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Rohingya Burmese are acceptable but not stranded Bihari Pakistanis - Shame on GoP

Looks like you too are a Bengali and were born 9 months after that incident

Traitor mukti bahini? Come on if w Pakistan had handed over the reins to them after the elections and not massacred and raped 3 million Bengals, this would have Bennett happened. Also in that war Pakistan attacked India first. Die to that war some 20 million bangla are still in India

We already have too many illegal immigrants in this country. We don't need no more.

GoP is considering settling some 10,000,00 Rohingya Muslims in Karachi, Pakistan. This is a good decision (as if we are not yet done with Afghans). However, what about 3,000,00 Bihari Pakistanis, who after 40 years, are still stranded in Bangladesh and living animal's life and yet no successive governments in Pakistan ever bothered to bring them back home? How shameless and callous people are we that we are willing to take Afghans, we are willing to take millions of illegal Bengalis and Burmese, but we are not willing to bring those Biharis back home who fought alongside Pakistan Army in 1971 against Traitor and blood thirsty Mukti Bahini and invading Indian troops? These stranded Pakistanis lost everything, their lives, their belongings, their honor, and yet we are not willing to budge. Shame on us, millions of times.

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چوہدری نثار کی زیر صدارت اجلاس، برما میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے واقعات پر غور اسلام آباد (آن لائن) وفاقی وزیر داخلہ چوہدری نثار کی زیر صدارت برما میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے حوالے سے اجلاس منعقد ہوا، جس میں وزیراعظم کے معاون خصوصی طارق فاطمی، مشیر خارجہ سرتاج عزیز نے شرکت کی۔ اجلاس میں میانمر کے صوبہ روہنگیا میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے معاملے کا بغور جائزہ لیا گیا۔ اجلاس میں اس حوالے سے حکمت عملی بھی بنائی گئی۔ واضح رہے کہ وزیراعظم نواز شریف نے روہنگیا میں مسلمانوں کے قتل عام کے حوالے سے کمیٹی بنائی تھی۔ ادھر روہنگیا مسلمانوں کی نسل کشی پر اقوام متحدہ، اوآئی سی اور دیگر عالمی تنظیموں کی خاموشی پر وفاقی حکومت نے کراچی میں مہاجرین کی آبادکاری پر غور شروع کردیا ہے ۔ آن لائن ذرائع کے مطابق وفاقی حکومت صوبائی حکومت کو اس مد میں کیے جانے والے ممکنہ اقدامات سے آگاہ کرے گی۔ کمیٹی سفارشات کے بعد مہاجرین کی کراچی میں آباد کاری کے حوالے سے اقدامات کو حتمی شکل دی جائے گی۔ ذرائع کے مطابق صوبائی حکومت کی جانب سے روہنگیا کے 30 لاکھ میں سے 10 لاکھ مسلمان مہاجرین کی آباد کاری کو پیش نظر رکھتے ہوئے خیمہ بستیاں قائم کی جائیں گی۔ قابل ذکر امر یہ ہے کہ صوبائی حکومت کی جانب سے ممکنہ آبادی کاری کے تحت کیے جانے والے اقدامات کے پیش نظر مہاجرین کے لیے کراچی میں جگہ کی خریداری اور دیگر بنیادی سہولیات کے لیے پی سی ون بھی تیار کیا جارہا ہے ، جس کے لیے وفاقی اور صوبائی حکومت کے علاوہ کراچی کے بڑے کاروباری حضرات سے بھی رابطہ کیا جائے گا۔ -

Roznama Dunya : پاکستان:-کراچی میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کی آبادکاری پر غور
Pakistan must accept Rohingas and stranded people in Bangladesh, The issue of stranded people in Bangladesh has dragged on since the resettlement was opposed by the Sindhis speakers who feared of being overwhelmed in their own native province. Even if these refugees are settled in other parts of Pakistan most will eventually move to Karachi since the metropolitan and multi-ethnic city is welcoming and offers more opportunities than any other city in Pakistan. There was millions of dollars offered by the OIC to resettle stranded people from Bangladesh but the Sindhi opposition was crucial in delaying it for more than 45 years.
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Looks like you too are a Bengali and were born 9 months after that incident

We already have too many illegal immigrants in this country. We don't need no more.
Lol, that's all you got? Insulting your army which was captured by Indians by calling them rapists?

I would suggest---that there should be a moratorium for new settlers to not to move to Karachi----.

Why don't these people settle Gwadar or Pasni----give them barren land---give them space and see what they make out of themselves----.

Don't give them Karachi.
Hi, I think that if we deport our afghan brothers----we can make room for the Biharis and Rohyngas as well.

When USA cannot deport its illegals how can we deport Afghan refugees that settled in Pakistan for last 35 years. They must be given Pakistan nationality.

We already have too many illegal immigrants in this country. We don't need no more.

You don't know anything aboutt the issues instead create controversy by your foolish comments.
It's always tricky to take on and assimilate a large number of people based on ideology. There will be a time when they will ask for rights based on their culture and that's when problems will start.
Why don't these people settle Gwadar or Pasni----give them barren land---give them space and see what they make out of themselves----.Don't give them Karachi.

