country unlike certain racists who did nothing except ranting.

You can call me racist or what but sorry to say its not practical anymore. That time has ran out. They should had been traded with illegal Bangladeshis in Pakistan long time back. Inviting them now will be hazardous to Karachi. Perhaps before 90s, Karachi could had accommodated them easily but now the city has drained out. Why I am only talking about Karachi since we all know that what will be their ultimate destination.
We had a history with Bengalis so we have to live up with it unlike Afghanis.

What history do we have with bangladeshis? We share a burden of history that's for sure ..


Bangladehis in bangali para,Karachi ... Over 2 million of these parasites live in Pak .. Alone with millions of afghanis and a million or two "others"....

We host the worlds biggest refugee population a burden on our already fragile and crippled economy ... A stain on our society.

But realistically speaking man. Let's say if government grants them lands and housing in big urban centers of the country, I can bet they'd sell the property allotments and move to Karachi. Simply because it wouldn't be easy for them to adapt with Punjabi, Baloch, Pashtun cultures and hence they'd move to Karachi. Not to mention jobs in Karachi.

And if they move in Karachi, Sindhi nationalists wouldn't like it. We already are in a mess in Balochistan, we don't want that in Sindh. Sindhi nationalists are as capable as Baloch ones when it comes to killing settlers. We shouldn't underestimate them. We don't really want racial killings in interior Sindh now do we?

And man, most Sindhis would not like stranded Pakistanis settled in Karachi. It was Benazir who stopped their resettlement in the first place.

Your concerns are absolutely valid.... But steps (radical steps) can be taken to curb this frI'm happening .. As SyedAli said .. Given them a barren piece of land in Balochistan..(yeah I know about security concerns).. But still give it to them.. Get a contract signed that they wouldn't leave the area for a couple of years atleast .. Restrict their movement...

Meanwhile deport bangladeshis n afghanis from the country... Give the locals some breathing space...
pls no more
abhi tu afghanis b porey wapis nahi gaye ab yeh
Rohingya Burmese pls nore more
we are not refugee camp state for others.
You can call me racist or what but sorry to say its not practical anymore. That time has ran out. They should had been traded with illegal Bangladeshis in Pakistan long time back. Inviting them now will be hazardous to Karachi. Perhaps before 90s, Karachi could had accommodated them easily but now the city has drained out. Why I am only talking about Karachi since we all know that what will be their ultimate destination.
No , we do not know what will be their ultimate destination. Few thousands were settled in Punjab during Nawaz Shareef 1st or 2nd tenure. None made to Karachi. People settle where there are facilities and means to survive or prosper. Karachi is way too over-populated and simply cant sustain anymore population burden. Newer cities need to be built preferably alongside arabian coast. Absorbing few lac Biharis is no issue. If welcoming thankless Afghans was/is not a problem, settling our own people back should also not be a problem.
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@syedali73 @Indus Falcon @MastanKhan

I happen to have a Burmese Muslim lady as my colleague and as I was reading comments on this thread, she came to my office and said a good news "Pakistan Taliban have announced support for Burmese Muslims" and I looked at her in shock (she is a mod fod lady wears jeans, half sleeves etc etc) for few seconds I was wondering how can she say this is a good news, killers, thugs offering them support and they are willing to accept it ........................ and then obviously I had to explain it to her in detail that look this is not a good news at all, don't worry Pakistan is working on settling and accomodating some Burmese Muslim refugees here in Pakistan, and we feel your pain. Then I explained to her the problems we faced and experience we had with Afghan refugees, and how TTP can never be a good news for her country and Burmese Muslims.

Now decide it for yourself you want TTP trained and loyal Burmese Muslims flocking to Pakistan (because if a mod fod well earning lady can be so desperate to call TTP's support a good news, then think about people who are actually facing the terror at the hands of Buddhists) or you want Burmese Muslims loyal and grateful to Pakistan. The choice is with Pakistanis, they will come either this way or that way, we cannot ignore it.
GoP is considering settling some 10,000,00 Rohingya Muslims in Karachi, Pakistan. This is a good decision (as if we are not yet done with Afghans). However, what about 3,000,00 Bihari Pakistanis, who after 40 years, are still stranded in Bangladesh and living animal's life and yet no successive governments in Pakistan ever bothered to bring them back home? How shameless and callous people are we that we are willing to take Afghans, we are willing to take millions of illegal Bengalis and Burmese, but we are not willing to bring those Biharis back home who fought alongside Pakistan Army in 1971 against Traitor and blood thirsty Mukti Bahini and invading Indian troops? These stranded Pakistanis lost everything, their lives, their belongings, their honor, and yet we are not willing to budge. Shame on us, millions of times.

