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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Moreover, a foreign leader interfered in the fundamental right of Americans to protest and said they are Iranian agents something which even Trump didn't say.
It isn't genocide, it is Arab human and children sacrifice for the sake of normalization based on ancient tradition. To most Israelis, Arabs don't count as human so it is even better.
Swedish Prime Minister: "Israel has the right to genocide".

Because it is an ancient Semitic sacrificial normalization tradition. European, American, and Arab moderates are in agreement on this.
Other forum is under attack by Israel's cyber force. They don't want us to cover the conflict. We will continue here until situation is secured.

Update on Gaza:

- A massacre at a school in Deir Al Balah, martyring 40 civilians and injuring over 100
- Israel army deliberately destroys water reservoirs in Rafah
-A new ground incursion into Khan Yunis

-Hezbollah striking hard today. Hezbollah struck a military bus for the Israeli military killing two soldiers and injuring more. Hezbollah heavy rocket strikes on northern Israel. Reports of 5 Israeli's killed.
Bless Hezbollah for avenging the Deir Al Balah massacre this morning. Netanyahu the terrorist facist Jew is endangering Israel and Jewish terrorists around the world. If he doesn't back down and stop the genocide, this is going to explode and it will become hunting season on Jewish terrorists.

Rich Man, Poor Man. Multi-billionaire American terrified of speaking about Israel (anything other than absolute praise).
His life is flashing before his eyes and defers to Israel. Why didn't he defer to the American vision of the New World Order articulated by Bush Sr.
During the conflict we saw that most if not all of the targets Hezbollah hit were of military nature. Hezbollah also claimed that attack was not made by them.

Several days ago israel hit an area kiling 30 civilians. This attack in golan heights which is made by themselves(israel) or some of their controlled proxy groups in Labennon serves the purpose of brushing off the israeli attack several days ago. They have less support from the public in western countries with these types of attacks. Also trying to escalate the conflict of war with Labennon.

Hezbollah can:
-station the leaders in underground tunnels-small bunkers which cannot be detected by any western technology as yet we saw in Ukraine as well as Gaza.
-make clear that the conflict will only include border areas and military targets and if israel accepts ceasefire proposal it will finish. The intensity depends proportinally on israeli future attacks and escalations.
-obtain more sam systems from Iran( the jet engine sam below with iir targeting system works but there can be other better systems. Pantsyr systems missile(no truck remove the truck which can easily be targeted by israel. Only take 57E6E rocket(80kg 15km altitude) and use it with 358 missiles iir targeting system)
-gradually increasing shahed(or similar) drone swarm attacks to energy structures oil depots etc. If war breaks out make it clear that ammo depots and oil will be fully targeted. Not only in border areas but everywhere.
-worst case scenario if israel goes out all in targeting measures should be ready for israels water facilities and water channels as a deterrance measure.
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