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KP has completed planning for adding 1471 Megawatts through Hydel Power Generation!

The total output of 350 micro Hydel is not even 20% of averaged size small dam so no KP would be able to build those 350 dams. It's actually not even a dam... Just a mini reservoir at some places. Imagine what you can do with 1 crore rupees of some mini Hydel projects... Sometimes even the land costs more than that

And.... It is not the formula which Punjab followed, most foreign investors wants the government to allocate at least 25% funds from local resources
It means the impression given by PTI about heartthumping of 350 dams is settling slowly and gradually , ok good enough . Secondly in the first phase of solar park i.e 100 mwatts , there is no foreign funding involved , it is funding by Punjab govt and Bank of Punjab . I wonder why KP govt do not go for coal power plants even 100 or 200 mwatts are good enough to start with .Set up cost is just 1.5 million USD per mwatt .
It means the impression given by PTI about heartthumping of 350 dams is settling slowly and gradually , ok good enough . Secondly in the first phase of solar park i.e 100 mwatts , there is no foreign funding involved , it is funding by Punjab govt and Bank of Punjab . I wonder why KP govt do not go for coal power plants even 100 or 200 mwatts are good enough to start with .Set up cost is just 1.5 million USD per mwatt .
Coal power plants in KPK highlands? You must be joking! Build some of these in Sindh where they actually have coal first :D
It means the impression given by PTI about heartthumping of 350 dams is settling slowly and gradually , ok good enough . Secondly in the first phase of solar park i.e 100 mwatts , there is no foreign funding involved , it is funding by Punjab govt and Bank of Punjab . I wonder why KP govt do not go for coal power plants even 100 or 200 mwatts are good enough to start with .Set up cost is just 1.5 million USD per mwatt .
It will be stupid for them to build coal fired power plants in K-P when they are already blessed with abundance of water. It is not a personal choice actually when you want to take the maximum benefit out of your resources.

The ideal type of electricity generation for each province is

K-P: Hydo, Hydro, Hydro and Wind in future
Punjab: mix of Hydro and imported Coal and Solar for future
Sindh: Coal Gasification, Imported Coal, Solar and Wind for future
Balochistan: Gas, Imported Coal and Solar for future

Nuclear is a wonderful option wherever possible
there is high quality coal in KPK, especially in chitral, hazra and buneer. problem is lack of infrastuture
Thanks God there is some informed person among these Pti supporters. Infrastructure can be built by kp govt ,kp govt can work on some good sites and use a good load centre vicinity for coal power plants . By this way they can get rid of transmission line issues . Afghan coal is being used in Punjab for power generation and steam generation , its quality is good too and it would be cheaper in KPk compared to Punjab .

It will be stupid for them to build coal fired power plants in K-P when they are already blessed with abundance of water. It is not a personal choice actually when you want to take the maximum benefit out of your resources.

The ideal type of electricity generation for each province is

K-P: Hydo, Hydro, Hydro and Wind in future
Punjab: mix of Hydro and imported Coal and Solar for future
Sindh: Coal Gasification, Imported Coal, Solar and Wind for future
Balochistan: Gas, Imported Coal and Solar for future

Nuclear is a wonderful option wherever possible
Why coal power is not feasible in KPK and is feasible in Punjab ? just think over it ?
Thanks God there is some informed person among these Pti supporters. Infrastructure can be built by kp govt ,kp govt can work on some good sites and use a good load centre vicinity for coal power plants . By this way they can get rid of transmission line issues . Afghan coal is being used in Punjab for power generation and steam generation , its quality is good too and it would be cheaper in KPk compared to Punjab .

Why coal power is not feasible in KPK and is feasible in Punjab ? just think over it ?
its feasible no doubt about it.

but hydro is far more better and attractive
Thanks God there is some informed person among these Pti supporters. Infrastructure can be built by kp govt ,kp govt can work on some good sites and use a good load centre vicinity for coal power plants . By this way they can get rid of transmission line issues . Afghan coal is being used in Punjab for power generation and steam generation , its quality is good too and it would be cheaper in KPk compared to Punjab .

Why coal power is not feasible in KPK and is feasible in Punjab ? just think over it ?
When you can buy something for 500 why spend 800?

Hydro is bit more expensive for construction cost but almost free electricity generation for the life span of the project. Coal on the other hand is always going to be costly import of fuel
When you can buy something for 500 why spend 800?

Hydro is bit more expensive for construction cost but almost free electricity generation for the life span of the project. Coal on the other hand is always going to be costly import of fuel
1- You need more investment to set up a hydro power , if KP can do it go ahead .
2- You need lesser investment if you go for coal power which is widely used as a source of power in the world.
3- completion time is less in case of coal .
4- Coal power runs on the peak workable capacity throughout the year while hydro is dependant on water flows .
5- There is no free electricity in hydro , it costs you about Rs 8 /kw hr in new structures .
1- You need more investment to set up a hydro power , if KP can do it go ahead .
2- You need lesser investment if you go for coal power which is widely used as a source of power in the world.
3- completion time is less in case of coal .
4- Coal power runs on the peak workable capacity throughout the year while hydro is dependant on water flows .
5- There is no free electricity in hydro , it costs you about Rs 8 /kw hr in new structures .