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چوہدری نثار کی زیر صدارت اجلاس، برما میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے واقعات پر غور اسلام آباد (آن لائن) وفاقی وزیر داخلہ چوہدری نثار کی زیر صدارت برما میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے حوالے سے اجلاس منعقد ہوا، جس میں وزیراعظم کے معاون خصوصی طارق فاطمی، مشیر خارجہ سرتاج عزیز نے شرکت کی۔ اجلاس میں میانمر کے صوبہ روہنگیا میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے معاملے کا بغور جائزہ لیا گیا۔ اجلاس میں اس حوالے سے حکمت عملی بھی بنائی گئی۔ واضح رہے کہ وزیراعظم نواز شریف نے روہنگیا میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے حوالے سے کمیٹی بنائی تھی۔ ادھر روہنگیا مسلمانوں کی نسل کشی پر اقوام متحدہ، اوآئی سی اور دیگر عالمی تنظیموں کی خاموشی پر وفاقی حکومت نے کراچی میں مہاجرین کی آبادکاری پر غور شروع کردیا ہے ۔ آن لائن ذرائع کے مطابق وفاقی حکومت صوبائی حکومت کو اس مد میں کیے جانے والے ممکنہ اقدامات سے آگاہ کرے گی۔ کمیٹی سفارشات کے بعد مہاجرین کی کراچی میں آباد کاری کے حوالے سے اقدامات کو حتمی شکل دی جائے گی۔ ذرائع کے مطابق صوبائی حکومت کی جانب سے روہنگیا کے 30 لاکھ میں سے 10 لاکھ مسلمان مہاجرین کی آباد کاری کو پیش نظر رکھتے ہوئے خیمہ بستیاں قائم کی جائیں گی۔ قابل ذکر امر یہ ہے کہ صوبائی حکومت کی جانب سے ممکنہ آبادی کاری کے تحت کیے جانے والے اقدامات کے پیش نظر مہاجرین کے لیے کراچی میں جگہ کی خریداری اور دیگر بنیادی سہولیات کے لیے پی سی ون بھی تیار کیا جارہا ہے ، جس کے لیے وفاقی اور صوبائی حکومت کے علاوہ کراچی کے بڑے کاروباری حضرات سے بھی رابطہ کیا جائے گا۔ -

Roznama Dunya : پاکستان:-کراچی میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کی آبادکاری پر غور

Very Genuine question.
Malik Riyaz just announced Rs 10,000,000,00 for Rohingya Burmese. He never announced Rs 1.00 for stranded Bihari Pakistanis. You are perhaps not listening to talk shows; there is debate about settling Rohingyas in Pakistan.

Khanjar chaley kisi pey, tadaptey hain hum Ameer
Saarey jahaN ka dard humaarey jigar mein hai

Except for our own people!
May be because Bihar is in India.
What history do we have with bangladeshis? We share a burden of history that's for sure ..

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Bangladehis in bangali para,Karachi ... Over 2 million of these parasites live in Pak .. Alone with millions of afghanis and a million or two "others"....

We host the worlds biggest refugee population a burden on our already fragile and crippled economy ... A stain on our society.

You do realise that majority of these illegal Bangalis that you speak of are actually Biharis, who migrated to West Pakistan from East Pakistan/Bangladesh right?

You want to kick the "Biharis" you already have out, and bring the stranded "Biharis" ?
I observed the same in Lahore.. Here is a market (origa market).. It's like occupied entirely by afghanis who despite owning businesses are still living in kachi abadis on ferozpur road... But than again it's probably their 2nd and 3rd generation growing up here... But they still consider themselves afghans and not Pakistani.. Ghatiya log.

I bet they also look down upon their Punjabi and other Pakistani hosts. They call Punjabis and urdu speakers "hindu" yet profess to be good muslims in the same sentence. They !@#$in hate everyone, lol. Lagta hai yajjuj majjuj ki aulaad hain saalay. Afghan pashtuns are by far the worst when it comes to extreme racism and retardedness, I dare say. Check out their website pashtunforums. There's more hate on it than that redneck neo-nazi website stormfront.org. Arabs, Hazara, Farsiwans, Iranians; everyone is waajib-ul-qatal there. Some of them are so dumb it's actually funny. Like this one person was commenting how we Potoharis are the "worst of Punjabis", for we are considered uncouth and barbaric by even Lahoris according to them. That gave me a genuine laugh.

PS: I prefer hindu Indians than Afghanis any time of the day. Lol.
People settle where there are facilities and jobs. Pasni and Gwadar do not have enough water for large population and they will remain utilitarian towns.


The state needs to ask the dutch to donate water desalination plants to meet the supply of a city----. Just tell the rohingas---that is what you have----that is all we can give----build it operate---make something out of it-----.
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