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Reham Khan book discussions

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and had no evidence what so ever except for her "good" word... Her book says he...

1. Likes men
2. Likes trannies
3. Is into bestiality
4. Is a crack head
5. Is a heroin addict
6. Is an rapist - or at least sexual assaults
7. Is crazy
8. Is unstable
9. Is the biggest liar
10. Is actually secretly corrupt
11.Is physically abusive
12. Has a small peepee

She threw evrything at him... ... And she still married him??? ... Lol... What a liar!
I am tell you, she badly in love with Imran Khan. These sign of hate show the depth of love she has for Imran Khan.



Then don't generalize your personal encounters with IK for 200 million people, also don't try to be representative of them.
that is strange , never seen a person who compliment women by calling them khusra ... woow. Kabira ji all is well ?
very strange .

It's all bull crap. The only highly frustrated ones, like truck drivers go for the khusraz, and no ..... Pakistani women would kill you if you compare them with khusra.

As for IK ...... I personally know a guy who is into this flesh industry, a pimp who wouldn't hesitate to offer you girls to extract favors from you, I have seen that guy on PTI stages and boasting about his links in PTI. Pakistanis are desperate for a Messiah to come to the mess they created our decades, and in that desperation....... anyone would work for them.
its might only be normal for you not for the rest of Pakistanis
Why are you defending the indefensible? Imran making out with a Khusra, was he under the influence of drink or drugs?
that is strange , never seen a person who compliment women by calling them khusra ... woow. Kabira ji all is well ?

Imran Khan did that, please read OP before posting in thread.

Apparently, one night he had spotted an absolutely beautiful woman. He had never seen anyone so stunning. They got down to the business, only for Imran to find that the encounter was not with a woman. I asked him what he did next and he simply replied, “It was too late to stop”.
Imran Khan did that, please read OP before posting in thread.

Apparently, one night he had spotted an absolutely beautiful woman. He had never seen anyone so stunning. They got down to the business, only for Imran to find that the encounter was not with a woman. I asked him what he did next and he simply replied, “It was too late to stop”.
Wonder why after publishing her book only Munib muna interviewed her and rest all media ignored her. Even Munib Farooq shy away reading parts from her book and end the interview in hast .
I think Nawaz and his league should end this dirty politics. It started from Nusrat Bhutto and later Benazir targeted. Dropping pictures from planes and helicopters. Now they used Reham .
Why are you defending the indefensible? Imran making out with a Khusra, was he under the influence of drink or drugs?

he is saying spending time with Khusras is favourite pass time of all Pakistanis, why wouldn't i defend against it?
Imran Khan did that, please read OP before posting in thread.

Apparently, one night he had spotted an absolutely beautiful woman. He had never seen anyone so stunning. They got down to the business, only for Imran to find that the encounter was not with a woman. I asked him what he did next and he simply replied, “It was too late to stop”.

i don't think imran will have any interest in transgender , there are lakhs of women who are ready to marry him ?
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