depends, on average hydro is 6rs in high interest loans (govt projects) for 10 yrs followed by 3-4 rsand 8rs for private investment with 4 years return rate, i.e investor gets every thing back in 4 years

coal requires high investment too, time of completion for coal is 2- 3 yrs vs 4-5 on hydro

just look at fedral govt in ability to get coal online. As private investor cant get easy credit for coal in comparison to LNG
1- You need more investment to set up a hydro power , if KP can do it go ahead .
2- You need lesser investment if you go for coal power which is widely used as a source of power in the world.
3- completion time is less in case of coal .
4- Coal power runs on the peak workable capacity throughout the year while hydro is dependant on water flows .
5- There is no free electricity in hydro , it costs you about Rs 8 /kw hr in new structures .
Yes but that is due to the foreign investment. Those who invest wants to earn profit in return and you have to offer them good interest rate to make their investment worth it. But as soon as the project is handed over back to the GoP, the generation cost will be brought back to under 1-2 rupees due to maintenance cost.

The thing is, Coal-fired power plants runs on fuel called "Coal" which you need to import it.
Hydro power projects runs on the fuel called "water"... which you do not need to import it and flows in naturally

The cost of Hydro is more expensive but it is worth an investment otherwise the water blessed nations wouldn't be going for more expensive Hydro than less expensive Coal or LNG plants which ultimately turns out to be more expensive when you estimate the total cost of construction and fuel after 10 or so years.




Yes but that is due to the foreign investment. Those who invest wants to earn profit in return and you have to offer them good interest rate to make their investment worth it. But as soon as the project is handed over back to the GoP, the generation cost will be brought back to under 1-2 rupees due to maintenance cost.

The thing is, Coal-fired power plants runs on fuel called "Coal" which you need to import it.
Hydro power projects runs on the fuel called "water"... which you do not need to import it and flows in naturally

The cost of Hydro is more expensive but it is worth an investment otherwise the water blessed nations wouldn't be going for more expensive Hydro than less expensive Coal or LNG plants which ultimately turns out to be more expensive when you estimate the total cost of construction and fuel after 10 or so years.
It is the reality that hydro projects are life line for any country , to fill the gaps of power generation you cant rely on small hydro projects . You need bigger dams and hydro power for that like Mangla , terbella etc . It is a must for the country . Even if it is built now by a new investment by any financial institution it will cost somewhere arround Rs 7-8 / kwthr because investment is quite huge . You can judge and calculate yourself that Bhasha requires 12 billion USD and would produce 4500 Mwatts . You can calculate unit price yourself , but once the debt debt servicing ends then its a party time for a country . It must be a top most priority for any govt to go for it .
But you country cannot rely on hydro power only , it is simply not sustainable . In our country the 65% rain falls in 30 percent time of the year i.e june , july , august . Rest 70 percent of the time is dry and you cannot produce peak loads with hydro powers dams . Some times in winters the Terbella produces just 10 percent of its installed capacity . Therefore to run a country you need coal power / nuclear / alternative energy / furnace oil plants. Coal is a good cheaper solution along with nuclear power .
For imported coal usage it is a curse , India is using its coal in Rajisthan coal power plants very succesfully. Ironically we had gas in our country so we didnt work on coal and bio mass however indians mastered the coal and bio mass technology . Many Indian companies built their own power plants based on coal and biomass and uses their own coal . We can use the imported coal but we must design our power plants with the provisions so that those could run on local coal too . We must use local coal in our coal power plants too . We would not be needing foreign exchange reserves to procure coal anymore .
Great projects.

What is timeline on the completion of the largest 5?
It is the reality that hydro projects are life line for any country , to fill the gaps of power generation you cant rely on small hydro projects . You need bigger dams and hydro power for that like Mangla , terbella etc . It is a must for the country . Even if it is built now by a new investment by any financial institution it will cost somewhere arround Rs 7-8 / kwthr because investment is quite huge . You can judge and calculate yourself that Bhasha requires 12 billion USD and would produce 4500 Mwatts . You can calculate unit price yourself , but once the debt debt servicing ends then its a party time for a country . It must be a top most priority for any govt to go for it .
But you country cannot rely on hydro power only , it is simply not sustainable . In our country the 65% rain falls in 30 percent time of the year i.e june , july , august . Rest 70 percent of the time is dry and you cannot produce peak loads with hydro powers dams . Some times in winters the Terbella produces just 10 percent of its installed capacity . Therefore to run a country you need coal power / nuclear / alternative energy / furnace oil plants. Coal is a good cheaper solution along with nuclear power .
For imported coal usage it is a curse , India is using its coal in Rajisthan coal power plants very succesfully. Ironically we had gas in our country so we didnt work on coal and bio mass however indians mastered the coal and bio mass technology . Many Indian companies built their own power plants based on coal and biomass and uses their own coal . We can use the imported coal but we must design our power plants with the provisions so that those could run on local coal too . We must use local coal in our coal power plants too . We would not be needing foreign exchange reserves to procure coal anymore .
we didnt work on coal because we had too much gas and too much hydro..we were literally rolling in energy plus we made a political decision to work on imported oil in 2000s(as we are doing it now with LNG). oil was only slightly expensive but affordable back than
what went wrong was since 2000s we were sleeping off and no major gas discoveries in last 20 years and no major hydro project in last 40 years.
had we built just 1-2 dams or a dam every 10 years we would have not needed coal
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