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KP has completed planning for adding 1471 Megawatts through Hydel Power Generation!

and the federal govt?
i am simply quoting a fact that building any mega project requires foreign financing, without which, it is not possible for federal govt let alone a provincial govt.
Lahore and pindi metros are completed without any foreign funding or loans
Quaid azam solar park has also been completed without any loan or foreign funding. I just quoted recent projects, i can list dozens of more.
It is only matter of will and priority
If you think about it, they could actually put turbines where the stairs are in the Metro swimming pools so that the flow of water can produce electricity :lol:.
Hahaaha good one
Lahore and pindi metros are completed without any foreign funding or loans
Quaid azam solar park has also been completed without any loan or foreign funding. I just quoted recent projects, i can list dozens of more.
It is only matter of will and priority
i work in a private company where we are setting up a 120 mwtts coal power plant , it is without any foreign funding . If a private company can do it why not a provincial govt . Any thing between 100 to 1000 mwatts they can do with their own funding . But they dont have the priority . KPK govt has distributed the funds among all the kpk mpas and PTI mnas , we know where this money goes ? It is wested on intrest and nothing else .
Fact 1-if you try to understand me you will get your answer , How come sindh is able to finance its THAR COAL AND COAL MINING projects ? because they had good coordination with fed govt , how can u coordinate and ask for fed govt for support KPK govt in financial loans if you even cant sit with them on one table because of bitterness(forget about right or wrong ). MOreover how can u understand because you are tired of the link that tells that CM KPK refused more than once to visit China for finance arrangements.End of the day poor streategy of kpk govt.
FACT 2 -You cannot tell about the cost of electricity per kwt hr for swat hyro unless you do its financial arrangement and its financial closure , It is speculative figure because if you dont know the interest rates you cannot give the rates of power to be generated .Rates are different in every deal of ADB, WB, private sector ,chinese etc .So please stop this comparison.
FACT 3- If same KPK rulers (ANP and PPP) in federal govt and in province too could give hydro money to its province then KPK should chill out .But i support that the share must be given to kpk but it will take lot of time , things are too bitter at the moment .
Fact 4- Supreme court can send Prime minister home , it is so powerful , how it is possible that they cannot implement its order of kpk share ? kp must fight case in court strongly.
  1. should i post the supreme court order judgment news here?
  2. should i post the feasibility report details for swat hydro, Nepra is offering up tarrif for hydro, should i post that document, if you lazy enough to go and visit NEPRA site yourself?
  3. why do you think ANP lost, remeber ANP were able to sign the deal finally, the new govt scrapped it, i can post that details too?
i can do that but it will be wastage of my precious time
KP government is only good at "planning". Execution is a different thing altogether, and far beyond their capability.
and the federal govt?
i am simply quoting a fact that building any mega project requires foreign financing, without which, it is not possible for federal govt let alone a provincial govt.

These are hardly mega projects apart from Gahrit 377MW which will cost $1.8 billion over 8 years of construction. If KPK want to build dams instead of metros from its own budget then they can do it.
  1. should i post the supreme court order judgment news here?
  2. should i post the feasibility report details for swat hydro, Nepra is offering up tarrif for hydro, should i post that document, if you lazy enough to go and visit NEPRA site yourself?
  3. why do you think ANP lost, remeber ANP were able to sign the deal finally, the new govt scrapped it, i can post that details too?
i can do that but it will be wastage of my precious time
1- pls read my post carefully , i have not questioned the judgement? i have questioned the KPK govts inability to pursue with supreme court for its implementation .Supreme court can very well implement its orders but if the petitioner is sleeping then you can forget it .
2- Sir Nepra is not a magician that it knows the tarrif before it know the rate of interest for funding required to build a hydro power . Feasibilites change with interest rates . It is hypothesis on nepras account . You must understand it . i get a loan now from it is 6- 7 % , two year ago it was 12 % from a local bank . Now nepra cannot foresee these things . It will change its tarrif after actual implementation as the company can always apply for revised tarrif .
3- I am not here to defend the ANP govt , the things which they couldnt do in their 5 years , they signed and left for the new govt just like Pak IRAN pipeline .
If you cant listen to the opposite opinion , you call it wastage of time . Nobody forces you to post here , it is your sweet will .
1- pls read my post carefully , i have not questioned the judgement? i have questioned the KPK govts inability to pursue with supreme court for its implementation .Supreme court can very well implement its orders but if the petitioner is sleeping then you can forget it .
2- Sir Nepra is not a magician that it knows the tarrif before it know the rate of interest for funding required to build a hydro power . Feasibilites change with interest rates . It is hypothesis on nepras account . You must understand it . i get a loan now from it is 6- 7 % , two year ago it was 12 % from a local bank . Now nepra cannot foresee these things . It will change its tarrif after actual implementation as the company can always apply for revised tarrif .
3- I am not here to defend the ANP govt , the things which they couldnt do in their 5 years , they signed and left for the new govt just like Pak IRAN pipeline .
If you cant listen to the opposite opinion , you call it wastage of time . Nobody forces you to post here , it is your sweet will .
These are hardly mega projects apart from Gahrit 377MW which will cost $1.8 billion over 8 years of construction. If KPK want to build dams instead of metros from its own budget then they can do it.

help!, how can I win an argument against 2 die hard PML N fans... :D

anyways, lets hope PML N performs good, full-filling at least 50% of its promises made in its manifesto. That will help Pakistan o become a better economy and stable.

their Ideas are great, its full filling these ideas that are flawed
help!, how can I win an argument against 2 die hard PML N fans... :D

anyways, lets hope PML N performs good, full-filling at least 50% of its promises made in its manifesto. That will help Pakistan achieve a better economy.