People settle where there are facilities and jobs. Pasni and Gwadar do not have enough water for large population and they will remain utilitarian towns.
Biharis were given an option to let go their identity and become Bengalis; this is easier said than done especially in a time when there was perhaps some glimmer of hope (Mard-e-Momin was in power). Charity begins at home and you know it very well. We tend to attend unfinished business first and then move on to take up the new task. Stranded Biharis are our own people, who are waiting to come back home and it is more than 40 years now. Only if things would happen logically, they would have been brought back home before inviting millions of thankless Afghans and now Rohingya.

You are in a situation where your brother is needed to be taken to hospital and you are attending your neighbors; it is not the attending neighbors is a bad thing but preference goes to your brother who is in your house and needed to be taken to hospital. Charity begins at home, even in Quran it is mentioned like this. Zawil Qurba, wal Yutama, wal Masakeen. Begin with those who are your relatives, than attend orphans, then attend Masakeen and so forth. Situation is such that people of Karachi have no water to drink, the water reservoir is all time low, the population is soared. How on earth are we going to sustain additional million or so Rohingya? Karachi is on brink of civil war perhaps you are not gauging the anger that is brewing due to heat, scarcity of water, absence of electricity etc.

I'm not an urdu speaker bro.. I have no hatred or biasness for any ethnic group of Pak and as a Pakistani I fully support the idea of bringing back stranded Pakistanis ...
In my blunt but honest opinion: no Rohingya, no Bihari, no Afghan.

Bangladesh and Pakistan both sprung out of Lahore resolution, hence the two countries should jointly bear the brunt of pre-partition refugees. The Biharis of Bangladesh should try and mend fences with Bengalis. We Pakistanis are not the sole thekaydaars of ummah. Bringing those stranded Biharis to Pakistan would add to existing ethnic tensions in the southern parts of the country. Besides, Pakistan's already overpopulated as of yet.

As for Rohingya, many have already illegally migrated to Pakistan. MQM granted them fake nationalities in exchange for their votes. I fail to see how lakhs of them came to Pakistan; a country 1000 miles away. If anything, Bangladesh should take them in for they are their kinsmen. Rohingya language is a dialect of Bengali.
I don't support any idea of settling stranded Pakistani let alone any Rohingya or Afghani. Those stranded Biharis should had opted for Bangladesh when Pakistani leaders ignored them at first place. Let bygone be bygone.

As far as Afghanis are concerned, they should be rather thrown out with a stick. They have exhausted Karachi's resources, entire bus mafia is controlled by them, locals are unemployed, city facing severe water shortage yet we are thinking about inviting more freaking Muslims in Karachi.
In my blunt but honest opinion: no Rohingya, no Bihari, no Afghan.

Bangladesh and Pakistan both sprung out of Lahore resolution, hence the two countries should jointly bear the brunt of pre-partition refugees. The Biharis of Bangladesh should try and mend fences with Bengalis. We Pakistanis are not the sole thekaydaars of ummah. Bringing those stranded Biharis to Pakistan would add to existing ethnic tensions in the southern parts of the country. Besides, Pakistan's already overpopulated as of yet.

As for Rohingya, many have already illegally migrated to Pakistan. MQM granted them fake nationalities in exchange for their votes. I fail to see how lakhs of them came to Pakistan; a country 1000 miles away. If anything, Bangladesh should take them in for they are their kinsmen. Rohingya language is a dialect of Bengali.

If somebody suffers and sacrifices for this country irrespective of his roots he should be given citizenship..

These people have been facing discrimination since decades for a Pakistan they have never seen ..
If anything, Bangladesh should take them in for they are their kinsmen. Rohingya language is a dialect of Bengali.

Stranded Pakistanis are Pakistani citizens !!! Europe, Canada and USA is accepting refugees from Middle East which is 1000-8000 miles away and a different culture. Pakistani has population density and can absorb these refugees.
In my blunt but honest opinion: no Rohingya, no Bihari, no Afghan.

Bangladesh and Pakistan both sprung out of Lahore resolution, hence the two countries should jointly bear the brunt of pre-partition refugees. The Biharis of Bangladesh should try and mend fences with Bengalis. We Pakistanis are not the sole thekaydaars of ummah. Bringing those stranded Biharis to Pakistan would add to existing ethnic tensions in the southern parts of the country. Besides, Pakistan's already overpopulated as of yet.

As for Rohingya, many have already illegally migrated to Pakistan. MQM granted them fake nationalities in exchange for their votes. I fail to see how lakhs of them came to Pakistan; a country 1000 miles away. If anything, Bangladesh should take them in for they are their kinsmen. Rohingya language is a dialect of Bengali.
Will Bangladesh have a stake in poKashmir?
People settle where there are facilities and jobs. Pasni and Gwadar do not have enough water for large population and they will remain utilitarian towns.
No water in Karachi either. Ethnic and secterian tensions are all time high. It would be extremely unwise of GoP to bring more settlers in Karachi. Pakistan is but the part of Muslim ummah and we are no universal contractor to give shelter to everybody. We can chip in some money to help Rohingya but are unable to do anything more than that. I hope General Shareef will give a shutup call to GoP morons if they indeed have plans for the said charity.

Aap Mian mangtey, bahar khadey Derwaish.

I would suggest---that there should be a moratorium for new settlers to not to move to Karachi----.

Why don't these people settle Gwadar or Pasni----give them barren land---give them space and see what they make out of themselves----.

Don't give them Karachi.

Bhai close to 90% balochistan is uninhabited but there are also security concerns ...

Karachi is already exploding with its population time bomb I agree..
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