I voted for PTI and forced (convinced :angel:) my extended relatives do the same. As I said if dams are build then full credit to PTI, if god forbid they can't then blame goes to N. :-)
Ah yes! Making excuses and shifting responsibility and playing blame-game when asked why Nawaz Sharif hasn't visited the dead and dying at Jinnah Hospital in Karachi.. response from @FunkyGen was 'we have 60% Pakistan a.k.a Punjab so go f*** yourself' because PMLN leadership is not obliged to visit dying Pakistanis in Karachi just because they didn't vote for PMLN.. but we are happy to take federal taxes from you Karachiites..

When this patwari is told that, given his rationale for Nawaz Sharif not visiting Karachi, perhaps Karachi should stop paying federal taxes since federal government doesn't want to take responsibility or even send the Prime Minister to share in the grief of the dead and perhaps even breakaway, the patwari starts jumping up and down with threats of 'you can try' to breakaway..

Patwari = Paisay ka pujaari.. wants taxes from Karachiites.. but cannot even send the Prime Minister to say two words of kindness to the lawahiqeen of the dead Pakistanis in Karachi.

Great PR for PMLN by @FunkyGen

I actually told you in my previous reply that PML is definitely not for karachite as long as they don't vote for it... PML is not a revolutionary party and is not a popular movement in that sorta way...

As soon as karchiites start voting for it things will change, another good option is pti...

punjab + baluch + GB = 60 %

i am not jumping i wouldn't even fart for you dude so things are fine on this front...

i am not a PR man if i were i would be painlessly trying to sell you some BS which i am definitely not... as far as breaking goes you can try and the first thing you'd get is a bullet in you ***... i am a patriot so don't talk about breaking pakistan i front of me, gives the notion you're a "muhajir"...

I voted for PTI and forced (convinced :angel:) my extended relatives do the same. As I said if dams are build then full credit to PTI, if god forbid they can't then blame goes to N. :-)
hopefully you are reconsidering just as i am, voted for them and was overwhelmingly disappointed when found that ik was just a front man for something... he's not even a real leader...
I voted for PTI and forced (convinced :angel:) my extended relatives do the same. As I said if dams are build then full credit to PTI, if god forbid they can't then blame goes to N. :-)
thats odd, never seen a voter being disappointed so early..
you preach to give time to PML N and you yourself decided within months....
as on this forum you have been die hard PML N fan for years

boy you should learn not to be tricked so easily..
to me no party is all good or bad.

thats the reason you will see my even praising PPPP where it deserve it praise.
thats odd, never seen a voter being disappointed so early..
you preach to give time to PML N and you yourself decided within months....
as on this forum you have been die hard PML N fan for years

boy you should learn not to be tricked so easily..
to me no party is all good or bad.

thats the reason you will see my even praising PPPP where it deserve it praise.

I did support PTI before election. PIA, Railways etc all have seen improvement under N. For power lets wait and see till 2018 if promised 10000mw get added to national grid. PPP does not deserve any praise, its party of looteras and corrupt. Only PTI ans N are relatively less corrupt.

I supported PTI just because of IK, since he is probably on non-corrupt politician in Pakistan.
When will it be finished? What track record does PTI have of project completion?
planning is the early stage of implementation.

We will see when it happens... We have planned projects from 1970s and only very few of them ever got completed. Even most of the projects mentioned in the first post are old and we are aware of it.

They need funds to start implementation and we know the Federal government may need to guarantee that to foreign investors and we are not sure how co-operate the federal government will be for notorious K-P government who has been trying to destabilise the Federal government through dharna politics ever since they came to power.

For 1470MW of electricity, we might need 4-5 billion dollars and K-P government does not have resources to complete such projects from its own resources. We'll see how it goes
help!, how can I win an argument against 2 die hard PML N fans... :D

anyways, lets hope PML N performs good, full-filling at least 50% of its promises made in its manifesto. That will help Pakistan o become a better economy and stable.

their Ideas are great, its full filling these ideas that are flawed
No sir, i respect your views and an informed person like you is always good to chat with and adds to the good colour in discussion . it is not win and loss but it digs out the inner details of any topic .

planning is the early stage of implementation.

We will see when it happens... We have planned projects from 1970s and only very few of them ever got completed. Even most of the projects mentioned in the first post are old and we are aware of it.

They need funds to start implementation and we know the Federal government may need to guarantee that to foreign investors and we are not sure how co-operate the federal government will be for notorious K-P government who has been trying to destabilise the Federal government through dharna politics ever since they came to power.

For 1470MW of electricity, we might need 4-5 billion dollars and K-P government does not have resources to complete such projects from its own resources. We'll see how it goes
you dont have resources for 1470 mwtts but dont you have funds for 140 mwtts or 240 or 340 mwwtts . Very simple just dedicate 5 percent of your KP budget for energy and you could do it .
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